X marks the spot. And the battle to get that x on the “right” spot will be a hot contest in many nations world wide in 2012.
Amazing how many countries will go to the polls next year. Democracy is really facing tough times ahead. Busy times. In some places it is total fake democracy. Other places will be a bloody path. Others a confusing journey. Others a testing phase.
Interesting times. As long as the end of 2012 doesn’t give the globe a massive headache and hangover. Democracy is a crucial, amazing process but it can easily go wrong. Democracy is a moving train on narrow tracks. Going off-track is easier than what it looks like initially.
Anyway. Fingers crossed. Hopes raised. But keep flag jackets and headache tablets handy.
Human behavior can easily slip downhill.
Here’s a few “minefields”.
The big one. US presidential election on November 6, 2012. But the process has already – informally – started and will kick off officially in January with primaries and caucuses. How the Yanks can explain their political system to anybody remains a mystery.
The November stand-off is simply between Obama II and somebody from the right side of the Republicans. That side that can’t find Europe on a worldmap, that thinks women should go stay in the kitchen, and that side that keeps the Bible handy for any questions they can’t find the answers to in their distorted brains.
And those who think that Sarah Palin had totally retreated back to Alaska to shoot dears and think about family values,… are wrong! A comeback is always sexy and good for PR (just keep reading and you will see where I am going with this).
The Republicans still need to sort out their frontrunner. Mitt Romney seems doing well so far. The religious zealot seems ahead in most polls but the journey is still long and full of traps, mines, secrets, emails, tweets, lots of wrong soundbites, plenty of spin and fake smiles, and all that other stuff that goes with lying in public.
Then of course there is also Newt Gingrich. The return of the hardliner. And – here we go – he is thinking of taking Palin on board as Vice-President candidate if he survives the Republican interal killing fields. Kick that. A Newt-Sarah ticket. So how soon can we bomb Iran, cure gays, give tax cuts to the rich, invade Canada,...? And no, we do not need to know where Russia is, or if South and North Korea are the same country or not, and if Africa is 1 country or a continent. That’s all crap. Bomb them all. We are America, right?! Maybe broke (what’s that?), maybe not that economically dominant anymore than in the 20th Century (what Century is it now?),…. but hey ho let’s go. Act first and then …. well….. say some 3 word one-liners, and then…. uuh…. say “America” a few times, and then “terrorism” a few times, and then ….euh… then go and play hockey. America yeah yeah yeah!!
Scary November 6 ahead.
Then of course there is the follow up of the Arab uprisings with elections expected in Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Always a tricky task to introduce democracy to people who have only known dictatorships. The unknown is for many citizens a difficult path to take. A difficult turn. It’s t-junction time!!
And before the US goes to the polls there is another poll (parliament) in Russia. The old foe is back slipping into darkness. The recent presidential poll, with the return of action hero and ex-spy Vladimir Putin, has shown that free and fair elections are being eroded. Not good. The hunger for an authoritarian, strong, proud Russia is back present in the mood swings of the Russian power-elite. Dangerous times. Slippery slope. The past can be the future. Is the cold war peeping its ugly head out of the freezer?
Human behavior is a loss of memory.
As Russia seems destroying its young democratic process, its big commie neighbour China is far from even going down the democracy path. The communist party is still solid in charge. Elections there in 2012 are just an internal communist party shuffle. With eventually some bodies ending up in the Yellow River, but that’s a minor detail in a dictatorship. And don’t google that because you wont get far in China. Google-freedom is just a dream. As are many other things. China is an ever-growing giant with never-changing and very narrow, dark tunnels of life-space.
So elections in 3 world powers: US, Russia and China. 2012 Is interesting!
South of the Texas border lays a whole continent (Yes, Sarah, there is something below Texas!) and 2 Central/South American countries are facing their voters too.
Mexico’s president Calderon might loose the key to his office. His anti-drug war has lost much of its original popularity and the poll might cause a shift back to the PRI party which has been in charge of Mexico for most of the past century. And then, hah!, there will be elections in Venezuela. Mad Chavez is facing a real test….well, if he allows the polls to be free and fair. Because the newly-bold nutter doesn’t like criticism, opponents and a too close look at his economic policies. Is 2012 the end of Chavez?
Shift to the old continent now (do not ask Sarah where that is, or you will really get confused!).
French president Sarkozy (the one with the younger, taller, singing wife) might also face the kick-up-the butt in 2012. After 7 years in his beautiful office he might have to find new nannies to change the nappies of his new baby. Maybe France is ready for a change and bring the Socialist Party back into presidential power.
No Sarah, the French Socialist Party has nothing to do with the old-style Communists from the Soviet Union. The 60s are gone. Even the Soviet Union does not exist anymore! I know it is all hard to grasp for you, but maybe Newt can help you somewhat,…. although his worldviews might also be pretty outdated.
From France down to Africa. That’s a short trip.
Mad Bob is already planning his militias to roam Zimbabwe to maim and kill all opponents as elections should – in theory – be held in 2012.
Another brutal campaign is expected to come down on the poor people of this beautiful country. The economy is broken. The spirits are broken. Half the people have fled the country to neighboring nations like South Africa, Botswana or Zambia. Elections could mean change, but Mugabe’s brutal dictatorship is far from running out of steam. Still enough sticks to brutalize. Still enough tricks up the sleeve to fake the poll. Still enough corruption to keep the necessary henchmen happy and rich. Still enough blood to be spilled.
Neighboring South Africa is not having national elections, but the ruling party (ANC) is voting for a new leader in December 2012. And because the ANC is still so strong the new (or same) party president is likely to become the next state president at the next polls in 2014.
But, sadly, the party is totally rotten within. It has lost its soul and vision. It has turned into a bunch of thieves emptying state coffers for personal gain, and arranging business deals for family members. A young democracy being raped from within. Hyenas on the loose. And thus the party gathering in December next year will turn into a very nasty, dirty battle to get a seat at the table to be able to steal at will. It will not be about policies to lift up the nation, it will – only – be about crude power and the related seat on the gravy rain. Sickening.
And finally, but not least important for sure, the nuke nutter from Iran is facing elections too.
Ahmadinejad could be out of office by the closing of the polls on March 2. Not that the world should start celebrating now already, because even if the current nutter gets voted out he might be replaced by some other hardliner with narrow minded worldviews and nuke-phobia. So keep the champagne (French I hope) in the fridge for now.
Iran’s main reformist groups are boycotting the poll because they claim it’s already a sham. Not really free. Choices limited. A state controlled process that doesn’t stand the test of real democracy. So that champagne will stay in the fridge it seems.
Human behavoir could make 2012 into a rollercoaster of note.
And then of course don’t forget global warming and thus expected freak weather patterns. And also still there and kicking: Syria’s own Arab uprising; Nigeria’s Muslim nutters whom like to slaughter non-Muslims; the London Olympics; the Euro crisis and wider economic hardships; Al Quada affiliates in Mauritania and Niger growing and growing (Sarah, don’t bother trying to find those countries on a map!); the mess in Somalia (on land and on the ocean); maybe more suprises in Saudi Arabia where the state has just allowed women to walk without a male escort on the streets of the nation (are we in the 21st century????); the trial of the Norwegian killing nutter (remember?);….
It certianly looks like 2012 wont be boring. But also it could be scary for sure. The future ain’t what it used to be……
Throw out. John Joseph shouts “Hard Times” from the Cro-Mags’ 1986 album “The age of quarrel”. Maybe the best, hardhitting, in-your-face, punkrock album ever! Cro-Mags unfortunattely has fallen victim to serious infighting and its own quarrels. John Joseph still tours under the band’s name (like last night in NY), but it ain’t what it used to be. But “The age of quarrel” is and forever will be a super classic of the hardcore scene. After decades it hasn’t lost any of its power, emotion, or pure listening pleasure.
C –Ya
collateral – last day of 2011
Somewhere in Zimbabwe a man hooked up with a lady in a bar. She was a hooker and for him it wasn’t the first time to take it to the next (business) level with this woman.
This time he gambled. During the naked encounter he said he wouldn’t pay this time. Wrong words, wrong time. The take-no-prisoners hooker bit his penis off. Ouch! After the bite she ran outside to spit that piece of meat out. Blah.
The man’s hooker visits are no longer a village secret. He landed in hospital. What we unfortunately can’t see are the faces of the nurses. Probably pricesless. The hooker got arrested. Trial started and the man had to walk into the courtroom to testify against his assailant. But as he walked into the room it was clear to all present that he had difficulties walking. Sore between the legs. Ouch! Does size still matter?
Human behavior is a sexual journey. With or without a bite.
Straight out of a movie. Café Marco, somewhere in Australia. It’s morning. A lone suitcase just stands there. Nobody picks it up and leaves with it. No recollection of how it got there. Who dropped it there that morning?
The Café owner gets intrigued, maybe even a litlle suspicious. He opens the suitcase and wonders if he is daydreaming. US$1 Million in cash. In small notes.
Another customer tells the cops he has a vague memory of a young-ish man wearing surfing shorts carrying the suitcase into Café Marco earlier that morning.
The mystery remains unsolved.
Drug deal? Lottery winner without a bank account? Betting man? Rich dude with a heart about to make a homesless insanely happy? Dirty politician paying somebody to keep silent? Cash for a hitman? And why not…. for a hitwoman? Will we ever know?
Meanwhile back in the cash-less world the world is watching the ongoing currency and debt struggles in Europe, and the US$ trillion cost cutting attempts in the US. Tough times. Crazy times.
Forget any normal politicking in the US as Washington DC is in election mode. It’s all about saving one’s ass, spin, collecting campaign cash and watching one’s back.
And the Republican pizza-man stepped out of the race. Too many girlfriends. Extra toppings…. Too many lies to keep hidden under the carpet. Back to baking pizzas. Who else is still in that early race? Hardliner Gingrich is planning a return to the main stage it seems.
Human behavior is often a déjà vu.
But the US political system seems not coping anymore with the reality of politicking. A democracy hijacked by permanent campaigning.
A president gets elected in November. Then waits till January to get sworn in. Then a long and hard journey to get his/her government officials (secretary of state, secretary of defence,…) through the Congress process. Then after 6 months or so after being voted in, the White House resident can start governing. But very soon already the mid-term elections are creeping up and governing slips into campaigning. Once these elections are over it’s adjusting to their outcome. Bit of governing space and then (too soon) the next presidential race pops up. It seems even that this year the race has started ridiculously early. Especially on Republican side, a sthey need to find their candidate amidst the pile of wannabees. Alaska hockey-mum Palin didn’t join the race (easier the scream and shout populistic one-liners from the sideline) but there are still plenty of candidates. Some obscure ones. Some really dumb ones. Some religious zealots. Some racists. Some edgy ones. But amazing how early the Republicans are at it. Especially if one realises how many millions get dumped into this race. First millions to fight within your own party. And if you make it (and are still not tottaly broke), then the more important and costly race for the real presidential elections. Crazy system. So much money wasted.
Human behavior and politics are a f*cked up cocktail.
Looking at one’s dreadlocks will never be the same again.
A South African woman was arrested at Bangkok's international airport after police said they found 1.5kg of cocaine hidden in her dreadlocks. Fully Jamaican style.
Nobanda Nolubabalo, 23, was searched when police noticed a white substance in her hair shortly after she stepped off a Qatar Airways flight that originated in Brazil and flew via Qatar to Bangkok. The search uncovered 1.5kg of cocaine - with a street value of US$150000 - hidden in her dreadlocks.
And in Thailand the authorities don’t laugh with drug smuggling. Nobanda is facing a tough time. Some risks are stupid, others are ridicilously so.
Human behaviour is too often guided by stupidity and money.
The insanity and rot within the Catholic church seems just never ending.
Disgusting. Brutal. Sickening. Mentally disturbing. Outrageous. An independent Dutch inquiry into child sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests found "tens of thousands" of victims since 1945, identifying 800 alleged perpetrators.
Tens of thousands (!!!!) of minors were exposed to "mild, severe or very severe sexual behavior" by clergy or lay workers in the Dutch Catholic Church over a 65-year period between 1945 and 2010. How sick is this? In the name of God?!?
Claims of alleged sexual abuse examined by the inquiry went from "light physical contact to penetration". Dutch bishops expressed their regrets and offered "sincere apologies" to the victims. Is that all? A little speech and a prayer. These bishops must be on dope. Maybe from that dreadlocked mule. Crazy. The perpetrators whom are still alive should be hunted down and brought to justice and thrown in jail. Let them have some shower-time with other inmates. The Catholic church is rotten and sick and keeps behaving it is above the law. F* that!!!!
From sick to insane,… and returning to Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe has called British Prime Minister David Cameron "satanic" for considering withholding aid from countries that do not respect gay rights, a report says.
There you have it. World politics, gay rights, satan. All in a dirty mix.
Human behavior has its moments of laughter. And sarcasm. And nutters on the loose.
Throw out. Discovered. Dutch hardhitting punkrockers Harbour 81 came out of the ashes of Rotterdam band Second Chance. H81’s debut album “Live your dreams” was released in 2008 and has guest vocals by Breakdown’s Jeff Perlin and Blood For Bllod’s Buddha. Kickin’. Hardhittin’. Good stuff.
C -Ya
collateral – December 2011 is ticking away and with that the whole of 20eleven.
This time he gambled. During the naked encounter he said he wouldn’t pay this time. Wrong words, wrong time. The take-no-prisoners hooker bit his penis off. Ouch! After the bite she ran outside to spit that piece of meat out. Blah.
The man’s hooker visits are no longer a village secret. He landed in hospital. What we unfortunately can’t see are the faces of the nurses. Probably pricesless. The hooker got arrested. Trial started and the man had to walk into the courtroom to testify against his assailant. But as he walked into the room it was clear to all present that he had difficulties walking. Sore between the legs. Ouch! Does size still matter?
Human behavior is a sexual journey. With or without a bite.
Straight out of a movie. Café Marco, somewhere in Australia. It’s morning. A lone suitcase just stands there. Nobody picks it up and leaves with it. No recollection of how it got there. Who dropped it there that morning?
The Café owner gets intrigued, maybe even a litlle suspicious. He opens the suitcase and wonders if he is daydreaming. US$1 Million in cash. In small notes.
Another customer tells the cops he has a vague memory of a young-ish man wearing surfing shorts carrying the suitcase into Café Marco earlier that morning.
The mystery remains unsolved.
Drug deal? Lottery winner without a bank account? Betting man? Rich dude with a heart about to make a homesless insanely happy? Dirty politician paying somebody to keep silent? Cash for a hitman? And why not…. for a hitwoman? Will we ever know?
Meanwhile back in the cash-less world the world is watching the ongoing currency and debt struggles in Europe, and the US$ trillion cost cutting attempts in the US. Tough times. Crazy times.
Forget any normal politicking in the US as Washington DC is in election mode. It’s all about saving one’s ass, spin, collecting campaign cash and watching one’s back.
And the Republican pizza-man stepped out of the race. Too many girlfriends. Extra toppings…. Too many lies to keep hidden under the carpet. Back to baking pizzas. Who else is still in that early race? Hardliner Gingrich is planning a return to the main stage it seems.
Human behavior is often a déjà vu.
But the US political system seems not coping anymore with the reality of politicking. A democracy hijacked by permanent campaigning.
A president gets elected in November. Then waits till January to get sworn in. Then a long and hard journey to get his/her government officials (secretary of state, secretary of defence,…) through the Congress process. Then after 6 months or so after being voted in, the White House resident can start governing. But very soon already the mid-term elections are creeping up and governing slips into campaigning. Once these elections are over it’s adjusting to their outcome. Bit of governing space and then (too soon) the next presidential race pops up. It seems even that this year the race has started ridiculously early. Especially on Republican side, a sthey need to find their candidate amidst the pile of wannabees. Alaska hockey-mum Palin didn’t join the race (easier the scream and shout populistic one-liners from the sideline) but there are still plenty of candidates. Some obscure ones. Some really dumb ones. Some religious zealots. Some racists. Some edgy ones. But amazing how early the Republicans are at it. Especially if one realises how many millions get dumped into this race. First millions to fight within your own party. And if you make it (and are still not tottaly broke), then the more important and costly race for the real presidential elections. Crazy system. So much money wasted.
