The Michael Jackson mystery keeps filling the newspapers, blogs, TV bulletins, tabloids, twitter-airwaves, glossy and trashy magazines,... Today I spotted that the LA cops reported that Wacko Jacko died while holding a child-sized porcelain doll.
Anybody still in doubt that some fuses in MJ’s head were tripping?
And earlier in the week it was reported that the Moonwalker enjoyed a couple of times being resuscitated by electro-shocks. The Moonwalker was drifting far of into space. Orbit lost. “Houston, Houston, we have a problem”
Anybody any doubts yet that MJ was maybe not really well? I mean, cuddling a child-sized doll (in bed) and enjoying the twilight zone between life and death,... is that considered normal practice? Is that average human behaviour or symptomatic for psycho patients?
The Moonwalker was wacko. Full stop. May he now find peace of mind and mental tranquility.
From moon walking to diplomacy. Shouldn’t be too difficult. Hillary Clinton seems to have unstoppable energy these days. She was in India selling guns but failing to clinch a global warming deal with the Indians. Then she was back home but her British counterpart passed by for tea and to talk about that other-deathtrap-besides-Iraq, Afghanistan. Elections there next month. I have a slight suspicion that the bearded Taliban are just sitting in their mountain caves and letting the election focus just pass by before coming down with a vengeance just days after the US and its NATO allies have announced victory. This entire military built up now just doesn’t feel like solving anything on the semi-long term. What is for sure, the Afghanis deserve peace so they can built a future. Sad story.
So US travel agent Hillary Clinton has announced she is following Obama’s example and coming to Africa in the coming days. Just following the boss,... aka the one that kept me out of the White House. So in a few days she will kick off her African tour of 7 nations. It’s a hell of an agenda on a continent full of misery and kept alive by endless hope. Too many wars, too much abuse. She wont get the same reception as her boss as he has some bloodties to the dark continent. But it is an interesting African criss-cross.
First touchdown is Kenya. Home of the bloody Al Queda attack on the US embassy in the capital Nairobi some years ago. Wasn’t it 1998? That was brutal. Kenya is also one of the most corrupt nations on planet earth according to any decent source on the issue you can check – be it aid organisations or donor governments or the global corruption watchdog Transparency International. Corruption is fully part of society there. As well in politics as business. Clinton will come and talk to a regional trade gathering. Trade is crucial. But world trade talks on agriculture are deadlocked because of American and European subsidy systems. The Africans want fair access to the northern hemisphere markets. But Clinton’s Nairobi visit will have a second, and probably more important and/or significant item on the agenda. She will have a chat with Somalia's President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. Obviously she is not gonna go and meet him in Somalia itself. That is just mission impossible. Somalia is in total chaos since the early 90s. No central government that controls the whole country. War. Northern states trying to split away. Famine. Destruction. Blackhawk down. Daily loss of lives. People on the run. People maimed. No hope. No future. And in recent years a war between extreme Islamic forces and some kind of central government that is hardly controlling a decent size of land. And reports of jihadist training camps. Of Muslim fundamentalist havens. Somalia is everything it should not be. It is pure misery on all levels. So Clinton is meeting the President to get a firsthand account of the ongoing war between the so called Transitional Government and the ever-advancing Islamic forces. And in between and pretty powerless the African Union troops. Only 4500 of them. The Ethiopians, with US intelligence support, moved in at the end of 2006 and pushed back the Islamic fighters. The capital Mogadishu was re-taken and there was a spark of hope. It lasted only a few days. Urban guerrilla warfare turned Mogadishu into absolute hell on earth. And in the end, as there was no clear-cut end in sight, the Ethiopian forces withdrew back home. Since then the Transitional Government is again in retreat. The US has given them weapons but that doesn’t seem to help too much. It feels a lost battle and that will turn Somalia, or at least the southern parts, into a Muslim fundamentalist kind-of-a-State. Bleak.
