Some recent evens seem to come from a horror show. A real one,... not from a game station of from some Hollywood series on cable TV.
A German priest has been charged with rape of an underage girl. And not just a one-off (how disgusting that already would be) but ongoing rape for 3 years.
The girl was 14 years old when the pervert violated her for the first time. The priest told her she would not go to heaven (!!!) if she did not comply with his sexual urges. Sick desires. Mental!
Arrest, sentence, jail, throw away the key. Sick fuckers like that do not belong in society. And on top of it all he is a priest. Somebody whom believers think they can blindly trust. A man of God. A man preaching love, forgiveness, respect but then violates for years on the innocence of a young girl. It is sickening. Very sickening. Outrageous. The priest betrayed his own faith. Betrayed his own being. Betrayed humanity.
Human behaviour is sometimes very inhuman.
Down in the sandpit of Saudi Arabia a man has asked for some special operation on his spine which would leave him paralysed forever. Mental?!
It seems the man was in a brawl with another man and stabbed and damaged the spine of that person. The victim is now paralyzed. So the attacker in his state of utter madness and using his Muslim faith as “guidance” is looking for a hospital to make his suffering equal to the suffering of his victim.
What way of seeking justice is this? From way back in the dark ages. Don’t know if any medical doctor would accept to do such a surgery because if so then also that doctor needs urgently be taken to a mental institution and put on sedative drugs. Two mental cases for urgent treatment. Electroshocks might be required. Sick society.
Human behaviour is sometimes a very dark mystery. A labyrinth of insanity.
Staying in Saudi Arabia. A Sri Lankan maid has fled back home because her employer slammed 23 nails into her body when she needed a rest after hard labour in the Saudi’s man mansion. The Saudi claimed his maid needed some punishment. Mental?!
There are many stories of serious abuse of domestic workers in those rich Gulf states. Total racist disrespect for their maids, mainly coming from Asia. It’s a horror show beyond those big walls of those palaces of opulence. And too often the “boss” is not facing justice for his (or her) violent actions against the domestic workers.
Human behaviour sucks.
Kick that. It seems that maybe Adolf Hitler had African and Jewish (!!!) descendents. If he would have known this he might have killed himself before kick starting world war two and letting his genocide madness loose on the Jews, gypsies and gays. It would have saved humanity lots of suffering. It’s scary to even think about it.
Some Belgian researcher did DNA testing on 39 relatives of the Fuhrer. The DNA results trace the Hitler-branch back to chromosomes found in the Berbers from northern Africa, as well as in Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.
It’s amazing. Tell that to all the Nazi lovers still around. It’s a Sieg Heil to scientific reality. And DNA doesn’t lie. So here you have it. Hitler should have walked around with his own yellow star of David back in the 30s when his Nazi party started the pogrom against the Jews. He should have put himself on the train to Auschwitz. He should have exterminated himself.
Just can’t imagine what would have happened if the ugly bastard just would have known. He probably would have rejected the scientific results as an evil Jewish plot.
Human history is a scary place.
Australian elections deadlocked. Just as their British family, Australia is just not used to coalition forming and thus a nation in political distress. Obama on holiday. South African President Zuma (and polygamist) in China. Meanwhile one of his wives got a baby back home. But husband Zuma was in faraway Commie-land with another wife. Massgraves in Mexico. Deadly drug wars. Still flooding in China and Pakistan. Fear of looming food crisis in Pakistan once the waters reside. It’s a crazy planet. An angry planet. Angry with itself and its residents.
Human behaviour is listening to the hymns of an angry planet.
Throw out. Eddie Sutton, the singer of NY punkrock-with-a-crossover-metallic-edge band Leeway, is back with a new band called Truth N Rights. He teamed up with some of his friends from the band Agents Of Man (rip) and started a new musical journey. Truth N Rights just released its first tracks on Six Feet Under records and they sound like a mix of Leeway and Agents of Man. No surprises there but still kicking, and still of course with that high pitched vocal cord of Eddie.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2010 is nearing its final moments of reality before becoming history
The rot
Corruption is a worldwide rot. But some countries are more rotten than others. Some have solid control mechanisms in place that cut out the rot before it grows to wide and too deep. Other nations unfortunately are rotten to the core. Terminally ill.
And sadly lots of serious and systematic corruption is happening in African countries. One of the growing worry, according to international organisation that watch these developments, is the downwards spiral in South Africa.
But some light in the tunnel, although the ray of light also exposes the extent of the rot. And thus maybe the ray of light is just a passing train. But at least something is happening somewhere.
The Housing Department, officially called the Ministry of Human Settlements, has gone on the attack.