Human behavior and politics are a f*cked up cocktail.
Looking at one’s dreadlocks will never be the same again.
A South African woman was arrested at Bangkok's international airport after police said they found 1.5kg of cocaine hidden in her dreadlocks. Fully Jamaican style.
Nobanda Nolubabalo, 23, was searched when police noticed a white substance in her hair shortly after she stepped off a Qatar Airways flight that originated in Brazil and flew via Qatar to Bangkok. The search uncovered 1.5kg of cocaine - with a street value of US$150000 - hidden in her dreadlocks.
And in Thailand the authorities don’t laugh with drug smuggling. Nobanda is facing a tough time. Some risks are stupid, others are ridicilously so.
Human behaviour is too often guided by stupidity and money.
The insanity and rot within the Catholic church seems just never ending.
Disgusting. Brutal. Sickening. Mentally disturbing. Outrageous. An independent Dutch inquiry into child sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests found "tens of thousands" of victims since 1945, identifying 800 alleged perpetrators.
Tens of thousands (!!!!) of minors were exposed to "mild, severe or very severe sexual behavior" by clergy or lay workers in the Dutch Catholic Church over a 65-year period between 1945 and 2010. How sick is this? In the name of God?!?
Claims of alleged sexual abuse examined by the inquiry went from "light physical contact to penetration". Dutch bishops expressed their regrets and offered "sincere apologies" to the victims. Is that all? A little speech and a prayer. These bishops must be on dope. Maybe from that dreadlocked mule. Crazy. The perpetrators whom are still alive should be hunted down and brought to justice and thrown in jail. Let them have some shower-time with other inmates. The Catholic church is rotten and sick and keeps behaving it is above the law. F* that!!!!
From sick to insane,… and returning to Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe has called British Prime Minister David Cameron "satanic" for considering withholding aid from countries that do not respect gay rights, a report says.
There you have it. World politics, gay rights, satan. All in a dirty mix.
Human behavior has its moments of laughter. And sarcasm. And nutters on the loose.
Throw out. Discovered. Dutch hardhitting punkrockers Harbour 81 came out of the ashes of Rotterdam band Second Chance. H81’s debut album “Live your dreams” was released in 2008 and has guest vocals by Breakdown’s Jeff Perlin and Blood For Bllod’s Buddha. Kickin’. Hardhittin’. Good stuff.
C -Ya
collateral – December 2011 is ticking away and with that the whole of 20eleven.
We've got a situation here
It was just another loose wire in the heads of the freaks of this world. 11-11-11 Was for some another day the world would end, and if not then at least some drastic event would occur; or God would pass by for a visit; or aliens would come and kill us all. Apocalypse now.
Open your eyes, smell the (polluted) air, put the radio on and pinch yourself. Right,…. All of the above didn’t happen and thus the freaks can search for their next (missed) deadline.
Why are some so obsessed with the end of the world? It will probably happen. Either when some planet or fat star crashes in on us in 568934567 billion years, or maybe when the nuke-nutter in Iran goes wild.
But the obsessed ones need to chill. Enjoy life. You are only here for a short time, so don’t get obsessed about when you not gonna be here. You are here to be here, not here to be busy with the not-here. Understood? Probably not.
Get busy with the day to day necessities of being here. And smile. Be nice. Sort the shit out and tackle the crap. Clean up your hood. Put solar panels on your roof. Eat more than just burgers with plastic ketchup. Travel around. Meet folks. Read some stuff, listen to fine tunes. Just live a life instead of being busy with the time when the worms will eat your guts (and everything else).
Human behavior is too often paralysed, infiltrated, brainless.
Speaking of crap. The world is gathering soon in South Africa to – once again – talk about global warming. But already now most specialists and people that follow these debates fear that it will – once again – just be a talkshop. Lots of pollution to come here to talk and talk and talk,… and nothing changes. The US is not flexible and shortsighted. China and India doesn’t want limitations on their evergrowing economies. That’s a stupid view because a greener economy creates jobs and opportunities. Change is just something people have troubles with. Even if it’s for the better. Even if it’s healtheir. Even if it’s for a better future for their kids. Change is difficult. Change is partly unknown and too many humans (as animals do too) are just too worried and stressed about change.
The fear of change is a universal disease that blocks real progress.
Human behavior likes things to stay the same. Just like animals do.
Kick this! A man in Australia was diagnosed with canver and underwent 7 rounds of chemotherapy, and had 80% of his stomach removed.
But then the doctors told him they made a misdiagnosis! The man never had cancer. One then wonders why doctors get their heads smashed in by patients.
It’s crazy. And we are talking Australia here. So called top of the world in healthcare. Mistakes are possible, but this one sucks. Big time.
Imagine the stupid doctors told the patient he had a month to live and the patient went away living a rollercoaster life for his so called final month. French champagne daily. Flying first class from holiday paradise to holiday paradise. Super-deluxe hotels and resorts. Masages with extra bonuses. Orgies. Spin with a Ferrari. Serious off roading with a Wrangler. Sending off insulting emails to his enemies. Tasting 20 different Belgian beers in one afternoon. Helicopter flips. Rafting. Parachute jumping. Cage diving to meet the great white. Sending the best Apple Mac laptop to a poor kid in Africa. Carneval in Rio. Flying to Argentina to eat the best steak. Touring the new 7 wonders of the world. Spending every cent and more.
And then satisfied (and broke) after 1 month of total pleasure, some doctor tells him it was all a mistake. Kick that.
Human behavior cam have a baseball bat in one hand.
Meanwhile the slaughter in Syria continues. Dictators don’t go peacefully. Blood stains across the nation is a price they willingly pay as long as it’s not their blood. Libya aint Syria. Politics of reality kick in. But change will come. If not today or tomorrow, then in a year or a decade. Change will come and change can be brutal. Ask Gadaffi. Killed like a screaming pig. From ruling the country, living in delirium, buildinge scape tunnels…. to hiding in a sewage pipe and being kileld juts like that. Crashing down to earth. Street justice.
And then there is that Republican, presidential hopefull in the US who plays the emotional, macho card by desiring to bomb Iran. The answer to problems are bombs from the sky. Lessons never really learned or put into context. Afghanistan is still very shaky. Iraq same same. Iran for sure is currently ruled by a madman with nuke dreams. And probably he is getting closer to built a bomb. The bomb. But at least a presidential hopefull should use some intelectual capacity and think about consequences and options.
Without a doubt Iran is a dangerous nation. Well not the nation as such, but that nutter at the helm. But we should not underestimate the ramblings within Iran itself. Opposition againts the madman is growing as many Iranians know the madman’s path is a path towards insanity.
Military action might be necessary one day, but let us not go down that silly road too soon too fast. A US-lead war on Iran will implode Lebanon wth terrorists Hezbollah stepping into the void. Neighbouring Afghanistan will slide down hill. Followed by Pakistan, which will make nuke power India nervous. Israel will become very tense. Hamas will try to cause havoc. Oil prices will go to unseen heights which lead destroy hope sof economic recovery worldwide. Al Quada will use the opportunity to enlist, train, kill, maim, slaughter. Yemen would collapse. Turkey would be edgy. And what about Syria then? And even spill overs into the Muslim belly of the former Soviet Union.
Scary thoughts.
So before giving that greenlight to the jets on the tarmacs, and the cruise missile commanders on the ships,…. pause and think.
Human behavior is trigger happy.
Throw out. The musical disaster of the decade is Lulu!! What a commercially inspired cacophony. Metallica and Lou reed came together and made something they thought was a great idea. They must have been drinking too much tequila and sniffing too much glue. It sounds awfull beyond repair. It is imposisble to listen to it. Metallica should stop now. Lou Reed should have retired years ago. Stop now as both are destroying their musical legacy. Musical harakiri.
C -Ya
collateral – November 2011 is passing by
Open your eyes, smell the (polluted) air, put the radio on and pinch yourself. Right,…. All of the above didn’t happen and thus the freaks can search for their next (missed) deadline.
Why are some so obsessed with the end of the world? It will probably happen. Either when some planet or fat star crashes in on us in 568934567 billion years, or maybe when the nuke-nutter in Iran goes wild.
But the obsessed ones need to chill. Enjoy life. You are only here for a short time, so don’t get obsessed about when you not gonna be here. You are here to be here, not here to be busy with the not-here. Understood? Probably not.
Get busy with the day to day necessities of being here. And smile. Be nice. Sort the shit out and tackle the crap. Clean up your hood. Put solar panels on your roof. Eat more than just burgers with plastic ketchup. Travel around. Meet folks. Read some stuff, listen to fine tunes. Just live a life instead of being busy with the time when the worms will eat your guts (and everything else).
Human behavior is too often paralysed, infiltrated, brainless.
Speaking of crap. The world is gathering soon in South Africa to – once again – talk about global warming. But already now most specialists and people that follow these debates fear that it will – once again – just be a talkshop. Lots of pollution to come here to talk and talk and talk,… and nothing changes. The US is not flexible and shortsighted. China and India doesn’t want limitations on their evergrowing economies. That’s a stupid view because a greener economy creates jobs and opportunities. Change is just something people have troubles with. Even if it’s for the better. Even if it’s healtheir. Even if it’s for a better future for their kids. Change is difficult. Change is partly unknown and too many humans (as animals do too) are just too worried and stressed about change.
The fear of change is a universal disease that blocks real progress.
Human behavior likes things to stay the same. Just like animals do.
Kick this! A man in Australia was diagnosed with canver and underwent 7 rounds of chemotherapy, and had 80% of his stomach removed.
But then the doctors told him they made a misdiagnosis! The man never had cancer. One then wonders why doctors get their heads smashed in by patients.
It’s crazy. And we are talking Australia here. So called top of the world in healthcare. Mistakes are possible, but this one sucks. Big time.
Imagine the stupid doctors told the patient he had a month to live and the patient went away living a rollercoaster life for his so called final month. French champagne daily. Flying first class from holiday paradise to holiday paradise. Super-deluxe hotels and resorts. Masages with extra bonuses. Orgies. Spin with a Ferrari. Serious off roading with a Wrangler. Sending off insulting emails to his enemies. Tasting 20 different Belgian beers in one afternoon. Helicopter flips. Rafting. Parachute jumping. Cage diving to meet the great white. Sending the best Apple Mac laptop to a poor kid in Africa. Carneval in Rio. Flying to Argentina to eat the best steak. Touring the new 7 wonders of the world. Spending every cent and more.
And then satisfied (and broke) after 1 month of total pleasure, some doctor tells him it was all a mistake. Kick that.
Human behavior cam have a baseball bat in one hand.
Meanwhile the slaughter in Syria continues. Dictators don’t go peacefully. Blood stains across the nation is a price they willingly pay as long as it’s not their blood. Libya aint Syria. Politics of reality kick in. But change will come. If not today or tomorrow, then in a year or a decade. Change will come and change can be brutal. Ask Gadaffi. Killed like a screaming pig. From ruling the country, living in delirium, buildinge scape tunnels…. to hiding in a sewage pipe and being kileld juts like that. Crashing down to earth. Street justice.
And then there is that Republican, presidential hopefull in the US who plays the emotional, macho card by desiring to bomb Iran. The answer to problems are bombs from the sky. Lessons never really learned or put into context. Afghanistan is still very shaky. Iraq same same. Iran for sure is currently ruled by a madman with nuke dreams. And probably he is getting closer to built a bomb. The bomb. But at least a presidential hopefull should use some intelectual capacity and think about consequences and options.
Without a doubt Iran is a dangerous nation. Well not the nation as such, but that nutter at the helm. But we should not underestimate the ramblings within Iran itself. Opposition againts the madman is growing as many Iranians know the madman’s path is a path towards insanity.
Military action might be necessary one day, but let us not go down that silly road too soon too fast. A US-lead war on Iran will implode Lebanon wth terrorists Hezbollah stepping into the void. Neighbouring Afghanistan will slide down hill. Followed by Pakistan, which will make nuke power India nervous. Israel will become very tense. Hamas will try to cause havoc. Oil prices will go to unseen heights which lead destroy hope sof economic recovery worldwide. Al Quada will use the opportunity to enlist, train, kill, maim, slaughter. Yemen would collapse. Turkey would be edgy. And what about Syria then? And even spill overs into the Muslim belly of the former Soviet Union.
Scary thoughts.
So before giving that greenlight to the jets on the tarmacs, and the cruise missile commanders on the ships,…. pause and think.
Human behavior is trigger happy.
Throw out. The musical disaster of the decade is Lulu!! What a commercially inspired cacophony. Metallica and Lou reed came together and made something they thought was a great idea. They must have been drinking too much tequila and sniffing too much glue. It sounds awfull beyond repair. It is imposisble to listen to it. Metallica should stop now. Lou Reed should have retired years ago. Stop now as both are destroying their musical legacy. Musical harakiri.
C -Ya
collateral – November 2011 is passing by
Dead and gone
Just another wacko warning. American evangelist Harold Camping warned that Friday October 21st of 2011 is the end of the world. As simple as that.
Finished. Done. No more earth and its inhabitants. Apocalyspe now.
But the religious zealot said the same last May and we’re still here. He corrected himself after nothing happened saying the May event (what event??) was just a spiritual one. Nice try, fool.
Of course plenty of followers of his so called Rapture group sold their homes and got ready for the apocalypse. Seriously wondering how they looked at each other the next day. Where are we? What happened? Is this heaven? Nothing!!!! No home, no job. No brains!
Why don’t these reiligious members go down to Camping , put his house on fire, kick him in the guts, take all his money and go for a spin with his car. Religious fools and their super-fool followers. Waste of fresh air.
Human behaviour is sometimes just a waste of everything.
Nobel peace prize winner the Dalai Lama was not welcome in South Africa. At least from the point of view of the men in charge in Africa’s southern tip.
An old man in an orange dress has become a threat to South Africa’s national security. Kick that. South Africa denied the Dalai Lama a visa to come here for a private visit – a birthday party of fellow Nobel peace prize winner Archbischop Desmond Tutu.
Can you believe that? Not so long ago, when Nelson Mandela walked free from jail and democratic elections were held for the first time, South Africa was hailed as a beacon of hope. Now, less than 20 years later, China dictates what’s going on and the beacon shines no more (will see further another reason why).
The Dalai Lama as a threat to the development of a nation. How farcical? Not the growing gap between poor and rich. Not the out of control corruption and theft of state funds. Not the decline in food producution. Not the out of control ivory and rhino horn poaching. Not the legislation to curb media freedom. Not the growing social funds which make nearly half of the nation dependent on state hand outs. That’s like buying your next votes.
No, it’s that old man in his orange dress that is the therat. All the rest is just spin.
Speaking of the dimming beacon. South Africa’s Special Investigation Unit's annual report just laid it bare. The rot has reached amazing new heights. 20% Of the government's procurement budget is misused, overpaid, stolen,.... That's more than US$bn3 in 1 year!!!! That is the real legacy of the current administration.
Imagine how much you can do with that for the poor of that nation. It's organized theft on a grand scale. This is what the struggle for democracy has turned into. Theft without a drop of remorse. The soul of the liberated South Africa has been mutilated by the speeding gravy train. The ruling party has turned into a pack of hyenas dismantling the state at amazing speed.
Human behavior can be very similar to the animal world.
British TV channels will not broadcast a TV clip from Bono’s goodwill organization One.