But besides the lost cause, Clinton and President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed will also raise the issue of the ongoing pirate attacks in the Gulf of Eden and Somali’s coast. It’s a mad situation where nearly daily ships of all sizes and nationalities are being hijacked by Somali gunmen. Warships from the US, France, India, Kenya, Belgium, even China are patrolling the vast waters in the region and are having some successes but the seas are wide and large and open. Piracy remains a big threat there. And it is one of the most important shipping routes of the world.
Don’t know what specifically Clinton and her Somali guest can outline and plan about the piracy threat besides just recognising that it is serious, because the Somali President has no powers nor resources to tackle the plague. The ports and bases from which these pirates operate are without doubt located in Somalia, but a powerless government can just watch and take notice.
After that bleak assessment Hillary Clinton travels south to South Africa. Meet the new president Jacob Zuma, talk trade, preach worldpeace and move on. South Africa is facing some touch social unrest these days but the American visitor wont see the burning townships nor the trashing public service protests. Red carpet and photo ops. Some words (probably not controversial at all) and spin at a press conference and back to the airport.
Next stop is just a few hours in the air. Angola. An oil- and mineral-rich nation that is still coping with the destruction of its 25 year civil war past. But a nation that is the playground of Chinese, Israeli and US investors. This will be a serious trade chat. Buying confidence, trust, and making Angola feel much appreciated. It’s all about big business here.
And of she goes. Back in the air. Next stop Kinshasa. Capital of the vast Democratic Republic of Congo. The heart of Africa. A nation riddled with troubles: poverty, tribal tensions, the largest UN peacekeeping mission, mutiny, war in the East, dirty diamond deals, murky timber sales, backhand gold contracts, illegal mining, disease, rape, environmental challenges,... If Obama thinks he has a nearly impossible agenda, check out the Congo. It’s mad. So talks about the ongoing UN mission in the war torn East. Conversations about political stability. Chats about social and educational developments. And certainly business. Big business. Gold, diamonds, uranium, timber, coltan (which goes in every laptop and cell phone),... It’s Fifth Avenue in the bush!
Back to the airport. Greetings. Boarding. Take –off. Nigeria is next. The most populated country of Africa. A turbulent nation. And these days again shaken by very bloody, merciless Islamic attacks in the northern part of the country. More than 100 killed in 3 days. Islamic fundamentalists killing and murdering. And the state’s security forces reacting without restrain. It’s mad. It’s an eye for an eye. But business will also here be a main element of Clinton’s smiles and handshakes. Nigeria is a crucial oil producer.
And then a short trip to Liberia. The nation built by freed American slaves. But a nation that is tense these days because President Helen Sirleaf-Johnson might be forced to step down soon. Liberia is trying to deal with its brutal past. To help to heal the wounds and reveal the facts a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was set up. Modelling itself on the famous TRC that helped South Africa with its demons from the apartheid past. But the Liberian TRC outlined something that was more or less known but till now without too much detail. During the civil and regional war Sirleaf-Johnson helped financing bloodlust warlord Taylor when he came from neighbouring Sierra Leone into Liberia. Taylor is currently standing trial at the UN court in The Hague for war crimes. And it’s a charge sheet that drips of blood: recruiting child soldiers, organised rape, chopping of limbs. This is much more than Hollywood’s Blood Diamond blockbuster.
So Liberia’s TRC has exposed the financial trails from the current President to Taylor. And now the majority within Liberia’s parliament wants to ban Sirleaf-Johnson from office.
And in between this political mess lands Hillary Clinton. Smiles all the way and messages of hope and solidarity and common history. But as she boards her jet to her final African stop, the political situation in Liberia remains shaky. And shaky in that part of the world too often leads to ugly bloodshed.
Final stop is Cape Verde. No clue why Clinton wants to touch down here. It is an easy refuelling stop on the way back home and maybe it’s just for some crayfish and snapshots.
The airmiles have been clicking. Meanwhile the radio across Africa is still playing Jackson’s hits. Everything has lost its innocence.
Throw out. Listening to Boston’s Death & Taxes’ debut album “Tattooed hearts and broken promises”. Fine rocking tunes.
collateral – the last breath of July 2009