Because of the legacy of apartheid, the growth of its population and the urbanisation of the country, South Africa faces an enormous housing backlog. Hundreds of thousands of its citizens live in dirty, smelly, sickening, inhuman circumstances. So social housing projects have always been high on the government’s agenda since the dawn of democracy in 1994.
But as the projects grew so also grew the rot. Budgets disappeared. Construction materials disappeared. Houses were built very badly as crap, cheap materials were used and the builders just didn’t care. Builders and material were ‘transferred’ to private residences of municipal officials. And on and on did the rot spread.
But now the housing minister had enough of the shambles and a corruption probe was launched. Is he doing it for PR reasons for self-promotion towards a political (presidential?) career? Or did he really woke up one day and said enough is enough. The future will tell, but in the meantime the pressure is on, dodgy builders blacklisted and corrupt officials taken to court.
7373 Officials were investigated so far. That resulted in 930 arrests of which 762 got already convicted. Justice done. 762 Corrupt officials out of 7373 investigated. That’s about a 10% rot factor. Scary.
On top of that it has now been revealed in South Africa's parliament that whistleblowers on corrupt housing deals are being threatened and murdered while they are in witness protection programmes. The housing rot is clearly in the hands of criminal syndicates who now feel threatned that the corruption investigations is cutting off their cash flow.
Human behaviour is sometimes a crawling decay.
Staying in same African country and on same topic of white collar crime.
Pietermaritzburg is a town in the historically famous Zulu region of South Africa. The city needs every month about US$28.5 million to function. Well, it has just over half a million US$ left in its bank account. The city is currently operating on a 3 day look-ahead basis. After that,.... who knows who will pay what.
Money was just wasted and mismanaged for too long and it took much too long for somebody to raise the alarm bell. The rot has gone to the heart of the matter and thus all is rotten and rotten deep and systematically.
On top of that it seems that 90% of all small and medium sized business in town have tampered with their water meters. The rot is everywhere.
Sad story. Human behaviour is its own demise.
Hope that is what Southern Sudan is living on. Hope that the dawn of being independent will bring a better life. Peace and prosperity after too many years of conflict and poverty.
Southern Sudan is on its way to become a new African nation, cut off from the mother nation Sudan. Next January a referendum will decide on self-determination. And it is widely expected that the Christian south will cut itself loose from the Muslim north. How Sudanese president Al Bashir (and its army) will react is another question. The butcher-of-Darfur doesn’t have too much peace credentials. He already has an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court around his neck. That’s for his bloodbath in the Darfur sandpit. Hope that Al Bashir keeps his MIGs grounded.
But hope makes people grow taller. Lots to do in ravaged Southern Sudan and thus hope that the new government will use its oil revenues carefully, wisely and corruption-free. One has to have hope.
A new nation on the banks of the river Nile.
Staying wet. Spotted that Obama (and daughter) took a dive in the Gulf of Mexico. Great PR exercise to lift the spirits in the ocean of despair since the massive oil spill from the BP well. Years of negative impact to follow for sure, but Obama’s splash has brought hope that the worst is over and recovery of destroyed lives and environment can kick start.
Humans need hope.
Tell that to the Pakistanis. An estimated 20 million people affected my ravaging floods. Walls of destructive water rolling down the valleys and taking everything in its swells. People, animals, crops, houses, factories,...
Very sad affair. And the international community is slow in reacting and committing funds. Donor fatigue it’s called. The quake in Haiti earlier this year seemed to have been a “sexier” cause for good deeds. Pakistan is probably also lacking a positive image, which doesn’t help when massive amounts of cash injections are needed. A bad image doesn’t help when the begging bowl is out.
Remember not so long ago, WikiLeaks published some secret US military documents in which American intelligence operators had very clear fears about links between Pakistani intelligence officials and terrorist organisations. And for years Pakistan’s external image was dented by its political chaos, by its political assassinations, by its links to bombings in India, by corruption, by Muslim extremism in its northern regions, by lack of border security with Afghanistan,.... Just too much stains on its image to built an bond of trust with donors and the so called international community.
Hope is what the affected Pakistanis need. Hope that the future can be better. For now it’s pretty dark (and wet) out there.
Never give up. Never surrender!
Throw out. Troops Of Tomorrow is a new punkrock band from Washington DC. Their 3 track demo has clear influences from the early 80s underground punk(rock) scene on America’s east side. Raw, aggressive, uncompromising tunes. And maybe they choose their band name in reference to an early album by punk heroes The Exploited.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2010 is moving on
And sadly lots of serious and systematic corruption is happening in African countries. One of the growing worry, according to international organisation that watch these developments, is the downwards spiral in South Africa.