The body that watches over the partiality, morality and cleanness of what goes on the TV said One’s new clip is not neutral. Stinks of undermining freedom of expression.
One’s 1-minute TV spot is about the famine in East Africa. The slogan in it is “The F-word. Famine is the real obscenity”.
But the media regulator wasn’t in a good mood and banned it there and then. F* to that! As the world slides deeper into the 21st Century some societies seem to stick to narrow-mindedness. Afraid of reality. If it’s in your face it’s probably too scary. Feed the people some crap so called reality-TV, but ban a clip about famine.
That’s where we have come to. Don’t feed the masses reality, keep them high, stupid and certainly ignorant. Treat them as cattle.
Human behavior is just a TV clip away.
Back to South Africa. Never ending source of inspiration.
A pastor has been arrested for killing his 2 year old son. He also tried to take his own life but that failed. Not so sure all this fits within his faith?!
God probably stopped his suicide so he can continue roaming this planet in pain and agony for what he did to his kid. Torture the bastard! Send him to hell.
Meanwhile US actress Hilary Swank got mud on the face. Caught out. Red-faced. And this despite her above-Hollywood-average IQ.
She got an invite, and accepted it, for the party of Chechen president- aka warlord - Ramzan Kadyrov. AT least she said sorry afterwards. After the champagne… and all the rest.
Ramzan is a bloody warlord. A criminal. Full-stop. A bloodthirsty piece of work.
But Swank,….and muscles from Brussels JC Van Damme too, went to ugly Grozny to attend the bastard’s 35th birthday bash. Bank accounts have no morals, neither any soul.
Human behavior is driven by $.
So Obama announced that all US military are coming back home from Iraq by the end of the year. Amazing statement. Wondering how Iraq will survive afterwards, because the country and the whole region are far from a bastion of stability and peace.
But good for the boys and girls to go back home…. and a serious relieve for the over-stretched US budget. Of course plenty of support and undercover operations will stay.
And good 2012 election slogan of course too. Reality politics has often a serious cold factor.
Anyway. Anyhow.
So Gadaffi is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. He was hiding like a rat in a drainpipe. They caught him and a youngster just put a bullet in his head. Done. Street justice.
Probably many Western leaders are happy to see him dead because a trail might have opened many cans full of very nasty worms, as too many leaders hated the dude, but also made plenty of business deals with him. Oil is always a dirty business.
But the dictator deserved street justice. He was a nasty piece of work. Green revolution. BS. Just another spin to suppress and aim for ultimate power till eternity.
Well that bullet ended all this crap. Dead and gone.
Throw out. This time it’s a tribute to silence. Just for a few minutes. It’s damn hard these days to have pure an simple, natural silence. Too much noise. Traffic, cellphones, barking dogs, planes overhead, religious fools ringing the doorbell, trash van, flipping horny cats, some fool with loud hiphop bass destroying his hearing. Etc etc etc.
C -Ya
collateral – October 2011 is moving on
Finished. Done. No more earth and its inhabitants. Apocalyspe now.
But the religious zealot said the same last May and we’re still here. He corrected himself after nothing happened saying the May event (what event??) was just a spiritual one. Nice try, fool.
Of course plenty of followers of his so called Rapture group sold their homes and got ready for the apocalypse. Seriously wondering how they looked at each other the next day. Where are we? What happened? Is this heaven? Nothing!!!! No home, no job. No brains!
Why don’t these reiligious members go down to Camping , put his house on fire, kick him in the guts, take all his money and go for a spin with his car. Religious fools and their super-fool followers. Waste of fresh air.
Human behaviour is sometimes just a waste of everything.
Nobel peace prize winner the Dalai Lama was not welcome in South Africa. At least from the point of view of the men in charge in Africa’s southern tip.
An old man in an orange dress has become a threat to South Africa’s national security. Kick that. South Africa denied the Dalai Lama a visa to come here for a private visit – a birthday party of fellow Nobel peace prize winner Archbischop Desmond Tutu.
Can you believe that? Not so long ago, when Nelson Mandela walked free from jail and democratic elections were held for the first time, South Africa was hailed as a beacon of hope. Now, less than 20 years later, China dictates what’s going on and the beacon shines no more (will see further another reason why).
The Dalai Lama as a threat to the development of a nation. How farcical? Not the growing gap between poor and rich. Not the out of control corruption and theft of state funds. Not the decline in food producution. Not the out of control ivory and rhino horn poaching. Not the legislation to curb media freedom. Not the growing social funds which make nearly half of the nation dependent on state hand outs. That’s like buying your next votes.
No, it’s that old man in his orange dress that is the therat. All the rest is just spin.
Speaking of the dimming beacon. South Africa’s Special Investigation Unit's annual report just laid it bare. The rot has reached amazing new heights. 20% Of the government's procurement budget is misused, overpaid, stolen,.... That's more than US$bn3 in 1 year!!!! That is the real legacy of the current administration.
Imagine how much you can do with that for the poor of that nation. It's organized theft on a grand scale. This is what the struggle for democracy has turned into. Theft without a drop of remorse. The soul of the liberated South Africa has been mutilated by the speeding gravy train. The ruling party has turned into a pack of hyenas dismantling the state at amazing speed.
Human behavior can be very similar to the animal world.
British TV channels will not broadcast a TV clip from Bono’s goodwill organization One.
The body that watches over the partiality, morality and cleanness of what goes on the TV said One’s new clip is not neutral. Stinks of undermining freedom of expression.
One’s 1-minute TV spot is about the famine in East Africa. The slogan in it is “The F-word. Famine is the real obscenity”.
But the media regulator wasn’t in a good mood and banned it there and then. F* to that! As the world slides deeper into the 21st Century some societies seem to stick to narrow-mindedness. Afraid of reality. If it’s in your face it’s probably too scary. Feed the people some crap so called reality-TV, but ban a clip about famine.
That’s where we have come to. Don’t feed the masses reality, keep them high, stupid and certainly ignorant. Treat them as cattle.
Human behavior is just a TV clip away.
Back to South Africa. Never ending source of inspiration.
A pastor has been arrested for killing his 2 year old son. He also tried to take his own life but that failed. Not so sure all this fits within his faith?!
God probably stopped his suicide so he can continue roaming this planet in pain and agony for what he did to his kid. Torture the bastard! Send him to hell.
Meanwhile US actress Hilary Swank got mud on the face. Caught out. Red-faced. And this despite her above-Hollywood-average IQ.
She got an invite, and accepted it, for the party of Chechen president- aka warlord - Ramzan Kadyrov. AT least she said sorry afterwards. After the champagne… and all the rest.
Ramzan is a bloody warlord. A criminal. Full-stop. A bloodthirsty piece of work.
But Swank,….and muscles from Brussels JC Van Damme too, went to ugly Grozny to attend the bastard’s 35th birthday bash. Bank accounts have no morals, neither any soul.
Human behavior is driven by $.
So Obama announced that all US military are coming back home from Iraq by the end of the year. Amazing statement. Wondering how Iraq will survive afterwards, because the country and the whole region are far from a bastion of stability and peace.
But good for the boys and girls to go back home…. and a serious relieve for the over-stretched US budget. Of course plenty of support and undercover operations will stay.
And good 2012 election slogan of course too. Reality politics has often a serious cold factor.
Anyway. Anyhow.
So Gadaffi is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. He was hiding like a rat in a drainpipe. They caught him and a youngster just put a bullet in his head. Done. Street justice.
Probably many Western leaders are happy to see him dead because a trail might have opened many cans full of very nasty worms, as too many leaders hated the dude, but also made plenty of business deals with him. Oil is always a dirty business.
But the dictator deserved street justice. He was a nasty piece of work. Green revolution. BS. Just another spin to suppress and aim for ultimate power till eternity.
Well that bullet ended all this crap. Dead and gone.
Throw out. This time it’s a tribute to silence. Just for a few minutes. It’s damn hard these days to have pure an simple, natural silence. Too much noise. Traffic, cellphones, barking dogs, planes overhead, religious fools ringing the doorbell, trash van, flipping horny cats, some fool with loud hiphop bass destroying his hearing. Etc etc etc.
C -Ya
collateral – October 2011 is moving on
Sick. Sad. Mad.
Insanity can have an original touch.
A Somali radio station run by the Islamic extremists of al-Shabab organized a Koran-recital contest for children. Brainwashing needs to start as early as possible!
The winner won an AK47 and US$700 (a very big amount in Somalia!!!). Crazy has no boundaries.
Know the Koran inside out and outside in, join a radio contest and get home with a deadly rifle and lots of cash. Every kids’ dream in tormented Somalia.
The winner should have taken the price., then load the AK47, kill the nutters, and leave Somalia with the cash. Hell ain’t a place for kids.
But who knows the radio station might started a new crazy. Insanity airwaves. Radio contest in eastern Congo for the most rapes by under 14 year-old boys. Heart of darkness to the next level. In Venezuela, or Zimbabwe, the contest might be to criticize the president and wait for the knock on the door by the security services to take you away… forever. First knock wins. Pricewinner not found. In China the contest is to do the most ‘sensitive’ Google searches possible before your internet connection is terminated and you are send to a “re-education camp”. Pricewinner has to wait 5 years to collect his/her reward. Winner gets extra broadband (for non sensitive use of course). In Italy, the contest is simplier. Which young girl hasn’t been chased by prime minister Berlusconi? The winner gets a meeting with the Pope. Radio contest for Tea Party members. Name two foreign capitals? Winner gets a flight ticket to Canada. Radio contest for Bush Jr. Have military operations in Iraq stopped or not? He’ll check after praying…., and tuning in to CNN. Price is a reality-check at the local hospital. Radio contest for Obama. Has Guantanamo been shut? Yes or No, please. No ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’. Prize is obvious. Ticket to Havana (bottle of rum included. Not a cigar, Clinton bought them all.).
Human behavior is just a contest away.
From radio gaga to the killing fields of Mexico.
Police found a woman’s decapitated body. Next to the headless corpse was a note stating that she had been killed because of her blogging activities.
Internet is a dangerous field. A web with possible deadly effects. Use at your own peril.
It is thought – as it is not the first time – that the woman got her head separated from the rest of her body (causing death,…. In case one wonders!!!!) because she posted information on a site about drug “hang outs”, sales points etc.
A blog too far! Some drug dudes probably didn’t like her social networking and ended it all with a decapitating effort. You post on line, we slash locally.
Human behavior can be a bloody (internet)path.
So Hugo Chavez with his new chemo-bold hairstyle has started a new round of nationalizations. That’s like a speed train to economic self-destruction. Plenty of nationalization wreckages throughout history all over the world. But some always try to re-invent to wheel …. to end up square. Obama has criticized his fellow African-Americans to stop moaning. Bold move. Rumors that Sarah Palin will divorce. Good old traditional values, hey? The Europeans are still struggling with the idea to keep Greece inside the Euro monetary zone or to kick the lazy Mediterraneans out into the cold. Palestine wants to become a fully recognized member of the UN and thus a fully independent state. The extremists of Hamas disagree. Funny because Hamas strives for a Palestinian state but when its Palestinian opponents take that (diplomatic) route they go nuts. Extremists don’t follow logic. Stuck in a narrow tunnel with visions of grandeur and delusions of reality. Israel, which has been playing hardball with its settlement policy, now announces its interest in new peace talks. The Middle East is back on the map. Madman Gaddafi is still MIA. Probably hiding somewhere in the desert. On serious tranquilizers because the new reality is just too much to cope with. The Syrian killings just go one and on and on and on. Zambia’s presidential elections put the opposition leader Sata, aka King Cobra, in power. Smooth transition so far. Always good to stick to the democratic path! South African president Jacob Zuma had to go to New York recently for the annual UN assembly gathering. But he faced domestic issues. Not politically back in South Africa, but in his kitchen and bedroom(s). Zuma has multiple wives and an extra fiancée. Zuma decided to take wife number 3 (or is it number 4??) to the Big Apple, but his fiancée got seriously aggravated and red in the face, as she did not want to miss a Fifth Avenue shopping opportunity. And so it goes that…….., yes you got it right,….. both went to NY. And both got separate protection escorts and all that comes with power ladies. Of course…. the bill will be footed by the South African tax payer. Zuma better don’t turn this fiancée into his next wife. Trouble clearly ahead!!
Human behavior is often guided by bedroom antics.
From one possible Hollywood script (the bedroom antics) to the next one (adventure-horror).
Brazil is facing a piranha attack! Blockbuster guaranteed, right? Sexy babes and flesh eating monsters.
But before the script is being written, this is for real. The beaches in the northeast of the vast samba-nation are being targeted by these little monsters with evil teeth. In one weekend some 100 beachgoers had to be rushed to the nearby hospital for treatment of serious bite marks in toes and heels. Hollywood terror turns real!
A local official from the state of Piaui said that the piranhas have no enemies anymore and thus they are breeding like rabbits without threats. It’s a piranha explosion. Hollywood just has a field day with this!!
Piranha extermination teams are probably being trained in Brazil. Ready for the big kill. Kill or be chowed. Save the gorgeous, sexy Brazilian babes and slaughter the piranhas. It’s for a good cause!!!
Human behavior is a sexy affair. And bloody.
From evil fish to evil Japanese. Sounds like a sushi move.
A 13-year old girl was killed by her father and a monk as they were trying to expel her evil spirit. Another Hollywood blockbuster script. But sadly again pretty real and insane on top of it all.
Monk Kinoshita and father Maishigi strapped Tomomi Maishigi down, then doused her with water till she suffocated. It’s apparently called a ‘waterfall service’ in the sick world of sick people doing sick things to children in the name of some sick exorcism ritual.
The parents had contacted the monk because the little girl had suffered years of mental health problems. The Buddhist monk came and declared the girl was possessed.
And now the girl’s dead. May her spirit haunt the two nutters. Day and night! Till eternity.
Sick. Sad. Mad.
Human behavior can be an insane reaction to a sane situation.
Throw out. Liverpool (UK) lads Chief have released the kick-ass album “Apply within”. Well-paced, melodic punkrock with hints of reggea and tiny drops of hiphop. Fresh, solid. Near-perfect in the melodic punkrock/hardcore genre.
C -Ya
collateral – October 2011
A Somali radio station run by the Islamic extremists of al-Shabab organized a Koran-recital contest for children. Brainwashing needs to start as early as possible!
The winner won an AK47 and US$700 (a very big amount in Somalia!!!). Crazy has no boundaries.
Know the Koran inside out and outside in, join a radio contest and get home with a deadly rifle and lots of cash. Every kids’ dream in tormented Somalia.
The winner should have taken the price., then load the AK47, kill the nutters, and leave Somalia with the cash. Hell ain’t a place for kids.
But who knows the radio station might started a new crazy. Insanity airwaves. Radio contest in eastern Congo for the most rapes by under 14 year-old boys. Heart of darkness to the next level. In Venezuela, or Zimbabwe, the contest might be to criticize the president and wait for the knock on the door by the security services to take you away… forever. First knock wins. Pricewinner not found. In China the contest is to do the most ‘sensitive’ Google searches possible before your internet connection is terminated and you are send to a “re-education camp”. Pricewinner has to wait 5 years to collect his/her reward. Winner gets extra broadband (for non sensitive use of course). In Italy, the contest is simplier. Which young girl hasn’t been chased by prime minister Berlusconi? The winner gets a meeting with the Pope. Radio contest for Tea Party members. Name two foreign capitals? Winner gets a flight ticket to Canada. Radio contest for Bush Jr. Have military operations in Iraq stopped or not? He’ll check after praying…., and tuning in to CNN. Price is a reality-check at the local hospital. Radio contest for Obama. Has Guantanamo been shut? Yes or No, please. No ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’. Prize is obvious. Ticket to Havana (bottle of rum included. Not a cigar, Clinton bought them all.).
