Holy sickness

F*ck,... then sleep. It happens. Physical effort followed by recuperation time.

By a 34-year-old South African fell asleep after he raped a 51-year-old woman. And he fell a sleep next to her! Stupid! But then again, if you rape you don’t have brains and thus your stupidity has no limits. The victim called the cops who woke the bastard up. Guilty as charged.

Electronic castration should really become legal and widespread worldwide for rapists.

Staying in South Africa and staying with insane crime.

A winner in a Mr Gay Pride contest didn’t enjoy his title for too long. After the pride and glory came the blood spatter. A narrow minded, brainless, anti-gay dude decapitated Mr Gay Pride. He couldn’t accept the gayness of the whole thing.

Human behavior has no boundaries when it comes to insanity and intolerance.

But the town of Middleborough in Massachusetts, USA seems to wanna be stupid too. And ridiculous.
The town council has banned public swearing. Curses across the leafy streets and peaceful parks will now be an offense punishable at US$20 per ….. well, F-word (and related family).

Isn’t Massachusetts considered “liberal” (and that means many different things to different people)? One would and could expect such a ban in Utah or maybe Minnesota, but in Massachusetts? That sucks. F*ck that!!

What’s next? No punkrock on the radio? No beer ads on billboards? No short shirts for ladies? And certainly not for men. Christianity the only religion allowed? No alcohol sales on Sunday. No tattoos? Women walking 2 steps behind their husbands. No kissing in public (married or not). Certainly nothing gay or evil stuff like that. No Chinese take-ways. No R18 movies at all anywhere (local cinema or video store). No cleavages. No skateboards. Nu fun!

Back south.

There was this road warning in South Africa’s southern edge Cape Town recently. Broadcasted on local radio and tweeted by traffic watchers. “Watch out for stationary vehicle on the N2 (that’s a national road; a highway type) at Hospital Bend. Approach with caution!”

No caution leads directly out of the bend and into the hospital. From bend to bed.

Human behavior needs a warning.

Back to the US of A. A female presenter on Fox TV just walked away during her live program. Fed up. Goodbye.

Bit of a surprise (to say the least). Viewers shocked. Her co-presenter (male) gob smacked.  The executive director speechless. The camera crew nearly breathless. The sound crew wondering what they missed. The make-up girl ….. continued reading her glossy magazine. The transmission technician confused.

Gretchen Carlson normally anchors a live magazine program on Fox TV with Brian Kilmeade. They were watching an incoming live report from their colleague who was interviewing a member of a Navy band.

Then one of the Navy musicians was asked since when women joined in (aka “were allowed in”).  The Navy dude said “1980”. Brian responded to that. “We allow them to play golf, to play tennis. It’s getting too far.” Gretchen had enough of this sexist pig and walked of the set. As she walked away she told Brian “Well if men or so fantastic you can do this show by yourself!”. Kick that. Great live television.

And Brian dipped further in his sexist gutter by responding “Finally an all male crew. I think she needs a shower.”

What a dumb ass. It’s probably his insecurity in life and in profession that makes him sink to such gutter lows. What a sexist looser. So called macho with air where there should be brains and an attitude of the 14th Century.

Human behavior can be guided by primal fear.

Still more American craziness.

Ah, you want extra ketchup too! It was just another day. Or so it seems. Somebody in California went for a fast-food lunch and did the drive-through thing. Something clearly didn’t go according to plan with the order. Expectations not met? Dispute. Anger. At once the fast-food employee stabbed the fast-food customer.

Not really what they call great service.  Wondering what made the burger-seller flip. Burger deluxe!
You want your chips with or without a stabbing?

Human behavior can be a pressure cooker.

And more US craziness. The sky is the limit.

From Cali to Philly. A Catholic church official was convicted of child endangerment. Man-in-a-dress Monsignor William Lynn helped covering up child abuse cases in his Church-territory. He moved abusing priests around to other Churches where the flock didn’t know (yet) about the priest’s evil deeds. And to the previous flock he just announced that he had to replace the priest for health reasons.

Let’s call it a half-lie but with full intention to covering up. The half-lie is that indeed the abusing priests had health issues but not really the kind that the Monsignor had in mind when he used health reasons as a fake reasons to move the bastard priests. Sick in the head! Instead of another parish these priests need to be sent to court and then to jail. Rot in hell!

Monsignor Lynn, 61, will now see the inside of a cell for his evil covering up practices. During the trial is was also revealed that Lynn’s boss Bevilacqua was a serious dirty man. Far from the honest, clean, charitable, loving, man-of-God he claimed to be. He knew about the pedophile priests in his diocese but just approved that they would be send to other, non-suspecting communities. He ordered the shredding of a 1994 list that contained warnings that 3 diagnosed pedophile priests were within his ‘territory’. And that probably some 20 other priests were child predators. A whole sick bunch together!