But some light in the tunnel, although the ray of light also exposes the extent of the rot. And thus maybe the ray of light is just a passing train. But at least something is happening somewhere.
The Housing Department, officially called the Ministry of Human Settlements, has gone on the attack.
Because of the legacy of apartheid, the growth of its population and the urbanisation of the country, South Africa faces an enormous housing backlog. Hundreds of thousands of its citizens live in dirty, smelly, sickening, inhuman circumstances. So social housing projects have always been high on the government’s agenda since the dawn of democracy in 1994.
But as the projects grew so also grew the rot. Budgets disappeared. Construction materials disappeared. Houses were built very badly as crap, cheap materials were used and the builders just didn’t care. Builders and material were ‘transferred’ to private residences of municipal officials. And on and on did the rot spread.
But now the housing minister had enough of the shambles and a corruption probe was launched. Is he doing it for PR reasons for self-promotion towards a political (presidential?) career? Or did he really woke up one day and said enough is enough. The future will tell, but in the meantime the pressure is on, dodgy builders blacklisted and corrupt officials taken to court.
7373 Officials were investigated so far. That resulted in 930 arrests of which 762 got already convicted. Justice done. 762 Corrupt officials out of 7373 investigated. That’s about a 10% rot factor. Scary.
On top of that it has now been revealed in South Africa's parliament that whistleblowers on corrupt housing deals are being threatened and murdered while they are in witness protection programmes. The housing rot is clearly in the hands of criminal syndicates who now feel threatned that the corruption investigations is cutting off their cash flow.
Human behaviour is sometimes a crawling decay.
Staying in same African country and on same topic of white collar crime.
Pietermaritzburg is a town in the historically famous Zulu region of South Africa. The city needs every month about US$28.5 million to function. Well, it has just over half a million US$ left in its bank account. The city is currently operating on a 3 day look-ahead basis. After that,.... who knows who will pay what.
Money was just wasted and mismanaged for too long and it took much too long for somebody to raise the alarm bell. The rot has gone to the heart of the matter and thus all is rotten and rotten deep and systematically.
On top of that it seems that 90% of all small and medium sized business in town have tampered with their water meters. The rot is everywhere.
Sad story. Human behaviour is its own demise.
Hope that is what Southern Sudan is living on. Hope that the dawn of being independent will bring a better life. Peace and prosperity after too many years of conflict and poverty.
Southern Sudan is on its way to become a new African nation, cut off from the mother nation Sudan. Next January a referendum will decide on self-determination. And it is widely expected that the Christian south will cut itself loose from the Muslim north. How Sudanese president Al Bashir (and its army) will react is another question. The butcher-of-Darfur doesn’t have too much peace credentials. He already has an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court around his neck. That’s for his bloodbath in the Darfur sandpit. Hope that Al Bashir keeps his MIGs grounded.
But hope makes people grow taller. Lots to do in ravaged Southern Sudan and thus hope that the new government will use its oil revenues carefully, wisely and corruption-free. One has to have hope.
A new nation on the banks of the river Nile.
Staying wet. Spotted that Obama (and daughter) took a dive in the Gulf of Mexico. Great PR exercise to lift the spirits in the ocean of despair since the massive oil spill from the BP well. Years of negative impact to follow for sure, but Obama’s splash has brought hope that the worst is over and recovery of destroyed lives and environment can kick start.
Humans need hope.
Tell that to the Pakistanis. An estimated 20 million people affected my ravaging floods. Walls of destructive water rolling down the valleys and taking everything in its swells. People, animals, crops, houses, factories,...
Very sad affair. And the international community is slow in reacting and committing funds. Donor fatigue it’s called. The quake in Haiti earlier this year seemed to have been a “sexier” cause for good deeds. Pakistan is probably also lacking a positive image, which doesn’t help when massive amounts of cash injections are needed. A bad image doesn’t help when the begging bowl is out.
Remember not so long ago, WikiLeaks published some secret US military documents in which American intelligence operators had very clear fears about links between Pakistani intelligence officials and terrorist organisations. And for years Pakistan’s external image was dented by its political chaos, by its political assassinations, by its links to bombings in India, by corruption, by Muslim extremism in its northern regions, by lack of border security with Afghanistan,.... Just too much stains on its image to built an bond of trust with donors and the so called international community.
Hope is what the affected Pakistanis need. Hope that the future can be better. For now it’s pretty dark (and wet) out there.
Never give up. Never surrender!
Throw out. Troops Of Tomorrow is a new punkrock band from Washington DC. Their 3 track demo has clear influences from the early 80s underground punk(rock) scene on America’s east side. Raw, aggressive, uncompromising tunes. And maybe they choose their band name in reference to an early album by punk heroes The Exploited.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2010 is moving on
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