Human behavior is just a contest away.
From radio gaga to the killing fields of Mexico.
Police found a woman’s decapitated body. Next to the headless corpse was a note stating that she had been killed because of her blogging activities.
Internet is a dangerous field. A web with possible deadly effects. Use at your own peril.
It is thought – as it is not the first time – that the woman got her head separated from the rest of her body (causing death,…. In case one wonders!!!!) because she posted information on a site about drug “hang outs”, sales points etc.
A blog too far! Some drug dudes probably didn’t like her social networking and ended it all with a decapitating effort. You post on line, we slash locally.
Human behavior can be a bloody (internet)path.
So Hugo Chavez with his new chemo-bold hairstyle has started a new round of nationalizations. That’s like a speed train to economic self-destruction. Plenty of nationalization wreckages throughout history all over the world. But some always try to re-invent to wheel …. to end up square. Obama has criticized his fellow African-Americans to stop moaning. Bold move. Rumors that Sarah Palin will divorce. Good old traditional values, hey? The Europeans are still struggling with the idea to keep Greece inside the Euro monetary zone or to kick the lazy Mediterraneans out into the cold. Palestine wants to become a fully recognized member of the UN and thus a fully independent state. The extremists of Hamas disagree. Funny because Hamas strives for a Palestinian state but when its Palestinian opponents take that (diplomatic) route they go nuts. Extremists don’t follow logic. Stuck in a narrow tunnel with visions of grandeur and delusions of reality. Israel, which has been playing hardball with its settlement policy, now announces its interest in new peace talks. The Middle East is back on the map. Madman Gaddafi is still MIA. Probably hiding somewhere in the desert. On serious tranquilizers because the new reality is just too much to cope with. The Syrian killings just go one and on and on and on. Zambia’s presidential elections put the opposition leader Sata, aka King Cobra, in power. Smooth transition so far. Always good to stick to the democratic path! South African president Jacob Zuma had to go to New York recently for the annual UN assembly gathering. But he faced domestic issues. Not politically back in South Africa, but in his kitchen and bedroom(s). Zuma has multiple wives and an extra fiancée. Zuma decided to take wife number 3 (or is it number 4??) to the Big Apple, but his fiancée got seriously aggravated and red in the face, as she did not want to miss a Fifth Avenue shopping opportunity. And so it goes that…….., yes you got it right,….. both went to NY. And both got separate protection escorts and all that comes with power ladies. Of course…. the bill will be footed by the South African tax payer. Zuma better don’t turn this fiancée into his next wife. Trouble clearly ahead!!
Human behavior is often guided by bedroom antics.
From one possible Hollywood script (the bedroom antics) to the next one (adventure-horror).
Brazil is facing a piranha attack! Blockbuster guaranteed, right? Sexy babes and flesh eating monsters.
But before the script is being written, this is for real. The beaches in the northeast of the vast samba-nation are being targeted by these little monsters with evil teeth. In one weekend some 100 beachgoers had to be rushed to the nearby hospital for treatment of serious bite marks in toes and heels. Hollywood terror turns real!
A local official from the state of Piaui said that the piranhas have no enemies anymore and thus they are breeding like rabbits without threats. It’s a piranha explosion. Hollywood just has a field day with this!!
Piranha extermination teams are probably being trained in Brazil. Ready for the big kill. Kill or be chowed. Save the gorgeous, sexy Brazilian babes and slaughter the piranhas. It’s for a good cause!!!
Human behavior is a sexy affair. And bloody.
From evil fish to evil Japanese. Sounds like a sushi move.
A 13-year old girl was killed by her father and a monk as they were trying to expel her evil spirit. Another Hollywood blockbuster script. But sadly again pretty real and insane on top of it all.
Monk Kinoshita and father Maishigi strapped Tomomi Maishigi down, then doused her with water till she suffocated. It’s apparently called a ‘waterfall service’ in the sick world of sick people doing sick things to children in the name of some sick exorcism ritual.
The parents had contacted the monk because the little girl had suffered years of mental health problems. The Buddhist monk came and declared the girl was possessed.
And now the girl’s dead. May her spirit haunt the two nutters. Day and night! Till eternity.
Sick. Sad. Mad.
Human behavior can be an insane reaction to a sane situation.
Throw out. Liverpool (UK) lads Chief have released the kick-ass album “Apply within”. Well-paced, melodic punkrock with hints of reggea and tiny drops of hiphop. Fresh, solid. Near-perfect in the melodic punkrock/hardcore genre.
C -Ya
collateral – October 2011
Castrate the bastards
Check-in standing. Check-out flat. Boxed in.
A 31-year-old New Zealander has choked to dead while eating an airline meal on a flight from Singapore to Auckland.
Flying can be a dangerous event. Wondering in which airspace he was when he died. Just for the death certificate.
Was it chicken or beef?
Human behavior can be a choking affair.
Speaking of chickens. A sign in a food store said “No chicken because of industrial action”. What they didn’t say is industrial action (aka strike) by whom? The drivers? The chicken slaughters? The packers? Or maybe the chickens themselves! Maybe the chickens were tired of the same food every day. The crowded living conditions?
Anyway. No chicken available. Maybe the air passenger ate a ‘bad’ chicken? And that lead to industrial action…. Who knows? The world is a global village. A chicken here can cause a death there….
From chickens to stalking seems a hell of a long way, but in this funny world of crazy humans it’s certainly possible in a whimper.
A woman loves a man. It happens. When that love isn’t returned anymore it causes some fuses to pop in some woman’s head… it seems.
Dutch prosecutors are charging a 42-year-old woman with stalking after she called her ex-boyfriend 65000 times in the past year. Yes! 65000 Times in 1 year. How do you do that? That’s 178 calls per day! That’s 1 call every 8 minutes for a whole year. Day in day out. Crazy or totally nuts? That’s repeat dial in overdrive and on cocaine! So with some sleeping time, it’s probably 1 call every 6 or 5 minutes. A Dutch asylum is getting a new inmate!
The stalker told the judge the number of calls to her lover wasn’t excessive! Wow! What’s excessive then? Calling somebody every minute for a whole year? It’s only excessive then? Hello asylum! Get the electro shocks ready. One thing’s for sure, never ever give that women your number!
From insanity to madness.
South Africa’s police boss released the country’s new crime statistics. Seems there are a few lesser bloodstains as most crime categories have gone down a little.
But rape still stands at 56272 cases (a “slight” increase from 55097 in the previous year). That is between 6 and 7 rapes per hour!!!! Every day for a whole year long. And – as in all countries – rape is always an underreported crime as many victims do not go to the cops for a variety of reasons.
South Africa is the rape nation of the universe. It is insane beyond comprehension. Somebody being raped every 8 or 10 minutes! Which in reality many field workers think it is probably every 4 or 5 minutes because of the unreported cases. Wow! Castration of the perpetrators really becomes a totally acceptable punishment!
Human behavior can be very sickening!
Staying in edgy South Africa. The president (who has multiple wives) appointed a new Chief Justice. That’s like the boss of all judges and courts. The super-judge. But his choice is very controversial.
The new Chief Justice (whose first name is the same as his family name) is also a counselor at a Christian church. And there, in his counseling role, he aims to ‘cure’ gays and lesbians and prays to bring them back on the ‘path of righteousness’. Kick that for a Chief Justice, who is the main judge at South Africa’s Constitutional Court.
In previous rulings, before he became super-judge, he commented that rape within marriage ain’t too bad. If a man beats his wife or girlfriend up it was because she asked for it in the way she behaved or dressed.
And as he was nominated he said, during a live TV broadcast, that God has given him a sign that God wanted him to become the new Chief Justice.
Is there another bed free in that asylum in Holland?
Human behavior can take humanity a few steps back.
Sticking to religion. Around 1000 potential Islamist terrorists are living in Germany. There you have it! Start the riots! Germany’s interior minister Hans-Peter Friedrich made this amazing statement. And he added that of these 1000 some 128 were classified as potential attackers. There you go. Fear is among us.
If they classify 128 as potential nutters that will/can carry out terrorist attacks, what are they waiting for to arrest them? What parameters were used to classify them as deadly serious? And if so, can these parameters not be used to arrest them/ or are we waiting the first detonation?
Because if a minister makes such bold statements he better be sure before a pogrom kicks off. And if he is certain then there needs to be certain elements of proof that 128 of those 1000 are serious nutters. And thus, once again, what are we waiting for?
Get them before they get you. It’s basics.
Throw out. These grunge-rockers from Seattle have been kicking it for 20 years now. Pearl Jam is celebrating it’s 20th anniversary this month and are releasing a DVD beauty. The DVD is in fact a fully fledged movie, directed by Cameron Crowe. Plenty of never-seen behind the scenes footage. And to accompany the “PJ20” movie, the band is also releasing the soundtrack which includes rare, unreleased and live tracks. Hope PJ stays around for another 20 years. Kick that!
C -Ya
collateral – September 2011 is moving on
A 31-year-old New Zealander has choked to dead while eating an airline meal on a flight from Singapore to Auckland.
Flying can be a dangerous event. Wondering in which airspace he was when he died. Just for the death certificate.
Was it chicken or beef?
Human behavior can be a choking affair.
Speaking of chickens. A sign in a food store said “No chicken because of industrial action”. What they didn’t say is industrial action (aka strike) by whom? The drivers? The chicken slaughters? The packers? Or maybe the chickens themselves! Maybe the chickens were tired of the same food every day. The crowded living conditions?
Anyway. No chicken available. Maybe the air passenger ate a ‘bad’ chicken? And that lead to industrial action…. Who knows? The world is a global village. A chicken here can cause a death there….
From chickens to stalking seems a hell of a long way, but in this funny world of crazy humans it’s certainly possible in a whimper.
A woman loves a man. It happens. When that love isn’t returned anymore it causes some fuses to pop in some woman’s head… it seems.
Dutch prosecutors are charging a 42-year-old woman with stalking after she called her ex-boyfriend 65000 times in the past year. Yes! 65000 Times in 1 year. How do you do that? That’s 178 calls per day! That’s 1 call every 8 minutes for a whole year. Day in day out. Crazy or totally nuts? That’s repeat dial in overdrive and on cocaine! So with some sleeping time, it’s probably 1 call every 6 or 5 minutes. A Dutch asylum is getting a new inmate!
The stalker told the judge the number of calls to her lover wasn’t excessive! Wow! What’s excessive then? Calling somebody every minute for a whole year? It’s only excessive then? Hello asylum! Get the electro shocks ready. One thing’s for sure, never ever give that women your number!
From insanity to madness.
South Africa’s police boss released the country’s new crime statistics. Seems there are a few lesser bloodstains as most crime categories have gone down a little.
But rape still stands at 56272 cases (a “slight” increase from 55097 in the previous year). That is between 6 and 7 rapes per hour!!!! Every day for a whole year long. And – as in all countries – rape is always an underreported crime as many victims do not go to the cops for a variety of reasons.
South Africa is the rape nation of the universe. It is insane beyond comprehension. Somebody being raped every 8 or 10 minutes! Which in reality many field workers think it is probably every 4 or 5 minutes because of the unreported cases. Wow! Castration of the perpetrators really becomes a totally acceptable punishment!
Human behavior can be very sickening!
Staying in edgy South Africa. The president (who has multiple wives) appointed a new Chief Justice. That’s like the boss of all judges and courts. The super-judge. But his choice is very controversial.
The new Chief Justice (whose first name is the same as his family name) is also a counselor at a Christian church. And there, in his counseling role, he aims to ‘cure’ gays and lesbians and prays to bring them back on the ‘path of righteousness’. Kick that for a Chief Justice, who is the main judge at South Africa’s Constitutional Court.
In previous rulings, before he became super-judge, he commented that rape within marriage ain’t too bad. If a man beats his wife or girlfriend up it was because she asked for it in the way she behaved or dressed.
And as he was nominated he said, during a live TV broadcast, that God has given him a sign that God wanted him to become the new Chief Justice.
Is there another bed free in that asylum in Holland?
Human behavior can take humanity a few steps back.
Sticking to religion. Around 1000 potential Islamist terrorists are living in Germany. There you have it! Start the riots! Germany’s interior minister Hans-Peter Friedrich made this amazing statement. And he added that of these 1000 some 128 were classified as potential attackers. There you go. Fear is among us.
If they classify 128 as potential nutters that will/can carry out terrorist attacks, what are they waiting for to arrest them? What parameters were used to classify them as deadly serious? And if so, can these parameters not be used to arrest them/ or are we waiting the first detonation?
Because if a minister makes such bold statements he better be sure before a pogrom kicks off. And if he is certain then there needs to be certain elements of proof that 128 of those 1000 are serious nutters. And thus, once again, what are we waiting for?
Get them before they get you. It’s basics.
Throw out. These grunge-rockers from Seattle have been kicking it for 20 years now. Pearl Jam is celebrating it’s 20th anniversary this month and are releasing a DVD beauty. The DVD is in fact a fully fledged movie, directed by Cameron Crowe. Plenty of never-seen behind the scenes footage. And to accompany the “PJ20” movie, the band is also releasing the soundtrack which includes rare, unreleased and live tracks. Hope PJ stays around for another 20 years. Kick that!
C -Ya
collateral – September 2011 is moving on
The offer was declined
The doorbell rang. “Can I read you a passage from the Bible?”, the old lady asked. The offer was declined.
It was a gang of elderly ladies on a journey to save some souls. Door-to-door campaigning for Jesus. Like a brainwashing outing.
Human behavior too often commits hara-kiri on one’s free mind.
But religion is without a doubt present in daily life around the globe. Sad but true. Too often the Koran’s followers are finger pointed for fundamentalism and what comes with it, but there are plenty of Bible freaks with the same fundamentalist tendencies. Scary. A self-limitation of one’s thought process.
The self-mutilation of the mind.
And the tea party presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann keeps going at it.
After some serious lack of historic and cultural knowledge, she now went for the religious banana peel. "I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. God said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' " Bachmann said at a recent campaign event in Sarasota.
That’s serious. It’s God’s fault Irene passed by. Somebody needs to start looking for a free bed in an asylum in her hometown of Waterloo. Michele needs help! And Michele needs urgent teachings on weather patterns too.
So it’s God’s fault and choice and decision that 24 or so people got killed by Irene’s might. That’s a brutal God! An unfair God.
Michele needs pills! And maybe some electroshocks while we’re at it. What’s next? Well without a doubt gays and lesbians need some urgent religious counseling for their off-track-sexual-behavior. That’s a normal, classic religious approach on the matter. And ladies/girls wearing short skirts or bikinis are inviting to be raped. That’s God’s fashion statement. And without a doubt all Muslims are terrorists. That’s a no-brainer. And a good or a bad harvest is directly linked to the farmer’s prayers. Global warming is probably also God’s micro-wave revenge. Mistake! Republicans don’t believe in global warming. Michele would say that it’s all just based on faith in God. Life is simple. Why complicate things with science and all that other stuff? It’s all there in the Bible. Nothing’s new nor surprising. The answers are known. So start praying. See the signs. Light the candle. Donate your cash to the nearest soul-rescue church! There is still hope for you! Your vote, your soul, your support. One ticket covers all.
What’s next Michele? Enlighten us. Entertain us. Did God email NY mayor Bloomberg to halt the city’s underground network as Irene was approaching? “Hi mayor, I’m sending Irene to kick your ass for not listening!”. Maybe Bloomberg didn’t see the email as it might have gone into his spam box. It’s Norton antivirus software vs God.
Irene as the punisher from God. Irene with a whip. Irene as the blond vamp, riding a white horse across the sky and spreading God’s punishment across the globe… and beyond. Irene as the terminator of the infidels.
Gotta stop cause the visualization of all this is getting out of control. Gotta blame Michele.