Court documents showed that one therapist labeled one of the diagnosed pedophile priests a “powder keg” and a “time bomb”. Sick, sick, sick.

A seminarian testified that he was raped by a priest throughout high school. A nun testified that a priest sexually abused her. A young man testified being sexually assaulted in the church sacristy by a priest. The lad was 10 years old.

The sins of the Church. Coming to a parish near you. Much more to be uncovered. Episode 4678.
Throw the bastards in jail and tell the other inmates what they did. Feel the pain!

Holy sickness.

Russia ain’t what it should and could be. Democracy is fragile and dictatorial tendencies are President Putin’s trademark. Let’s not forget he was KGB in those dark, old days.

Russia’s rebellious, female, punkrock band Pussy Riot have been thrown in jail for performing its protest tune “Virgin Mary, redeem us of Putin”. And they played that song in Moscow’s Chris The Savior Cathedral. Kick that.

But in true KGB style the Kremlin-maffia didn’t like the tune and certainly not the lyrics and sent out the mob in uniform to arrest these young Pussy Riot ladies. They got charged with hooliganism. Yeah, for real! If found guilty they could face 7 years in the unpleasant Russian jails.

Russia and freedom of expression are not a blended cocktail. Fire and water.

Now American punkers Anti-Flag have taken on board the Pussy Riot’s cause. In solidarity with Pussy Riot and to voice its anger with Putin’s behavior, the Californian band put a cover version of the Virgin Mary protest song online.

Human behavior can fight for the right to speak out!!

Throw Out. In solidarity with Pussy Riot and Anti-Flag, and in support of the freedom of expression and conscience, here are the (English-translated) lyrics to “Virgin Mary redeem us of Putin”.
Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin away, put Putin away, put Putin away.
Black robe, golden epaulettes.
All parishioners crawl to bow.
The phantom of liberty is in heaven.
Gay-pride sent to Siberia in chains. The head of the KGB, their chief saint, leads protesters to prison under escort. In order not to offend His Holiness
women must give birth and love. 
Shit, shit, the Lord's shit!
Shit, shit, the Lord's shit!
Virgin Mary, Mother of God, become a feminist, become a feminist, become a feminist. 
The Church’s praise of rotten dictators. The cross-bearer procession of black limousines.
A teacher-preacher will meet you at school.
Go to class - bring him money!
 Patriarch Gundyaev believes in Putin.
Bitch, better believe in God instead.
The belt of the Virgin can’t replace mass-meetings.
Mary, Mother of God, is with us in protest! 
Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin away
Рut Putin away, put Putin away.

Collateral – June 2012 is sliding towards its handover to July 2012

Nuns have more fun

Nuns have more fun. It’s confirmed.

At least American nuns. Sister of Mercy’s Margaret Farley wrote a book called “Just Love” in which masturbation gets the thumbs up.

