Lie some more

So it’s the Mittney – Ryan steam train against the current White House inmates.

But the more the Republicans open their mouth the more it stinks. Lies, lies, lies, a bit of half-truths, and then back to lies, lies, lies. Wondering what type of fan base they have. Mind-blowing.

And the mountain of lies comes next to an avalanche of gaffes. About the relationship with the UK, about rape,…..

But back to the lies. Vice-presidential hopeful Paul Ryan just couldn’t be more deceitful than when he addressed his supporters at the republican convention in stormy Florida.

First he claimed that Obama said (in 2009) that the GM plant in Wisconsin would never close. “And a year later it closed”, Ryan shouted in Tampa. But the simple fact is that this GM factory closed its doors in December 2008, which was in the final days of the Bush Jr presidency.

Then Ryan kept lying some more. Next ‘manipulated fact’ was the credit rating change by Standard & Poor because of the difficult (to say the least) ‘debt ceiling’ debates in Washington. Of course according to Ryan the lowering of the rate was all Obama’s fault. Check check check. It was the Republicans in the Congress that caused the ‘debt ceiling’ debacle when they torpedoed the budget process up on the hill. And who was leading the Republicans in Congress….. yes indeed, Paul Ryan himself.

It’s called lying and being a hypocrite. But it seems in that in the current Republican fight back strategy it’s a by all means necessary approach. And the truth is the victim.

The truth slaughtered on the altar of political power. And that’s seems indeed to be Romney’s highway of populist spin.

Romney has many times claimed that when Obama took office the economic recession turned worse. Maybe Mitt needs to go and check some stats. In Bush’s last quarter, the economy shrunk 8.9%. The worst quarterly drop in 50 years. Kick that! In 2009, under Obama, the economy came back out of the red and grew with 1.4%.

Oh Romney! You are a businessman but seem to struggle with figures. Oh, should we say struggle with the truth?

But the members have decided. The Republican ticket will be a Mormon superrich with an economic slasher. It probably will fit China’s expansion steamroller as the small-State approach from the Romney-Ryan ticket will open the doors to unlimited free trade without social aspect. Will directly lead to more outsourcing and thus the battle of the cheapest provider will come harder into play. And that’s where China rules. Labour rights, human rights, copyrights,… that’s all of no importance at all to China’s economic take over.

I wonder when the first Chinese guns will end up being bought by the hardline Republicans. Because the Chinese will soon know that this is a very lucrative market in the US. There are 88 guns per 100 people in America. The highest rate in the world. Kick that.

Human behavior is a killer.

The economic hard times have clearly not reached the arms industry. There is always cash for killing machines.

In 2011 the armstrade doubled compared to 2010. As simple as that. And it’s the US that sold 80% of all that weaponry. And 88% of those sales went to developing nations.

Nations that obviously could spend those billions better than on blood tools. Like on education or healthcare and democratic institutions. Crazy!
Russia, the number 2 in arms sales, has dropped to only 5% of the world’s weaponry cake. Its main clients remain Syria and Venezuela. The US has good buyers in Saudi Arabia and India. The Saudis were hungry for F-15SA attack planes, and Blackhawk and Apache helicopters. Iraq bought F-18s. Oman bought F-16s. The United Arab Emirates bought Chinooks. Egypt bought M1A1 tanks.

And China isn’t standing still either. Not so much tanks and choppers, but mainly handguns and ‘lighter weapons’ are in Chinese sales books. And their customers are mainly poor nations in Africa, but also nuke state Pakistan. And these are just the official, known sales. Some of Iran’s missiles for instance don’t appear in anybody’s account books, although they are not homemade.

Human behavior is armed to the teeth.

Finally. There were some protests in Lebanon. Not against Israel. Not against the fear of what the Syrian civil war might bring to them. Not about economics. Not about war and peace. It was against the exiting anal exams on suspected gays. Kick that. 21st Century seems not yet arrived in Lebanon.

Throw Out. Punkers Strike Anywhere have just released an acoustic live album called “In defiance of empty times”. Send that to the Lebanese ass-checkers.


Collateral – August 2012