But then after all the media headlines Michele said it was all just a joke. Is Michele joking about God? For a conservative, God-fearing, tea-drinking politician that’s just not acceptable. Only evil liberals walk that path. Michele needs fine-tuning. The asylum remains an option. As do the pills and the electroshocks.
Human behavior is watched by Irene!
Wondering what Irene has in stock for Gadaffi. The dictator has sent some of his family to neighboring Algeria. The mad man himself is apparently still somewhere in the Libyan dessert. Like a rat on the run. Game’s over. But dictators have troubles with reality and thus Gadaffi is having headaches from his ongoing delirium. Reality is a hammer on the head.
But the dessert rat shouldn’t worry too much. There are some fellow rats that are willing to welcome him. Rats stay together. United rats. Angola has said that Gadaffi can come and await his natural death there. Angola is a fake democracy. One man one vote is just a paper idea. An African classic. Strong man holds on to power and fills Swiss bank accounts. Gadaffi fits that approach. Dictators don’t go to the free world. They like hiding in dark corners once they are dethroned. And credits cards are linked to off-shore accounts on tax haven islands. So no worries about getting broke. That’s guaranteed. Set in stone. Dictators have very good financial advisors.
And so the African Union has declined to recognize the rebels, aka the National Transitional Council. Most of the rest of the world has recognized them so far (China, EU, US, Arab League,…), but for most of the African states it’s hard to let go of their paymaster. Because Gadaffi was the biggest contributor to the AU coffers. And beyond. He paid some African leaders directly to keep them afloat and in power. Democracy is still too fragile in Africa to dictate the pace of history. Justice is also too often MIA in Africa. But again, reality will catch up with those African leaders of the Gadaffi supports club. Reality always catches up.
Another close Gadaffi ally is mad Bob in Zimbabwe. The Libyan ambassador in Zimbabwe’s capital Harare had the guts to express his feelings and raised the rebel flag on the embassy. Not for long. Bob didn’t like that and kicked the ambassador out. Rats stay united! Traitors are send packing.
Human behavior sometimes tries to cheat reality.
Times are changing. But sometimes the change is just another lick of paint. Although the Arab uprisings are certainly kicking ass and throwing out some long-time rulers and thus times are indeed changing. If it’s for the better, only time will tell. That will be another reality check. Unavoidable.
Throw out. Boston’s Drago is back with a new album called “Times are changing”. These lads have been around for some years now and are still playing straight-forward, energetic hardcore-punk. The times are indeed changing but Drago still delivers fine tunes. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don’t change if it’s good. No need to repair the unbroken.
C -Ya
collateral – September 2011 has arrived it seems
It was a gang of elderly ladies on a journey to save some souls. Door-to-door campaigning for Jesus. Like a brainwashing outing.
Human behavior too often commits hara-kiri on one’s free mind.
But religion is without a doubt present in daily life around the globe. Sad but true. Too often the Koran’s followers are finger pointed for fundamentalism and what comes with it, but there are plenty of Bible freaks with the same fundamentalist tendencies. Scary. A self-limitation of one’s thought process.
The self-mutilation of the mind.
And the tea party presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann keeps going at it.
After some serious lack of historic and cultural knowledge, she now went for the religious banana peel. "I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. God said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' " Bachmann said at a recent campaign event in Sarasota.
That’s serious. It’s God’s fault Irene passed by. Somebody needs to start looking for a free bed in an asylum in her hometown of Waterloo. Michele needs help! And Michele needs urgent teachings on weather patterns too.
So it’s God’s fault and choice and decision that 24 or so people got killed by Irene’s might. That’s a brutal God! An unfair God.
Michele needs pills! And maybe some electroshocks while we’re at it. What’s next? Well without a doubt gays and lesbians need some urgent religious counseling for their off-track-sexual-behavior. That’s a normal, classic religious approach on the matter. And ladies/girls wearing short skirts or bikinis are inviting to be raped. That’s God’s fashion statement. And without a doubt all Muslims are terrorists. That’s a no-brainer. And a good or a bad harvest is directly linked to the farmer’s prayers. Global warming is probably also God’s micro-wave revenge. Mistake! Republicans don’t believe in global warming. Michele would say that it’s all just based on faith in God. Life is simple. Why complicate things with science and all that other stuff? It’s all there in the Bible. Nothing’s new nor surprising. The answers are known. So start praying. See the signs. Light the candle. Donate your cash to the nearest soul-rescue church! There is still hope for you! Your vote, your soul, your support. One ticket covers all.
What’s next Michele? Enlighten us. Entertain us. Did God email NY mayor Bloomberg to halt the city’s underground network as Irene was approaching? “Hi mayor, I’m sending Irene to kick your ass for not listening!”. Maybe Bloomberg didn’t see the email as it might have gone into his spam box. It’s Norton antivirus software vs God.
Irene as the punisher from God. Irene with a whip. Irene as the blond vamp, riding a white horse across the sky and spreading God’s punishment across the globe… and beyond. Irene as the terminator of the infidels.
Gotta stop cause the visualization of all this is getting out of control. Gotta blame Michele.
But then after all the media headlines Michele said it was all just a joke. Is Michele joking about God? For a conservative, God-fearing, tea-drinking politician that’s just not acceptable. Only evil liberals walk that path. Michele needs fine-tuning. The asylum remains an option. As do the pills and the electroshocks.
Human behavior is watched by Irene!
Wondering what Irene has in stock for Gadaffi. The dictator has sent some of his family to neighboring Algeria. The mad man himself is apparently still somewhere in the Libyan dessert. Like a rat on the run. Game’s over. But dictators have troubles with reality and thus Gadaffi is having headaches from his ongoing delirium. Reality is a hammer on the head.
But the dessert rat shouldn’t worry too much. There are some fellow rats that are willing to welcome him. Rats stay together. United rats. Angola has said that Gadaffi can come and await his natural death there. Angola is a fake democracy. One man one vote is just a paper idea. An African classic. Strong man holds on to power and fills Swiss bank accounts. Gadaffi fits that approach. Dictators don’t go to the free world. They like hiding in dark corners once they are dethroned. And credits cards are linked to off-shore accounts on tax haven islands. So no worries about getting broke. That’s guaranteed. Set in stone. Dictators have very good financial advisors.
And so the African Union has declined to recognize the rebels, aka the National Transitional Council. Most of the rest of the world has recognized them so far (China, EU, US, Arab League,…), but for most of the African states it’s hard to let go of their paymaster. Because Gadaffi was the biggest contributor to the AU coffers. And beyond. He paid some African leaders directly to keep them afloat and in power. Democracy is still too fragile in Africa to dictate the pace of history. Justice is also too often MIA in Africa. But again, reality will catch up with those African leaders of the Gadaffi supports club. Reality always catches up.
Another close Gadaffi ally is mad Bob in Zimbabwe. The Libyan ambassador in Zimbabwe’s capital Harare had the guts to express his feelings and raised the rebel flag on the embassy. Not for long. Bob didn’t like that and kicked the ambassador out. Rats stay united! Traitors are send packing.
Human behavior sometimes tries to cheat reality.
Times are changing. But sometimes the change is just another lick of paint. Although the Arab uprisings are certainly kicking ass and throwing out some long-time rulers and thus times are indeed changing. If it’s for the better, only time will tell. That will be another reality check. Unavoidable.
Throw out. Boston’s Drago is back with a new album called “Times are changing”. These lads have been around for some years now and are still playing straight-forward, energetic hardcore-punk. The times are indeed changing but Drago still delivers fine tunes. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don’t change if it’s good. No need to repair the unbroken.
C -Ya
collateral – September 2011 has arrived it seems
Starter pack
Research in Germany found that German shepherds (sometimes also called Alsatians) can sniff certain types of cancer in humans.
Great news! So if you own one (or more) of these lovely pooches just let them sniff you daily. Be it your testicles, your head or your breasts. It’s for a good cause. As long as they don’t start licking the same spots….
Human behavior can be guided by dogs’ sniffs.
Meanwhile Tripoli is free. The mad dictator is – as this is being blogged – just in charge of a couple of square meters. From an absolute ruler to a cornered fool. The rebels, with NATO air support, have rushed to and through the capital like nobody could have expected. Gadhafi’s regime and military has imploded faster than a cake that is being taken too early out of an oven. His threats of an impending bloodbath and annihilation of all opponents have been hot air. Evaporated faster than the eye can witness. His sons already arrested and enroute to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Sadly the US still hasn’t signed on to this international judicial body. Although it’s the only permanent international court the world has to charge, arrest and trial leaders for crimes against humanity.
Gadhafi’s spokesman who regularly briefed the media in the Tripoli hotel looked more and more like that famous Iraqi spokesman who kept denying there was anything happening,…. even as the US troops were camping on the main square in Baghdad. History as a merry go round and round.
And as Tripoli was witnessing the end of a dictatorial era, the Yemeni ruler put tanks on the streets of the capital Sana’a out of fear that the unfolding events in Libya would give the freedom forces in Yemen a boost. Dictators are not sleeping too well these days. The butcher in Syria must also be a bit more nervous. Yesterday he quickly went on state TV to announce more promised reforms. But all very much just promises we heard before and that sound very hollow in comparison with his onslaught against all forms of protest against his dictatorship.
The Arab spring, turned summer, has got another scalp. Who’s next?
For sure any overthrowing of the autocratic rulers in Tunis, Egypt and now Libya does not automatically mean what comes next in those countries will be a simple and smooth transition to democracy and the rule of law. These countries have lived for so long under the crushing boot of oppression that democracy – and all its values and institutions – are practically unknown to the citizens there. And thus it takes time for the seeds to grow. And during that period lots of things can go wrong and off-track. So the world, the so called free world, needs to nurture these democracies carefully but without too much interference. More monitoring than taking the lead. Challenging times. Like bursts of fresh air across the Arab world. Keep it going!!! Roll on, roll on!!!
Human behavior can be strong as a force of unity for good.
Meanwhile back in the US of A, tea party presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann has slipped up again.
In the last blog entry we wrote she urgently needs classes in politics, history, etc…. And we wrote that she should know that the Soviet Union is no more. But guess what….. there Michele speaks about the Soviet Union in the present tense. The American schooling system must really be bad. The right-wing lady who wants to make history by becoming the first female US president, is lacking serious historic knowledge. She’s gotta hit the update button in her brain urgently. Dear Michele, the Soviet Union has collapsed many many many years ago. Let’s not go further into details because that might just cause some wire-tripping in your head.
So the need for some serious after-hours studying is more than ever needed. Avoiding it might become a clear and present danger…. to the world.
So Michele, maybe write the following yellow post-it notes and stick them on your fridge. So when you reach for the milk to put in your morning tea you can have a quick refresher kick about world history (and related developments).
Yes the US has already been on the moon. And JFK is dead. No America is not at war with Japan anymore. The US bombed them into submission in 1945. Yugoslavia has imploded. The Soviets have left Afghanistan. The Taliban is not a Christian rock band. These days the US has troops deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq, not in Vietnam. And the US is also assisting NATO operations over Libya. But don’t worry about this because that’s over by the time your presidential race really becomes important. Strangely but yes The Rolling Stones are still around,…and this despite all the booze and drugs. Such an anti-Christian behavior! But John Lennon is dead. Yes there is a black man in the White House. Strange things happen indeed. Even in America. Ronald Reagan is dead. And his movies have still not made it as blockbusters. No the Titanic doesn’t sail anymore, and the QE2 is not a space ship but a British cruise liner. China still considers Taiwan a renegade province. Ai,… I know that’s a complicated issue. Yes, the United Kingdom is still…… a kingdom. Oh, and the Boston Red Sox owner has bought Liverpool football club. You know, that funny sport where one kicks a round ball. Those funny Europeans! Global warming is not a fashion trend, but about CO2 concentration in our atmosphere. Oh sorry,… are you too confused now. Reality TV is not about reality. Oh that’s really pushing the confusion limits! The American hostages have been freed from Tehran. Some decades ago. So no need to send SWAT teams to Iran for now. But keep an eye on the mad ruler there. He is really evil. The boss of the axis of evil. With cheerleaders in North Korea and Syria.
We know Michele, it’s a complex, and crazy world out there. But you’re a big girl now,…. so act up!
Human bahavior needs wikipedia. A simplified version for some. Like a starter pack.
Throw out. Italo-German rocker Unantastbar (untouchable) just released their sophomore full-length called “Schuldig” (guilty). Kick ass tunes with a tight production. Send a copy to Gadafhi,… and an Arabic-German dictionary.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2011 is the end of an era
Great news! So if you own one (or more) of these lovely pooches just let them sniff you daily. Be it your testicles, your head or your breasts. It’s for a good cause. As long as they don’t start licking the same spots….
Human behavior can be guided by dogs’ sniffs.
Meanwhile Tripoli is free. The mad dictator is – as this is being blogged – just in charge of a couple of square meters. From an absolute ruler to a cornered fool. The rebels, with NATO air support, have rushed to and through the capital like nobody could have expected. Gadhafi’s regime and military has imploded faster than a cake that is being taken too early out of an oven. His threats of an impending bloodbath and annihilation of all opponents have been hot air. Evaporated faster than the eye can witness. His sons already arrested and enroute to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Sadly the US still hasn’t signed on to this international judicial body. Although it’s the only permanent international court the world has to charge, arrest and trial leaders for crimes against humanity.
Gadhafi’s spokesman who regularly briefed the media in the Tripoli hotel looked more and more like that famous Iraqi spokesman who kept denying there was anything happening,…. even as the US troops were camping on the main square in Baghdad. History as a merry go round and round.
And as Tripoli was witnessing the end of a dictatorial era, the Yemeni ruler put tanks on the streets of the capital Sana’a out of fear that the unfolding events in Libya would give the freedom forces in Yemen a boost. Dictators are not sleeping too well these days. The butcher in Syria must also be a bit more nervous. Yesterday he quickly went on state TV to announce more promised reforms. But all very much just promises we heard before and that sound very hollow in comparison with his onslaught against all forms of protest against his dictatorship.
The Arab spring, turned summer, has got another scalp. Who’s next?
For sure any overthrowing of the autocratic rulers in Tunis, Egypt and now Libya does not automatically mean what comes next in those countries will be a simple and smooth transition to democracy and the rule of law. These countries have lived for so long under the crushing boot of oppression that democracy – and all its values and institutions – are practically unknown to the citizens there. And thus it takes time for the seeds to grow. And during that period lots of things can go wrong and off-track. So the world, the so called free world, needs to nurture these democracies carefully but without too much interference. More monitoring than taking the lead. Challenging times. Like bursts of fresh air across the Arab world. Keep it going!!! Roll on, roll on!!!
Human behavior can be strong as a force of unity for good.
Meanwhile back in the US of A, tea party presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann has slipped up again.
In the last blog entry we wrote she urgently needs classes in politics, history, etc…. And we wrote that she should know that the Soviet Union is no more. But guess what….. there Michele speaks about the Soviet Union in the present tense. The American schooling system must really be bad. The right-wing lady who wants to make history by becoming the first female US president, is lacking serious historic knowledge. She’s gotta hit the update button in her brain urgently. Dear Michele, the Soviet Union has collapsed many many many years ago. Let’s not go further into details because that might just cause some wire-tripping in your head.
So the need for some serious after-hours studying is more than ever needed. Avoiding it might become a clear and present danger…. to the world.
So Michele, maybe write the following yellow post-it notes and stick them on your fridge. So when you reach for the milk to put in your morning tea you can have a quick refresher kick about world history (and related developments).