And that has really caused a storm back in the Vatican. The narrow-minded men of the clergy in the Rome suburb got seriously upset. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) – yes it exists!!! – issued a 5-page statement saying parts of “Just Love” is not “in conformity with the teaching of the Church”. 
There you have it. No love lost between Sister Margaret and the Vatican.
And to make things really worse, Sister Margaret also has favorable views on same-sex marriages (or unions). Now that’s really being over the edge for the guardians of the faith back in the shadow of Rome. An outburst of anger, dismay, blasphemy and other unspoken swearing. 
So the CDF made its comment very clear. “Among the many errors and ambiguities in this book are its positions on masturbation, homosexual acts, homosexual unions, the indissolubility of marriage and the problem of divorce and remarriage”
It feels like Sister Margaret is gonna be expelled from the Christian club soon. Expel the rebel!
The CDF said it wants to warn its flock that “Just Love” is evil! Burn, burn, burn!
The book was already published back in 2006 but it took the Vatican some time to study, learn, examine, comprehend its content and then the CDF had to meet and discuss and gather again and talk some more. It takes time to recover from the (sexual) shock!!
The warriors of the doctrine, aka the CDF, had written to Sister Margaret for some serious explaining. But Sister Margaret – also a Yale University professor – sent a letter back to the Vatican masters rejecting the CDF’s claims. The Sister of love thought that her views, although clashing with some traditional Christian beliefs, nonetheless reflected coherence with “the theological and moral traditions.”. 
That’s the polite alternative to “Shut up and grow up”.
Despite being a Sister of Mercy the Vatican hardheads have no love, nor mercy for Sister Margaret.
The devil must have twisted her brain!
Human behavior can be a sexy affair.
Staying within the parameters of the flesh.
Upheaval in South Africa. A local artist painted a Lenin-esque portrait of President Jacob Zuma…. with his penis hanging out of his pants. And he called it “The Spear”.
The President’s men got seriously outraged. And all his supporters too. Cries of racism (the artist is white). Cries of limits to artistic expression. Cries of attacks on Jacob’s dignity. Cries of cultural blasphemy. The nation’s temperature got seriously into fever mode.
The President’s party took the artist, the art gallery and a newspaper who had the painting on its website to court. The aim was a total ban.
Jacob himself said he was hurt as the painting might have wanted to indicate that he is a womanizer. He said this indeed,…. despite that he has 4 wives (polygamy is legal in South Africa), … despite that he had (unprotected) sex with a friend of the family who was known to be HIV+,….. despite that he has a child with the daughter of one of his best friends. Jacob a womanizer? You gotta be kidding!
One of Jacob’s wife’s said that the artist should have asked permission first to paint the presidential penis. Size matters?
Meanwhile a priest called upon the artist to be stoned to death. It felt like he wanted to take the nation back some centuries. 1 Step forward, 435 back.
Meanwhile two protestors defaced the painting. No more dick to be seen.
Meanwhile the President’s party got nowhere with its court action and thus called its supporters onto the streets to protest this evil art. “What we don’t get in the courts, we will get on the streets”, the President’s party leaders shouted. Strange behavior for a ruling party in a democratic, constitutional state.
Human behavior can be a blast from the past.
The United Nations is often criticized – rightly or wrongly – for being too burocratic, too slow to act, too costly, too dinosauric (yes, a new word invented right here, right now), too out of touch with reality in the 21st century.
But now the UN has seriously shot itself in the foot. Permanent damage. The UN World Tourism Organization (yes, it exists!) has nominated Robert Mugabe, the dictator from Zimbabwe, as its world ambassador to promote tourism.

Kick that. The anti-democrat, the destroyer of Zimbabwe’s economy, the supporter of political militias, the murderer has now to travel the world to promote tourism. That’s just taking the piss with all what the UN should stand for.

Besides the question of course, why the UN should have a department for world tourism? Some more fat-cat officials doing nothing?

Interestingly is that Mugabe has a travel ban imposed on him by the US and the EU, but as a newly appointed UN ambassador he can now travel anywhere he wants – because travel bans do not apply for UN matters.

It’s just crazy. The lunatic dictator has plunged his nation into the abyss of starvation and political violence, but gets the honor to go and promote worldwide tourism for the UN. Whoever at the UN elected Mugabe to do this needs to serve the global citizens some explanation so we can try to understand this insanity.

Human behavior can be like an escapee from a mental asylum.

Meanwhile. From one butcher to the other.

The onslaught in Syria continues day by day. No slowing down of the body count. The UN peace plan is non-existent and the dictator from Damascus keeps sending his tanks and jets to bomb his people. No remorse. No holding back. The powers that be in Damascus have become dehumanized.

And Russia’s tough-boy Vladimir Putin keeps protecting Damascus by blocking further UN initiatives. The Russian semi-dictator doesn’t like to loose trade ties with Syria and sees any intervention as a possible pandora’s box as Russia itself has many internal trouble zones.  

And so the bloodshed continues and the graveyards getting fuller by the hour.

Human behavior will never learn from the past. Soulless.

Nuns might have more fun but some American preachers clearly don’t.

44 Year old, reborn-preacher Mark Randall Wolford from West Virginia had the strange habit of holding a poisonous snake to prove God was protecting him.

Because the power of God is a serious matter. And Mark’s faith was running deep. And you gotta do something serious to prove your followers (only 25 present in his church that day) that God is here and protecting us day by day. But God must have had a sick day cause the snake went for Mark and Mark is no more. He is knocking on heaven’s door. And I guess he will ask God for some serious explanation.

But Mark must have had a really bad memory. Because back in 1983 Mark’s father, also a preacher, used the same trick to try to try to prove the same thing,…. and with the same consequences. God clearly doesn’t like that preaching family.

Throw Out. Chicago’s Flatfoot 56 have just released the single “I believe it” from their upcoming, 4th studio album “Toil”. And the new, 13 track album sounds promising as the new single still shows of the qualities of these Celtic punk lads. “Toil” is produced by Street Dogs’ Johnny Rioux, who was also at the helm of Flatfoot 56’s 2010 release “Black Thorn”.


Collateral – June 2012