
Incredible. Police in Peru have arrested 2 men and a woman for trade in human fat. Yes, human fat. Kick that. These Peruvians killed tens of people for their body grease. Slick business.

It’s an out-of-space horror movie. The trio said they were killing people – the fatter the better I guess - to sell fat to the European cosmetic industry. Wow. It’s even more out of space. Beyond Mars. The next universe. If true, I seriously wonder what the hell the cosmetic industry is using body fat for. Slimming pills based on human fat? Massage oil from pressed human grease. Uh.
Apparently the Peruvian cops are still on the hunt for several Italian associates of the fat-collectors.

Apparently the cops discoverd a so called lab where victims were killed, decapitated and their legs and arms cut off, before their organs were taken out. Then the remaining body was being melted. Horror house deluxe.

What was left over was buried or thrown in a local river. Mad, madder, maddest. The cops now are looking in all the missing people cases from the region. Maybe they were all victims of the fat suckers.

Investigators have strong doubts the culprits’ story about European cosmatic industry buyers is for real. The question remains why the hell were these poeple doing this evil business. It’s sickening beyond reality.

Human behavior remains a mystery. Too often a scary mystery. Dirty, bloody, scary, mysterious.

And sometimes human bevahior is also brutal, unfair, unbalanced. Inhuman in fact. The Israeli government has announced they want to built another 900 new settelment homes in East Jersualem. Path to peace? Or aggressive policy of expansion? It feels like a stiff middle finger to the outside world. Talking peace to Obama and Hillary and European diplomats, but out there on the ground doing the exact opposite. It’s pretty disgusting.

It often seems that the Israelis pursue aggressive policies. They attack and then whne the world demands a halt to their attacks they see that as the world demandinga concession from them. So they use aggression (in different forms) to force concessions from the Palestinians. They don’t reach out a hand. They firts slap and then demand the other side gives them something before the slapping stops. It’s high time the world stands up to such negative policies and refuse to play game on their terms. Stop aggression first before any concessions can come to the table. Otherwise it is very much an unfair, unbalanced approach. And that is not a right path to peace and stability. That is not a path for a better future for all – Palestinians and Israelis. It’s warfare, nothing more, nothing less. And warfare cannot be seen as negotiations. It’s a destructive act.

Human behavior, especially in the Middle East, is too ften an emotional, unrealistic reaction to dead-end actions as hope is fading and gung-ho politics gain the upperhand. Path to nowhere.

From nowhere to somewhere else. If the somewhere else might eventually to a wall or a dark hole is certianly possible.

The small, rich, Alpen-nation of Switzerland has just re-conformed its status as the home of dark conservatism. Through a referendum the country has bannend the construction of minarets. More than 57% of voters supported the ban.

The referendum was called by Switzerland’s largest party, the SVP, as they see minarets as a sign of Islamisation of the snowwy white ski-resorts. And a majority pf the Swiss people seem to agree with that view and thus don’t want any minarets no more. They have only 4 so far across the whole country and thats eemed to be enough for the conservative Swiss to start fearing an Sialm tidal wave. All back to the bunker tod efend the nation against the advancing hordes of Muslims.

It wont give them favours in the Muslim world, but that’s their choice. But on the other hand the well-known Swiss banking world happily accepts the bank accounts from Muslims and finance some dark channels of payments and bribes for some of the Muslim’s world dictators and hardline, anti-democractic rulers. Speaking of double talk. Hypocrisy in the snow.

Human behavior. As always confusing, dark and lacking standards.

Throw out. Just heard Skarhead’s “Drugs, music & sex” album. Skarhead is a project-band from Lord Ezec from Crown of Thornz fame, and also known as Danny Diablo when wearing the rap hat. Their new release after years of being on hold was highly anticipated, but I don’t think it delivered to the hype. It has some good tracks, but sadly also some very poor tracks that are very repetitive and very déjà-vu. But still plenty of respect for Ezec’s efforts in the underground music industry. The guy seems to have massive energy.


collateral – November 2009 is reaching its final hours

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