Yes the US has already been on the moon. And JFK is dead. No America is not at war with Japan anymore. The US bombed them into submission in 1945. Yugoslavia has imploded. The Soviets have left Afghanistan. The Taliban is not a Christian rock band. These days the US has troops deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq, not in Vietnam. And the US is also assisting NATO operations over Libya. But don’t worry about this because that’s over by the time your presidential race really becomes important. Strangely but yes The Rolling Stones are still around,…and this despite all the booze and drugs. Such an anti-Christian behavior! But John Lennon is dead. Yes there is a black man in the White House. Strange things happen indeed. Even in America. Ronald Reagan is dead. And his movies have still not made it as blockbusters. No the Titanic doesn’t sail anymore, and the QE2 is not a space ship but a British cruise liner. China still considers Taiwan a renegade province. Ai,… I know that’s a complicated issue. Yes, the United Kingdom is still…… a kingdom. Oh, and the Boston Red Sox owner has bought Liverpool football club. You know, that funny sport where one kicks a round ball. Those funny Europeans! Global warming is not a fashion trend, but about CO2 concentration in our atmosphere. Oh sorry,… are you too confused now. Reality TV is not about reality. Oh that’s really pushing the confusion limits! The American hostages have been freed from Tehran. Some decades ago. So no need to send SWAT teams to Iran for now. But keep an eye on the mad ruler there. He is really evil. The boss of the axis of evil. With cheerleaders in North Korea and Syria.
We know Michele, it’s a complex, and crazy world out there. But you’re a big girl now,…. so act up!
Human bahavior needs wikipedia. A simplified version for some. Like a starter pack.
Throw out. Italo-German rocker Unantastbar (untouchable) just released their sophomore full-length called “Schuldig” (guilty). Kick ass tunes with a tight production. Send a copy to Gadafhi,… and an Arabic-German dictionary.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2011 is the end of an era
The earth is not flat
Here we go again. Politicians and their slips of the tongue. Or is it brain damage?
Following Alaska’s ex-governor Sarah Palin’s outbursts of lack of general knowledge, now tea party hopefull Michele Bachmann follows the trail of stupid uttering.
It’s kind of basics that if you wanna be the next White House resident you should know better. Much better. It seems a Republican habit. Bush Jr was full of verbal tripping, then Palin with her worldpolitics mishaps and now Bachmann. And ofcourse before all of them we had b-actor Ronald Reagan who only spoke about nuking the Soviets.
Especially populist politicians, like the tea party folks, should really watch what comes out of their mouths because they only focus on 20-second soundbites with not too much content nor depth. So it’s gotta be right and tight. They got the tight right, but the right is not always right.
It started when Buchmann launched her presidential bit in a town called Waterloo. Now Waterloo is a town in Belgium (“oh heck, where’s that”, Michele screams…) and was the battlefield that brought Napoleon’s rule to a halt in the 19th Century. And the term ‘meeting your Waterloo’ is very commonly known as one’s ultimate defeat. So launching your presidential ambitions in Waterloo might be a bit of a public relations disaster. But then again, Buchmann probably thinks that her tea party lovers wont know jacksh*t about Napoleon nor Waterloo, and thus what the heck. And explaining Napoleon in 20 seconds is not possible anyway. So just stick to the hometown label without further thoughts. Easy.
And then came cowboy-hero John Wayne. Well not really. Buchmann confused the NRA symbol with the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Confusing a gun hero with a gun madman is like slipping on 7 banana peels in one go. Especially for gun loving tea party, presidental hopefulls. Oeps! John Wayne might be turning in his grave. From riding away on your horse as sun sets to an ugly looking bloke on a killing spree is just a brainflick away. For some.
Then she wished America’s sweetheart Elvis Presley a happy birthday….. on the anniversary of his death. More banana action! Maybe sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll are taboo subjects within the tea drinking circles. Evil stuff for conservative minded folks and thus banned from knowledge-gathering efforts.
So one gotta start thinking what’s next. Scary thoughts.
Maybe Buchmann needs an urgent crash course before the presidential race really kicks off early next year. Crash course in….. well, mostly everything. Politics, geography, culture, understanding a calendar, Hollywood, history, proverbs,…. For tea party followers her dress sense seems spot on and her short quick US politics soundclips – aka short barks – seem mostly enough to get the tea lovers shouting and screaming like they’ve reached nirvana.
Anyway. Guide to the Buchmann crashcourse. The world is round, not flat. Think about a globe. Or a basketball. Africa is not a country. It’s a continent with more than 50 independent nations. Canada is not an American State. It’s another independent nation. The Somali pirates do not have an eye patch on, nor a skull and bones flag. Japan is not a member of the European Union. North and South Korea are two different countries and the US likes the south and hates the north (don’t make the Palin mistake on this one, especially when your finger is on the nuke button when / if you reach the White House). The White House is on Pennsylvania Avenue, but is not in Pennsylvania. I know, it is confusing but try to remember! A passport is an official document every citizen needs to have when going to a foreign country. I know, it’s a scary idea to leave the USA but maybe one day you might wanna go to the United Kingdom and meet the Queen. No, the rockband Queen is no more since the singer died of the AIDS virus (“He must have been gay!” “Oh he was! You see, it’s a gay disease. God's punishment.”). The Soviet Union is no more. Karl Marx is also dead. Long time ago. Don’t worry about him anymore. When you step on a bus on the campaign trail make sure it’s yours and not Obama’s. No Michelle Obama did not steal your first name. Yes, the White House will pay for your hairdresser appointments… if you make it to that white, big building in Washington DC. And no, Washington DC is not a suburb of Seattle in Washington state. Sometimes Mexicans do not eat chicken and beans. Yes Fidel Castro is still alive…., but probably not for long. You have good Muslims and bad Muslims. The good ones are those the Bush family has business dealings with. The bad ones are terrorists. Yes sorry, Ronald Reagan is dead. Yes yes, if you become the next US president you can dig up Obama’s basketball field and built a shooting range. Yes, in theory you can invade nations, just check first with your advisors if they are on the allied list or not. Yes you can bring your own pen to the White House to put on X on documents now and then. You are probably right that they speak a funny language in France. No, it’s not an English dialect. Sony is not an American company. Neither is Toyota. Yes they use the US dollar across all states of the US of A. And no, the Canadian dollar is not the same. No, America doesn’t occupy Japan anymore. But yes for sure, China is still communist and has these limitations on free speech and religious gatherings. Don’t send the cruise missiles yet. Yes you can have your own Facebook page and a Twitter account.
That will do for the next weeks.
Can you imagine a Buchmann-Palin ticket? Their acceptance speeches at the republican convention would be hilarious. It would be sold on DVD afterwards on the comedy-shelve at your local DVD rental store. A winning Buckmann-Palin poll would be very scary. Too scary to even think about it. Even the Martians will start building bunkers.
Human bahviour is just for fun.
To erase those tragic visions of a Buchmann-Palin ticket; which in human evolution is going 4 species backwards; lets have some wine.
The Australian, nearly-pensioned hardrockers AC/DC are releasing their own wines. Yep, indeed. High voltage wine. It’s called parallel investments. So you gotta look out for Back To Black Shiraz, Highway To Hell Cabernet Sauvignon, Hells Bells Sauvignon Blanc and You Shook Me All Night Long Moscato.
But if you gonna have it all night long, it will feel you’re on a highway to hell. You will hear hell’s bells as you are passing out again and again. Back to black.
Human behavior can be like TNT.
Throw out. Playing AC/DC’s live album from 1992 feels like like a thundering train through misty valleys. The sound of a whole generation. A devine classic in musical history. Nearly 2 decades old (that album, not the band) but still standing like a rock.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2011 is just full of inspiration. Amen.
Following Alaska’s ex-governor Sarah Palin’s outbursts of lack of general knowledge, now tea party hopefull Michele Bachmann follows the trail of stupid uttering.
It’s kind of basics that if you wanna be the next White House resident you should know better. Much better. It seems a Republican habit. Bush Jr was full of verbal tripping, then Palin with her worldpolitics mishaps and now Bachmann. And ofcourse before all of them we had b-actor Ronald Reagan who only spoke about nuking the Soviets.
Especially populist politicians, like the tea party folks, should really watch what comes out of their mouths because they only focus on 20-second soundbites with not too much content nor depth. So it’s gotta be right and tight. They got the tight right, but the right is not always right.
It started when Buchmann launched her presidential bit in a town called Waterloo. Now Waterloo is a town in Belgium (“oh heck, where’s that”, Michele screams…) and was the battlefield that brought Napoleon’s rule to a halt in the 19th Century. And the term ‘meeting your Waterloo’ is very commonly known as one’s ultimate defeat. So launching your presidential ambitions in Waterloo might be a bit of a public relations disaster. But then again, Buchmann probably thinks that her tea party lovers wont know jacksh*t about Napoleon nor Waterloo, and thus what the heck. And explaining Napoleon in 20 seconds is not possible anyway. So just stick to the hometown label without further thoughts. Easy.
And then came cowboy-hero John Wayne. Well not really. Buchmann confused the NRA symbol with the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Confusing a gun hero with a gun madman is like slipping on 7 banana peels in one go. Especially for gun loving tea party, presidental hopefulls. Oeps! John Wayne might be turning in his grave. From riding away on your horse as sun sets to an ugly looking bloke on a killing spree is just a brainflick away. For some.
Then she wished America’s sweetheart Elvis Presley a happy birthday….. on the anniversary of his death. More banana action! Maybe sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll are taboo subjects within the tea drinking circles. Evil stuff for conservative minded folks and thus banned from knowledge-gathering efforts.
So one gotta start thinking what’s next. Scary thoughts.
Maybe Buchmann needs an urgent crash course before the presidential race really kicks off early next year. Crash course in….. well, mostly everything. Politics, geography, culture, understanding a calendar, Hollywood, history, proverbs,…. For tea party followers her dress sense seems spot on and her short quick US politics soundclips – aka short barks – seem mostly enough to get the tea lovers shouting and screaming like they’ve reached nirvana.
Anyway. Guide to the Buchmann crashcourse. The world is round, not flat. Think about a globe. Or a basketball. Africa is not a country. It’s a continent with more than 50 independent nations. Canada is not an American State. It’s another independent nation. The Somali pirates do not have an eye patch on, nor a skull and bones flag. Japan is not a member of the European Union. North and South Korea are two different countries and the US likes the south and hates the north (don’t make the Palin mistake on this one, especially when your finger is on the nuke button when / if you reach the White House). The White House is on Pennsylvania Avenue, but is not in Pennsylvania. I know, it is confusing but try to remember! A passport is an official document every citizen needs to have when going to a foreign country. I know, it’s a scary idea to leave the USA but maybe one day you might wanna go to the United Kingdom and meet the Queen. No, the rockband Queen is no more since the singer died of the AIDS virus (“He must have been gay!” “Oh he was! You see, it’s a gay disease. God's punishment.”). The Soviet Union is no more. Karl Marx is also dead. Long time ago. Don’t worry about him anymore. When you step on a bus on the campaign trail make sure it’s yours and not Obama’s. No Michelle Obama did not steal your first name. Yes, the White House will pay for your hairdresser appointments… if you make it to that white, big building in Washington DC. And no, Washington DC is not a suburb of Seattle in Washington state. Sometimes Mexicans do not eat chicken and beans. Yes Fidel Castro is still alive…., but probably not for long. You have good Muslims and bad Muslims. The good ones are those the Bush family has business dealings with. The bad ones are terrorists. Yes sorry, Ronald Reagan is dead. Yes yes, if you become the next US president you can dig up Obama’s basketball field and built a shooting range. Yes, in theory you can invade nations, just check first with your advisors if they are on the allied list or not. Yes you can bring your own pen to the White House to put on X on documents now and then. You are probably right that they speak a funny language in France. No, it’s not an English dialect. Sony is not an American company. Neither is Toyota. Yes they use the US dollar across all states of the US of A. And no, the Canadian dollar is not the same. No, America doesn’t occupy Japan anymore. But yes for sure, China is still communist and has these limitations on free speech and religious gatherings. Don’t send the cruise missiles yet. Yes you can have your own Facebook page and a Twitter account.
That will do for the next weeks.
Can you imagine a Buchmann-Palin ticket? Their acceptance speeches at the republican convention would be hilarious. It would be sold on DVD afterwards on the comedy-shelve at your local DVD rental store. A winning Buckmann-Palin poll would be very scary. Too scary to even think about it. Even the Martians will start building bunkers.
Human bahviour is just for fun.
To erase those tragic visions of a Buchmann-Palin ticket; which in human evolution is going 4 species backwards; lets have some wine.
The Australian, nearly-pensioned hardrockers AC/DC are releasing their own wines. Yep, indeed. High voltage wine. It’s called parallel investments. So you gotta look out for Back To Black Shiraz, Highway To Hell Cabernet Sauvignon, Hells Bells Sauvignon Blanc and You Shook Me All Night Long Moscato.
But if you gonna have it all night long, it will feel you’re on a highway to hell. You will hear hell’s bells as you are passing out again and again. Back to black.
Human behavior can be like TNT.
Throw out. Playing AC/DC’s live album from 1992 feels like like a thundering train through misty valleys. The sound of a whole generation. A devine classic in musical history. Nearly 2 decades old (that album, not the band) but still standing like a rock.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2011 is just full of inspiration. Amen.
Politicians are really a strange breed. Too often clearly detached from reality. And certainly always spinning and focusing mainly on opinion polls and re-election strategies.
The fires of the UK shopping-riots are only just been put out but the political class (and related agencies) are fighting over who was the diving force behind the change of police tactics during the unrest.
It’s crazy. So much wasted energy and time is going into tit for tats between the British government and the police bosses on who was running the show. Is that the priority now? So off the rails!
And the list of riot suspects appearing before the courts – which stayed open for business 24/24 – is getting really ‘interesting’. A derailed society in the dock. A teacher, the daughter of a millionaire, an Olympic ‘ambassador’, an 11-year-old kid,…. So it’s certainly not just down-and-out youths from the empoverished, forgotten, parts of London. Just greedy opportunists gone over the edge. Humans with a need to have the latest Ipods, game consoles, cell phones, plasma screens,… to have a meaning in their lives. To feel ‘real’. To feel somebody. These people were already over the edge before the first window was smashed.
Human behavior is consumer driven. And image driven.
One rioter made an interesting comment on British TV. He said the banks stole so much more from the common people. True….. to a degree. Banks didn’t go burning down furniture stores that have been a family business for decades. There is financial looting – as the banks certainly did – and there is mob-raging looting and burning as those yobs did. You can’t compare apples and pears. Both issues need to be raised for sure but not put in the same trash bin. And don’t use one for an excuse for the other. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
An older man outside a job-outreach center said he doesn’t see the same energy when it comes down to seeking work. Maybe right. Maybe too simplistic.
What’s guaranteed is that the British Prime Minister will use it to talk tough and look like a real leader. The real truth is that what happened is complex and a result of decades of neglect on all levels. From investment to social-family aspects. You don’t cure the rot with a lick of paint.
For politicians human bevahior is dictated by the next news bulletin. Long term visions stretches till the next opinion poll.
From the ashes of London to…. the disgust. In the same metropolis.
A female medical expert (in HIV – but that’s not important here) was arrested and sentenced to 6 months in jail for keeping a 21-year-old Tanzanian woman as a slave in her London home. Crazy. But crazier is that she only gets 6 months penitentiary. That seems really little.
From London via Tanzania to the other side of Africa. The tiny nation of Benin in West Africa has seen piracy soaring off its coast. The Somali pirates off Africa’s east coast are a well-known, and expanding, threat. But now it seems that the same phenomenon is kicking off on the other side of the old continent too. The oceans are wide and vast, but it still seems somewhat strange that the world can’t really deal with this threat. Because obviously it’s not just an African problem as ships from many nations are being hijacked. From China to Saudi Arabia to Holland. There is so much military capability around, from planes to subs to satelittes, that it is astonishing that the pirates can still roam reasonably freely. Seek and destroy!
