BMWs on a highway

God’s mysterious ways. The new South African soccer/football federation boss in his first comments in his new job boldly says “I’m going to listen more than to speak because God gave us 2 ears.” Yeah, that’s what he said. Straight forward guy. But hey, if he believes God gave him his ears, can he please advise us who gave him his tongue?

From God to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi should be simple. I mean we are talking about a conservative, Catholic leader here. And in Rome, in the shadow of the Vatican. Silvio’s sexual desires have been all over the media over the last months, especially his private parties with too many young women with too little clothes on.

The Italian public broadcaster RAI wants to air this week an interview with a call-girl (that’s the polished word for prostitute) speaking out about her night with Silvio. Berlusconi’s Communication Minister Claudio Scajola wants the program banned. She claims that press freedom doesn’t give anybody, and certainly not a hooker, the freedom to insult. You know the saying ‘where there is smoke there is fire’. Plenty of smoke here. I mean the smoke detectors are going of left, right and centre. Maybe they should organise a TV debate between Silvio and the call-girl, so every side can have their say and utter their denials or claims. That would make for really big entertaining TV, and guaranteed more viewers than Sunday mass. And Berlusconi owns a few TV stations, so what is he waiting for? I thought traditional Italian men would love to prove their world reputation of being full of lust and perfect lover boys. But maybe there are less flattery details Silvio wants to hide from the outside world. Although at his elderly age we would understand he might need a little help from the Viagras of this world. Come on Silvio, the last decade (or was it longer than that?) we had Bill Clinton and his cigar, give us something sexier than that! Prove us that the image of the Italian stallion is still standing strong. Just for public relations’ sake.

Meanwhile going north. Across the Alps and rushing through Switzerland to get to Germany.

They had elections last Sunday. A real solid example of what multi-party democracy should be. No riots, no rejection of results, no fraud, no stuffed ballot boxes, no soldiers on the streets, no threats of a coup, no voting matters in front of the High Court, no re-counts. Free and fair elections. Prime Minister, or Chancellor I think they call it in Germany, Angela Merkel won and thus will serve another term in office. She is likely to swap coalition partners. Drop the Social Democrats for the more right leaning Free Democrats. So instead of a so called centre-left cabinet, Merkel is expected to form a centre-right government. And as in a solid democracy needs be, such a change just happens without too much upheaval. Without threats of army intervention or stock exchange crashes. A real example of true democracy. Well done to Germany. All as smooth as a BMW on the highway.

Meanwhile I wonder when they might announce the election results in Afghanistan. German troops are there as part of NATO to try to defend the rocky nation against a re-grouping of the Taliban. The international community is also there to help build democratic institutions. But that goal is seriously under threat the longer we wait to hear who wins these elections and how much fraud there really was. And then once there is a winner what credibility and real representation does that new president then have? All shaky for now.

Sex, politics and a bit of God. It seems inevitably connected throughout world history. Human behaviour is too often pretty predictable and a dizzy merry go round and round.

Throw out. For once this is not about tunes I played in my car or heard on the radio. This is about music I am dying to hear. Dave Grohl of Nirvana and Foo Fighters fame has started a band with Josh Homme from Queens Of The Stone Age and old-timer John Paul Jones from the legendary Led Zeppelin. Just putting these 3 lads in a studio and jamming away is a positively frightful idea. The 3 formed Them Crooked Vultures, are touring places and are expected to release an album before the end of this year. Dave has returned behind his drum kit, just like in his Nirvana days. Josh stays on guitar, and JPJ seems still to have the stamina to hit his bass strings. Vocal duties I guess will be shared by Josh and Dave. Amazing combination of talent. This album has to be fantastic. That’s the scary bit. Those 3 lads together have no choice but to produce something magical. High expectations.


collateral – in the final moments of September 2009

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