
“I want you to remember when the White House reflected the best of who we are, not the worst of what Europe has become.”

That’s what US Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney said after winning the New Hampshire primary earlier this month.
But what does he mean? When did the White House reflect the best of what America is about? Under Bush Jr? What under Bush Jr was so great that it should be an example to us all? His stupidity? His corrupt relationship with the Saudis? His naivety? His need to find answers in the Bible for current world problems? His budget massacre? His unilateralism? His tax cuts for the rich? His lack of economic vision that planted the seeds of the ongoing recession? The impossibility to keep a children's book open and not upside down (remember 9-11?)?

Or is Mitt looking further down in republican history and fantasizing about Bush Sr? Can’t be. Bush Sr was useless, besides enriching himself with murky oil deals. Or is it cowboy Reagan? For some republicans Ronald's era remains the ultimate pride moment of flag waving. Have a look at what budget mess Reagan left behind!! Amazing how Republicans preach small government and criticize leftwing politics of the Democrats, while it was under Reagan and Bush Jr that the budget went so deep into the red. And spending drift is normally a leftwing disease. And America wasn’t united under Reagan as some claim. Social and political divisions were as wide as they are today.

And what has Europe become that is so despicable? An economic and currency crisis, lead by failing Greece for sure. But does Romney really have such a limited and very short-term memory not to know the enormous budget mess the US is in (mainly thanks to Bush Jr)? Does Romney know that China is a major financer of the US debt? And if he knows that, does he like it that the Commies are holding the purse strings of America? Yeah, thank Bush Jr for that!

What else is so shitty about Europe? The fact their healthcare is more widespread and democratic? That they care more about global warming? Or does Romney’s Mormon faith has issues with the more liberal Europeans? Amazing in fact how the Mormons practiced polygamy but at the same time preach chastity. So no affairs (does Romney then fit in DC??) but as many marriages as you want? Bit ridiculous. To be fair, most Mormons have abandoned polygamy. Just the hardliners in remote Utah continue on this path of multi-wives. Egality for all. Not with the hardline Mormons!

And how Mormons have a lifestyle code that eschews alcoholic beverages, tobacco, coffee, tea, and other addictive substances. So no addictive content, but strict adherence to Mormon social codes. That sounds a contradiction! Addiction to preached codes.

Anyway, Mitt is doing well in the early days of the Republican race. He likes to make things sound simple. That’s a pest of today’s politics worldwide. Romney likes to be Mr Great America versus Obama’s European-style socialism. Ask Mitt what socialism is and what type of so called socialism there is in Europe these days. Despite that there are more center and center-right governments in Europe these days than leftwing ones. And what is today’s European socialist model? It has zero to do with Soviet era communism (the ultimate, narrow view of what many Americans think is leftwing politics) and also very little to do with European socialist parties from back in the 50s, 60s and 70s,… and even 80s. European leftwing parties have very much moved to the center of the political and economic chess game.

Anyway. The race has just started, so much more mudslinging, wasted millions and short-term memory losses are expected.

Human behavior is as corrupt as power.

From the political crap to some real, insane action.

A 54-year-old South African gardener has raped his employer’s Dachshund (that’s a small breed of canine). That’s pretty sick!
The dude must be really high on gardening pesticides to loose control of his hard-on and go the bestiality route. Maybe he is a serial dog rapist? A madman on the loose hunting down small female dogs for some mean sex. Gardening really can short-circuit your brain it seems. Can dogs have HIV? Maybe that’s why he did it. He thought raping a dog was equal to safe sex. Inside the brain of a mad gardener is a lost cause. Maybe his brains got fried from too much gardening in the summer heat?
The sucker got caught at least. Maybe the sentence should be a Rottweiler chewing off his dick. Street justice doggy style!

Human behavior can be animalistic.

Meanwhile Syria is spinning further into open civil war. The Arab League sends a small group of observers, but without decent equipment (cameras,…) nor free movement as the Syrian authorities need to “protect” them. It’s a stillborn. And the head of that mission is a diplomat from Sudan. His boss, the president of Sudan, is on the International Criminal Court’s wanted list for crimes against humanity in the sandpit of Darfur. So what human rights knowledge and conscience does this mission leader have to investigate the massacres in Syria? Zero. Sub-zero. It’s a farce. A cover-up. The freedom-seekers in Syria have only themselves. It’s a do or die situation cause the dictator in Damascus, just like his father, only knows brutal oppression. There will be much more blood spilled across Syria.

Human behavior is drenched in blood.

Throw out. What the heck is going on with all these rock pensioners whom just can’t retire on a nice, remote island? Van Halen with Mr Jump David Lee Roth are back in the studio! Guess David doesn’t jump that high anymore. And Pink Floyd is planning a reunion gig during the London Olympics later this year. Keep the wheelchairs on standby. And the heart vibrilators. And of course the Rolling Stones are still shuffling around. It’s like the 21st Century never started.

C –Ya

collateral – January 2012 is rockin’