Staying in Africa. Corruption, financial wastage and lack of accountability are a disease that is keeping the continent from really advancing. In South Africa the president’s son-in-law got a contract worth some US$ 142.857.000 to built a new headquarter for one of the departments. But officials within that department say that there is no budget for a new building. And the normal procedures to decide on such a big spending haven’t been followed. It stinks and is one of those examples how the cancer of corruption is eating away at the building blocks of society. Sad. Very sad. Rotten to the presidential core.
Back to Africa’s West coast.
University students at Sierra Leone’s Fourah Bay College could not write their final exams some weeks back because……. there was no paper. Just no notebooks or printing-paper to do the exams. Crazy. The 4000 students were angry. Rightly so.
Human careers can depend on the availability of stationary.
It’s slightly insane how the US presidential race kicks off so early. The elections are next year November. Before that you have the parties’ conventions to elect their candidate. Before that you have a money-wasting rollercoaster of primaries starting early next year. And before that you have informal ‘straw polls’. And all that process costs billions of money that could be spent more wisely. For sure democracy can and should cost some cash because it is precious, but the campaigns in the US seem to start earlier and earlier and thus costing more and more. And money needs to come from somewhere and thus the question of whom is funding whom – and for what return – is a very pertinent one. The dirty underbelly of political financing. Very murky. Very.
And all this amidst a nation which is totally broke. So deep in the red we soon have to invent new digits.
So we just saw some Republican pre-pre-pre-selection happening and that tea-party lady seem to have come out top of the pile. For now. And after that straw-poll the Republican governor of Texas came out saying he also wants the key to the White House. So is the pre-race on republican side set for the tea party lady against the governor,…. with Palin waiting in the wings? For sure populism will get a boost.
Obama, corned it seems, then went on a mini-bus tour. So campaigning has clearly kicked off. The 2012 poll seems to be going as a contest between a second term for a bold-ish, black Democrat and either a right-wing chick or a Democrat-turned-Republican governor-with-a-reasonable-good-economic-track-record. The Democrat-in-the-White-House struggled – and still struggles – to put his dreams into reality and tackle the economic foes….., which without a doubt started already under his republican predecessor Bush Jr. The tea lady rides the populist wave but her hard-hitting rhetoric sounds good in 20 second clips but lacks content. And the govenor seems to be the balance between content and sloganesque tactics. The road is still politically long and thus it’s wait and see. But for sure the starting-gun has been fired and the race is on.
Forget Iran, Syria, Mexico, oil spills, melting ice, currency issues with China,…. It’s gonna be a race focusing on basic economic realities. And the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will linger on the sidelines. Memories to the Clinton-Bush Sr race. “It’s the economy, stupid!”
Sadly it’s gonna be loud, and full of numb slogans. An avalanche of hopes and promises. A deafening ghettoblaster of dirty attacks and money-wasting TV clips. Silence will be a luxury.
Or as Phillip Levine once wrote down. “Fact is, silence is the perfect water: unlike rain it falls from no clouds to wash our minds, to ease our tired eyes, to give heart to the thin blades of grass fighting through the concrete for even air dirtied by our endless stream of words.“
Throw out. NY’s punkrockers House Boat have just released a well-received new album called “The thorns of life”. It’s the lads’ second full-length. It’s cathy, acerbic punkrock with a raw pop edge. And with song titles like “A song in which I convince myself to stop being such a f* idiot” and “I live directly across the street from the outback steakhouse”,…. one can see their no-holds barred approach. The House Boat residents previously played in proven punkrock establishments like The Dopamines, Dear Landlord, The Steinways and Off With Their Heads. “The thorns of life” is the perfect album to survive the traffic rush hour.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2011 is still breathing
The fires of the UK shopping-riots are only just been put out but the political class (and related agencies) are fighting over who was the diving force behind the change of police tactics during the unrest.
It’s crazy. So much wasted energy and time is going into tit for tats between the British government and the police bosses on who was running the show. Is that the priority now? So off the rails!
And the list of riot suspects appearing before the courts – which stayed open for business 24/24 – is getting really ‘interesting’. A derailed society in the dock. A teacher, the daughter of a millionaire, an Olympic ‘ambassador’, an 11-year-old kid,…. So it’s certainly not just down-and-out youths from the empoverished, forgotten, parts of London. Just greedy opportunists gone over the edge. Humans with a need to have the latest Ipods, game consoles, cell phones, plasma screens,… to have a meaning in their lives. To feel ‘real’. To feel somebody. These people were already over the edge before the first window was smashed.
Human behavior is consumer driven. And image driven.
One rioter made an interesting comment on British TV. He said the banks stole so much more from the common people. True….. to a degree. Banks didn’t go burning down furniture stores that have been a family business for decades. There is financial looting – as the banks certainly did – and there is mob-raging looting and burning as those yobs did. You can’t compare apples and pears. Both issues need to be raised for sure but not put in the same trash bin. And don’t use one for an excuse for the other. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
An older man outside a job-outreach center said he doesn’t see the same energy when it comes down to seeking work. Maybe right. Maybe too simplistic.
What’s guaranteed is that the British Prime Minister will use it to talk tough and look like a real leader. The real truth is that what happened is complex and a result of decades of neglect on all levels. From investment to social-family aspects. You don’t cure the rot with a lick of paint.
For politicians human bevahior is dictated by the next news bulletin. Long term visions stretches till the next opinion poll.
From the ashes of London to…. the disgust. In the same metropolis.
A female medical expert (in HIV – but that’s not important here) was arrested and sentenced to 6 months in jail for keeping a 21-year-old Tanzanian woman as a slave in her London home. Crazy. But crazier is that she only gets 6 months penitentiary. That seems really little.
From London via Tanzania to the other side of Africa. The tiny nation of Benin in West Africa has seen piracy soaring off its coast. The Somali pirates off Africa’s east coast are a well-known, and expanding, threat. But now it seems that the same phenomenon is kicking off on the other side of the old continent too. The oceans are wide and vast, but it still seems somewhat strange that the world can’t really deal with this threat. Because obviously it’s not just an African problem as ships from many nations are being hijacked. From China to Saudi Arabia to Holland. There is so much military capability around, from planes to subs to satelittes, that it is astonishing that the pirates can still roam reasonably freely. Seek and destroy!
Staying in Africa. Corruption, financial wastage and lack of accountability are a disease that is keeping the continent from really advancing. In South Africa the president’s son-in-law got a contract worth some US$ 142.857.000 to built a new headquarter for one of the departments. But officials within that department say that there is no budget for a new building. And the normal procedures to decide on such a big spending haven’t been followed. It stinks and is one of those examples how the cancer of corruption is eating away at the building blocks of society. Sad. Very sad. Rotten to the presidential core.
Back to Africa’s West coast.
University students at Sierra Leone’s Fourah Bay College could not write their final exams some weeks back because……. there was no paper. Just no notebooks or printing-paper to do the exams. Crazy. The 4000 students were angry. Rightly so.
Human careers can depend on the availability of stationary.
It’s slightly insane how the US presidential race kicks off so early. The elections are next year November. Before that you have the parties’ conventions to elect their candidate. Before that you have a money-wasting rollercoaster of primaries starting early next year. And before that you have informal ‘straw polls’. And all that process costs billions of money that could be spent more wisely. For sure democracy can and should cost some cash because it is precious, but the campaigns in the US seem to start earlier and earlier and thus costing more and more. And money needs to come from somewhere and thus the question of whom is funding whom – and for what return – is a very pertinent one. The dirty underbelly of political financing. Very murky. Very.
And all this amidst a nation which is totally broke. So deep in the red we soon have to invent new digits.
So we just saw some Republican pre-pre-pre-selection happening and that tea-party lady seem to have come out top of the pile. For now. And after that straw-poll the Republican governor of Texas came out saying he also wants the key to the White House. So is the pre-race on republican side set for the tea party lady against the governor,…. with Palin waiting in the wings? For sure populism will get a boost.
Obama, corned it seems, then went on a mini-bus tour. So campaigning has clearly kicked off. The 2012 poll seems to be going as a contest between a second term for a bold-ish, black Democrat and either a right-wing chick or a Democrat-turned-Republican governor-with-a-reasonable-good-economic-track-record. The Democrat-in-the-White-House struggled – and still struggles – to put his dreams into reality and tackle the economic foes….., which without a doubt started already under his republican predecessor Bush Jr. The tea lady rides the populist wave but her hard-hitting rhetoric sounds good in 20 second clips but lacks content. And the govenor seems to be the balance between content and sloganesque tactics. The road is still politically long and thus it’s wait and see. But for sure the starting-gun has been fired and the race is on.
Forget Iran, Syria, Mexico, oil spills, melting ice, currency issues with China,…. It’s gonna be a race focusing on basic economic realities. And the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will linger on the sidelines. Memories to the Clinton-Bush Sr race. “It’s the economy, stupid!”
Sadly it’s gonna be loud, and full of numb slogans. An avalanche of hopes and promises. A deafening ghettoblaster of dirty attacks and money-wasting TV clips. Silence will be a luxury.
Or as Phillip Levine once wrote down. “Fact is, silence is the perfect water: unlike rain it falls from no clouds to wash our minds, to ease our tired eyes, to give heart to the thin blades of grass fighting through the concrete for even air dirtied by our endless stream of words.“
Throw out. NY’s punkrockers House Boat have just released a well-received new album called “The thorns of life”. It’s the lads’ second full-length. It’s cathy, acerbic punkrock with a raw pop edge. And with song titles like “A song in which I convince myself to stop being such a f* idiot” and “I live directly across the street from the outback steakhouse”,…. one can see their no-holds barred approach. The House Boat residents previously played in proven punkrock establishments like The Dopamines, Dear Landlord, The Steinways and Off With Their Heads. “The thorns of life” is the perfect album to survive the traffic rush hour.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2011 is still breathing
Joe Strummer
Late 1979 London punkers The Clash released their album “London Calling” and frontman Joe Strummer sang the lead-song.
“London calling to the faraway towns.
Now that war is declared-and battle come down.
London calling to the underworld.
Come out of the cupboard, all you boys and girls.”
Not that most of the rioters in UK’s capital know much – if anything – about The Clash. And what a riot it turned out to be! A world metropolis gone mad. Anarchy in the UK. Another punk anthem from the 70s.
London’s burning. Literally. Well parts of it. And Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Birmingham, Wolverhampton,….
Crazy. Mad. Insane. Lunatic. Over the edge. Unacceptable. No (real) reasons why.
Yes, the first fire was started in north London’s suburb of Tottenham after cops killed a resident (suspected gang member?). All the reasons behind that tragic incident are still not clear, but we know now that the dead 29-year-old man did not fire his gun. He was for sure in possession of a weapon but no bullet left that gun that night.
Dead man. Angry community. Mob mentality. Flames of anger.
So far understandable. To a degree.
But what followed was just pure pillage. Shopping-riots somebody called. And that was spot on. No politics. No social agenda. Just mobs of very young thugs going on a stealing rampage. And their prime targets? Sports wear stores, upmarket fashion retailers, cell phone shops and electronic stores. Nights of riots for a new cellphone and TV plasma screen. That’s what it is all about!
Human behavior can drop very low.
Shops set alight without thinking about the flats (and its inhabitants) above it. A middle class, family, furniture store that has been around for ages torched to the ground. The store survived both world wars and a couple of economic hard times, but not the mad rioters. Nuts. Three men who were protecting their little carwash shop run over by a speeding car, which fled the murder scene. Nuts.
Rebels without a cause and rebels without a brain. Rising up against banks’ outrageous payments to their bosses amidst economic recession is a reason to fight. Rising up back in the 70s and 80s against apartheid South Africa was a real cause. Fighting for your environmental rights in the oil-polluted delta of Nigeria is a worthwhile cause. Rebelling against the destruction of the amazon forest in Brazil is worth the fight. Expressing anger over small sentences for child rapists is totally fine.
But this nonsense across the UK is just a bunch of losers stealing goods to feel more trendy. What the hell has happened that some feel unhappy and ‘rejected’ if they don’t wear the latest Nike footwear, have the newest cellphone, the up-to-date game console and the same eye-wear as that football/soccer player on the billboard? That’s very low self respect and very low general feeling about what life is really about. Sad but true.
Find a job. Paint your house. Help in a soup kitchen for the homeless. Clean up the neighborhood park. Study for a higher degree. But don’t be a f*cking faceless thug. Mob mentality of the weak. What’s the point? Really, what is the point? No future? Certainly not with such behavior and mentality. We are all angry at how politics and economics are going worldwide. And with the environmental disasters. And with the wars and the famines. And with the rapists and the scammers. And with the increasing prices of goods. But tell us one thing, what the f*ck are you achieving now? Zero. Nothing. Less than anything. Anger and rebellion is good because being complacent is numb, but going on a destructive journey and destroy what middle class workers have built up for years is just beyond acceptance. It’s flippin’ bonkers!
Spotted that a 31 year old teacher has pleaded guilty to being part of the looting of a music / sound store in London. A teacher!!! So she destroyed her own future for an ipod or a new set of trendy headphones? How stupid is that? And for a teacher?!? Self-destructive numbf*ck! Blame who you wanna blame, but first of all look in the mirror!!!
And another looter in police cells is an 11-year-old kid. 11-Year-old! Speaking of bad examples in your community. Speaking of seeing your young life only through the eyes of trendy consumerism. Sad, sad, sad.
Human behavior can be the price of an Apple.
And where are the parents of these kids? What do they have to say when the kid comes home late and with a new Ipod in his heand and new tracksuit trousers? Do the parent(s) care? Are they awake? Aware? Not drunk or doped up? Too busy shagging the 16 year old neighbour’s daughter? Or just hardly home because doing double shifts to survive as single parent?
Something’s just gone wrong. Well probably a multiple set of conditions, expectations, fake representations…. It’s mainly which way to turn when you hit a T-junction.
Human behaviour can be a off-track.
Meanwhile, as London is burning, Syria’s onslaught of its own people is just going on like flipping burgers at McDonalds. Still amazing how people with (near-) absolute power looses all sense of values and reality. They become un-humanized. Power is really a brain disease. It transforms humans into something extraterrestial. And there is no normal turning back for dictators. Once they are in their unique but sickening headspace then can never by their own willing or abilities come back to senses. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mugabe, the junta in Burma, Mubarak, the Iranian nuke freak, Gadaffi, Fidel, Pinochet, the Chinese communist party topleadership, the lunatic in North Korea, bunch of other African let’s-hold-on-to-power-forever nutters,…. They’re not all in the same league, but they are all dillusional, powerhungry, should-be-in-a-mental-hospital politicians. Willing to kill their own folks to keep the key to the palace. Willing to exterminate all dissident views. Lost in their own labyrinth of insanity. Power is a deadly disease. And against such disease you can only rebel with brute force. May the force be with the freedom fighters in Libya and Syria!
Human behavior easily slides into mad behavior.
And there you have it. An enormous jawbone found in Kazakhstan adds weight to the idea that giant birds existed at the same time as the dinosaurs. A flying T-Rex! Are you reading this Hollywood?
Throw out. “Life’s a journey” is the brandnew album by New Zealand’s punkers The Rabble. Fine collection of in your face songs with a clear Rancid-touch of punk with reaggea touches here and there. Great production. Nice to discover good music from far nations on thee dge of the planet. Don’t like the hairstyle, but like the musical expression.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2011 is just burning onwards
“London calling to the faraway towns.
Now that war is declared-and battle come down.
London calling to the underworld.
Come out of the cupboard, all you boys and girls.”
Not that most of the rioters in UK’s capital know much – if anything – about The Clash. And what a riot it turned out to be! A world metropolis gone mad. Anarchy in the UK. Another punk anthem from the 70s.
