We've got a situation here

It was just another loose wire in the heads of the freaks of this world. 11-11-11 Was for some another day the world would end, and if not then at least some drastic event would occur; or God would pass by for a visit; or aliens would come and kill us all. Apocalypse now.

Open your eyes, smell the (polluted) air, put the radio on and pinch yourself. Right,…. All of the above didn’t happen and thus the freaks can search for their next (missed) deadline.

Why are some so obsessed with the end of the world? It will probably happen. Either when some planet or fat star crashes in on us in 568934567 billion years, or maybe when the nuke-nutter in Iran goes wild.

But the obsessed ones need to chill. Enjoy life. You are only here for a short time, so don’t get obsessed about when you not gonna be here. You are here to be here, not here to be busy with the not-here. Understood? Probably not.

Get busy with the day to day necessities of being here. And smile. Be nice. Sort the shit out and tackle the crap. Clean up your hood. Put solar panels on your roof. Eat more than just burgers with plastic ketchup. Travel around. Meet folks. Read some stuff, listen to fine tunes. Just live a life instead of being busy with the time when the worms will eat your guts (and everything else).

Human behavior is too often paralysed, infiltrated, brainless.

Speaking of crap. The world is gathering soon in South Africa to – once again – talk about global warming. But already now most specialists and people that follow these debates fear that it will – once again – just be a talkshop. Lots of pollution to come here to talk and talk and talk,… and nothing changes. The US is not flexible and shortsighted. China and India doesn’t want limitations on their evergrowing economies. That’s a stupid view because a greener economy creates jobs and opportunities. Change is just something people have troubles with. Even if it’s for the better. Even if it’s healtheir. Even if it’s for a better future for their kids. Change is difficult. Change is partly unknown and too many humans (as animals do too) are just too worried and stressed about change.

The fear of change is a universal disease that blocks real progress.

Human behavior likes things to stay the same. Just like animals do.

Kick this! A man in Australia was diagnosed with canver and underwent 7 rounds of chemotherapy, and had 80% of his stomach removed.

But then the doctors told him they made a misdiagnosis! The man never had cancer. One then wonders why doctors get their heads smashed in by patients.

It’s crazy. And we are talking Australia here. So called top of the world in healthcare. Mistakes are possible, but this one sucks. Big time.

Imagine the stupid doctors told the patient he had a month to live and the patient went away living a rollercoaster life for his so called final month. French champagne daily. Flying first class from holiday paradise to holiday paradise. Super-deluxe hotels and resorts. Masages with extra bonuses. Orgies. Spin with a Ferrari. Serious off roading with a Wrangler. Sending off insulting emails to his enemies. Tasting 20 different Belgian beers in one afternoon. Helicopter flips. Rafting. Parachute jumping. Cage diving to meet the great white. Sending the best Apple Mac laptop to a poor kid in Africa. Carneval in Rio. Flying to Argentina to eat the best steak. Touring the new 7 wonders of the world. Spending every cent and more.

And then satisfied (and broke) after 1 month of total pleasure, some doctor tells him it was all a mistake. Kick that.

Human behavior cam have a baseball bat in one hand.

Meanwhile the slaughter in Syria continues. Dictators don’t go peacefully. Blood stains across the nation is a price they willingly pay as long as it’s not their blood. Libya aint Syria. Politics of reality kick in. But change will come. If not today or tomorrow, then in a year or a decade. Change will come and change can be brutal. Ask Gadaffi. Killed like a screaming pig. From ruling the country, living in delirium, buildinge scape tunnels…. to hiding in a sewage pipe and being kileld juts like that. Crashing down to earth. Street justice.

And then there is that Republican, presidential hopefull in the US who plays the emotional, macho card by desiring to bomb Iran. The answer to problems are bombs from the sky. Lessons never really learned or put into context. Afghanistan is still very shaky. Iraq same same. Iran for sure is currently ruled by a madman with nuke dreams. And probably he is getting closer to built a bomb. The bomb. But at least a presidential hopefull should use some intelectual capacity and think about consequences and options.

Without a doubt Iran is a dangerous nation. Well not the nation as such, but that nutter at the helm. But we should not underestimate the ramblings within Iran itself. Opposition againts the madman is growing as many Iranians know the madman’s path is a path towards insanity.

Military action might be necessary one day, but let us not go down that silly road too soon too fast. A US-lead war on Iran will implode Lebanon wth terrorists Hezbollah stepping into the void. Neighbouring Afghanistan will slide down hill. Followed by Pakistan, which will make nuke power India nervous. Israel will become very tense. Hamas will try to cause havoc. Oil prices will go to unseen heights which lead destroy hope sof economic recovery worldwide. Al Quada will use the opportunity to enlist, train, kill, maim, slaughter. Yemen would collapse. Turkey would be edgy. And what about Syria then? And even spill overs into the Muslim belly of the former Soviet Union.

Scary thoughts.

So before giving that greenlight to the jets on the tarmacs, and the cruise missile commanders on the ships,…. pause and think.
Human behavior is trigger happy.

Throw out. The musical disaster of the decade is Lulu!! What a commercially inspired cacophony. Metallica and Lou reed came together and made something they thought was a great idea. They must have been drinking too much tequila and sniffing too much glue. It sounds awfull beyond repair. It is imposisble to listen to it. Metallica should stop now. Lou Reed should have retired years ago. Stop now as both are destroying their musical legacy. Musical harakiri.

C -Ya

collateral – November 2011 is passing by