London’s burning. Literally. Well parts of it. And Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Birmingham, Wolverhampton,….
Crazy. Mad. Insane. Lunatic. Over the edge. Unacceptable. No (real) reasons why.
Yes, the first fire was started in north London’s suburb of Tottenham after cops killed a resident (suspected gang member?). All the reasons behind that tragic incident are still not clear, but we know now that the dead 29-year-old man did not fire his gun. He was for sure in possession of a weapon but no bullet left that gun that night.
Dead man. Angry community. Mob mentality. Flames of anger.
So far understandable. To a degree.
But what followed was just pure pillage. Shopping-riots somebody called. And that was spot on. No politics. No social agenda. Just mobs of very young thugs going on a stealing rampage. And their prime targets? Sports wear stores, upmarket fashion retailers, cell phone shops and electronic stores. Nights of riots for a new cellphone and TV plasma screen. That’s what it is all about!
Human behavior can drop very low.
Shops set alight without thinking about the flats (and its inhabitants) above it. A middle class, family, furniture store that has been around for ages torched to the ground. The store survived both world wars and a couple of economic hard times, but not the mad rioters. Nuts. Three men who were protecting their little carwash shop run over by a speeding car, which fled the murder scene. Nuts.
Rebels without a cause and rebels without a brain. Rising up against banks’ outrageous payments to their bosses amidst economic recession is a reason to fight. Rising up back in the 70s and 80s against apartheid South Africa was a real cause. Fighting for your environmental rights in the oil-polluted delta of Nigeria is a worthwhile cause. Rebelling against the destruction of the amazon forest in Brazil is worth the fight. Expressing anger over small sentences for child rapists is totally fine.
But this nonsense across the UK is just a bunch of losers stealing goods to feel more trendy. What the hell has happened that some feel unhappy and ‘rejected’ if they don’t wear the latest Nike footwear, have the newest cellphone, the up-to-date game console and the same eye-wear as that football/soccer player on the billboard? That’s very low self respect and very low general feeling about what life is really about. Sad but true.
Find a job. Paint your house. Help in a soup kitchen for the homeless. Clean up the neighborhood park. Study for a higher degree. But don’t be a f*cking faceless thug. Mob mentality of the weak. What’s the point? Really, what is the point? No future? Certainly not with such behavior and mentality. We are all angry at how politics and economics are going worldwide. And with the environmental disasters. And with the wars and the famines. And with the rapists and the scammers. And with the increasing prices of goods. But tell us one thing, what the f*ck are you achieving now? Zero. Nothing. Less than anything. Anger and rebellion is good because being complacent is numb, but going on a destructive journey and destroy what middle class workers have built up for years is just beyond acceptance. It’s flippin’ bonkers!
Spotted that a 31 year old teacher has pleaded guilty to being part of the looting of a music / sound store in London. A teacher!!! So she destroyed her own future for an ipod or a new set of trendy headphones? How stupid is that? And for a teacher?!? Self-destructive numbf*ck! Blame who you wanna blame, but first of all look in the mirror!!!
And another looter in police cells is an 11-year-old kid. 11-Year-old! Speaking of bad examples in your community. Speaking of seeing your young life only through the eyes of trendy consumerism. Sad, sad, sad.
Human behavior can be the price of an Apple.
And where are the parents of these kids? What do they have to say when the kid comes home late and with a new Ipod in his heand and new tracksuit trousers? Do the parent(s) care? Are they awake? Aware? Not drunk or doped up? Too busy shagging the 16 year old neighbour’s daughter? Or just hardly home because doing double shifts to survive as single parent?
Something’s just gone wrong. Well probably a multiple set of conditions, expectations, fake representations…. It’s mainly which way to turn when you hit a T-junction.
Human behaviour can be a off-track.
Meanwhile, as London is burning, Syria’s onslaught of its own people is just going on like flipping burgers at McDonalds. Still amazing how people with (near-) absolute power looses all sense of values and reality. They become un-humanized. Power is really a brain disease. It transforms humans into something extraterrestial. And there is no normal turning back for dictators. Once they are in their unique but sickening headspace then can never by their own willing or abilities come back to senses. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mugabe, the junta in Burma, Mubarak, the Iranian nuke freak, Gadaffi, Fidel, Pinochet, the Chinese communist party topleadership, the lunatic in North Korea, bunch of other African let’s-hold-on-to-power-forever nutters,…. They’re not all in the same league, but they are all dillusional, powerhungry, should-be-in-a-mental-hospital politicians. Willing to kill their own folks to keep the key to the palace. Willing to exterminate all dissident views. Lost in their own labyrinth of insanity. Power is a deadly disease. And against such disease you can only rebel with brute force. May the force be with the freedom fighters in Libya and Syria!
Human behavior easily slides into mad behavior.
And there you have it. An enormous jawbone found in Kazakhstan adds weight to the idea that giant birds existed at the same time as the dinosaurs. A flying T-Rex! Are you reading this Hollywood?
Throw out. “Life’s a journey” is the brandnew album by New Zealand’s punkers The Rabble. Fine collection of in your face songs with a clear Rancid-touch of punk with reaggea touches here and there. Great production. Nice to discover good music from far nations on thee dge of the planet. Don’t like the hairstyle, but like the musical expression.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2011 is just burning onwards
The morgue is full.
Sacked cop kills police station commander in Johannesburg. Being a cop in South Africa is a pretty dangerous occupation. An average of 2 cops per week have been killed in South Africa so far in 2011. That’s lots of blood on the blue uniforms. Plenty of cop killers out there.
In Syria the unrest has turned into a slaughter in the opposition town Hama. And as history goes, the wheels keep turning round ‘n’ round. Same town saw a previous onslaught against the regime’s opponants some decades ago under the iron fist of the current president’s father. Butchering seems a family affair for the past and current tyrants in Damascus. Tanks vs people. Bullets vs stones. Madness vs cries of freedom. But people don’t forget. If the tyrant can’t be silenced and stopped now, the future will come. Revenge has no expiry date. The uprising wont be deleted from memory.
A train crashed in China, but the local media are banned from reporting on it. Free flow of information is not a communist idea. Big shows when the olympics come to town, but back to old tactics of repression when the circus leaves.
Another African famine. History is really repeating itself. Somalia has had no fully functioning central government for more than 2 decades. US , UN and AU soldiers have died in the sandpit. But it’s still a very Darwinistic country. The weak are left to die. The rule of the gun is the only one in town. Weapon salesmen are having a field day. Muslim fundamentalists are now even hijacking this famine. Control by all means necessary. By the gun. By religion. By food availability. How low can humans fall? Religion is a killer. No hope in Somalia. Death is certain, life is not.
Knocking on the morgue’s door.
From starvation to self-destruction. Amy Winehouse apparently died because she abruptly stopped drinking. That’s what some family members claim, although the police toxicology report ain’t out yet. Sounds like an advertisement for vodka or so. Drink more, live longer. Stop drinking can seriously harm your health. Anyway, Amy didn’t reach her 3 decades on planet earth because of 1 person only: herself. Sad but true.
Out of the limelight. A ferry sinks in Congo. Many dead. Crocodiles’ paradise. 80 Bodies found. 100 Passengers rescued. 20 Or so still missing.
Libyans are fleeing their country but some drown in te Mediterranean as they were trying to reach Italy. Flee a revolution to let your life been taken away by the swells of the high seas. Sad. Killed by Gaddafi’s soldiers. Killed by Nato bombs. Killed by rebel mortars. Or killed while fleeing war. Roll of the dice.
Some Libyan rebels have been killed in a government counter attack not too far from the capital Tripoli. The civil war is stuck in the dessert. Divided nation. Politics of hate.
Pakistan seems never at peace with itself. If it ain’t religious fools going on a killing spree or sending out a suicide bomber, it’s political violence. More than 30 people were killed in Karachi amidst political warfare. Armed groups supporting one or the other political party go out and battle it out. Madness to the next level. And it seems a merry go round and round because last month some 200 people were killed during deadly games of political insanity.
Human behavior is a speed train to the morgue.
Leaving the blood stains aside for a while. Chinese authorities have discovered – and closed down – fake Ikea and Apple stores. So we’re not talking about some alleway secret store or backroom handlings, these were shops with the ‘real’ Ikea and Apple signs on main streets. Copyrights have never been an important issue in China. Copy, fake, steal.
A crime syndicate in a town in South Africa has been ‘buying’ criminal dockets to attempt to get cases thrown out of court. Nice one. Land of opportunities. Wondering how the syndicate adverstises its services. Ads in the paper? Website? Call us and pay us cash,…. and your court records will vanish into space. No more trial dates thanks to us. We are the judicial exterminators.
It’s one way of clearing the courts’ backlogs.
Human behavior can be criminal and inventive at the same time.
So the US is financially alive it seems. Far from healthy but alive. The debt figure is so high most of us just can’t even grasp it. Millions, trillions,… Sounds like mad monopoly. The amazing thing is that when intern-loving-Clinton left office the budget was balanced. Then came Bush and his business pals. Then came the mad bankers going over the edge. Then came a housing crisis. Then came a recession. And amidst all that wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that keep chewing money faster than the speed of light. Memories of Clinton feels nice at once. Cigars and all.
Maybe, just like with Amy and her booze, cigar smoking is good for you and thus stopping lighting a Cuban might cause your health to fail. Maybe a whiskey and a cigar will become the new healthkick for the Hollywood plastic surgery stars (and lesser ones). Forget the veggies and therapeutic sessions with oils and candles, give them a J. W. black label – make it a double – and a smoke. Spa retreats with free booze and a joint! Who said the future is f*cked?
Chill, relax, enjoy…. while out there in that distant world the morgue labourers are doing overtime.
Throw out. Singer and bassist Dan Andriano from Alkaline Trio fame has released a fine album under his side-project’s name Dan Andriano In The Emergency Room. “Hurricane Season” brings 10 well-crafted songs with strong lyrics.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2011
Sacked cop kills police station commander in Johannesburg. Being a cop in South Africa is a pretty dangerous occupation. An average of 2 cops per week have been killed in South Africa so far in 2011. That’s lots of blood on the blue uniforms. Plenty of cop killers out there.
In Syria the unrest has turned into a slaughter in the opposition town Hama. And as history goes, the wheels keep turning round ‘n’ round. Same town saw a previous onslaught against the regime’s opponants some decades ago under the iron fist of the current president’s father. Butchering seems a family affair for the past and current tyrants in Damascus. Tanks vs people. Bullets vs stones. Madness vs cries of freedom. But people don’t forget. If the tyrant can’t be silenced and stopped now, the future will come. Revenge has no expiry date. The uprising wont be deleted from memory.
A train crashed in China, but the local media are banned from reporting on it. Free flow of information is not a communist idea. Big shows when the olympics come to town, but back to old tactics of repression when the circus leaves.
Another African famine. History is really repeating itself. Somalia has had no fully functioning central government for more than 2 decades. US , UN and AU soldiers have died in the sandpit. But it’s still a very Darwinistic country. The weak are left to die. The rule of the gun is the only one in town. Weapon salesmen are having a field day. Muslim fundamentalists are now even hijacking this famine. Control by all means necessary. By the gun. By religion. By food availability. How low can humans fall? Religion is a killer. No hope in Somalia. Death is certain, life is not.
Knocking on the morgue’s door.
From starvation to self-destruction. Amy Winehouse apparently died because she abruptly stopped drinking. That’s what some family members claim, although the police toxicology report ain’t out yet. Sounds like an advertisement for vodka or so. Drink more, live longer. Stop drinking can seriously harm your health. Anyway, Amy didn’t reach her 3 decades on planet earth because of 1 person only: herself. Sad but true.
Out of the limelight. A ferry sinks in Congo. Many dead. Crocodiles’ paradise. 80 Bodies found. 100 Passengers rescued. 20 Or so still missing.
Libyans are fleeing their country but some drown in te Mediterranean as they were trying to reach Italy. Flee a revolution to let your life been taken away by the swells of the high seas. Sad. Killed by Gaddafi’s soldiers. Killed by Nato bombs. Killed by rebel mortars. Or killed while fleeing war. Roll of the dice.
Some Libyan rebels have been killed in a government counter attack not too far from the capital Tripoli. The civil war is stuck in the dessert. Divided nation. Politics of hate.
Pakistan seems never at peace with itself. If it ain’t religious fools going on a killing spree or sending out a suicide bomber, it’s political violence. More than 30 people were killed in Karachi amidst political warfare. Armed groups supporting one or the other political party go out and battle it out. Madness to the next level. And it seems a merry go round and round because last month some 200 people were killed during deadly games of political insanity.
Human behavior is a speed train to the morgue.
Leaving the blood stains aside for a while. Chinese authorities have discovered – and closed down – fake Ikea and Apple stores. So we’re not talking about some alleway secret store or backroom handlings, these were shops with the ‘real’ Ikea and Apple signs on main streets. Copyrights have never been an important issue in China. Copy, fake, steal.
A crime syndicate in a town in South Africa has been ‘buying’ criminal dockets to attempt to get cases thrown out of court. Nice one. Land of opportunities. Wondering how the syndicate adverstises its services. Ads in the paper? Website? Call us and pay us cash,…. and your court records will vanish into space. No more trial dates thanks to us. We are the judicial exterminators.
It’s one way of clearing the courts’ backlogs.
Human behavior can be criminal and inventive at the same time.
So the US is financially alive it seems. Far from healthy but alive. The debt figure is so high most of us just can’t even grasp it. Millions, trillions,… Sounds like mad monopoly. The amazing thing is that when intern-loving-Clinton left office the budget was balanced. Then came Bush and his business pals. Then came the mad bankers going over the edge. Then came a housing crisis. Then came a recession. And amidst all that wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that keep chewing money faster than the speed of light. Memories of Clinton feels nice at once. Cigars and all.
Maybe, just like with Amy and her booze, cigar smoking is good for you and thus stopping lighting a Cuban might cause your health to fail. Maybe a whiskey and a cigar will become the new healthkick for the Hollywood plastic surgery stars (and lesser ones). Forget the veggies and therapeutic sessions with oils and candles, give them a J. W. black label – make it a double – and a smoke. Spa retreats with free booze and a joint! Who said the future is f*cked?
Chill, relax, enjoy…. while out there in that distant world the morgue labourers are doing overtime.
Throw out. Singer and bassist Dan Andriano from Alkaline Trio fame has released a fine album under his side-project’s name Dan Andriano In The Emergency Room. “Hurricane Season” brings 10 well-crafted songs with strong lyrics.
C -Ya
collateral – August 2011
When reason stops
As he was waiting for the arrival of the mass-killer, a Norwegian man outside the court in Oslo said that he “just wants to have a glimpse of evil”.
A small, peacefull nation drown into a 666-orgy of insanity beyond comprehension. When hatred slides over the edge.
But the murdering man was not mentally stupid. No low IQ. He put together an astonishing 1500 page document about his thoughts and opinons. A long, dark tunnel. And it lead to a day of utter insanity. But the document is heavily on serious research. Without a doubt research inspired by certain thinking processes and research done to look for explanations for his visions. The research didn’t lead to a conclusion. The conclusion was searching for reasons. But for sure he went far back in world history to fuel his fear that the world keeps changing and it was change he didn’t like. And it was change he wanted to stop there and then. By a killing spree.
A document that became his bible for action. Guidebook to slaughter. Narrow minded fear + narrow minded visions + fear of tomorrow + guns = scary options.
A bible indeed. His deep rooted, conservative Christianity pushed his thoughts deeper and deeper into a certain tunnel. Religion is the opium of the masses, as Marx said. Probably the only thing Marx was spot on with, because his other theories were used in the former Soviet Union and the former Eastern Europe to turn states into prisons without hope. Left wing dictatorships. The area where extremisms – left or right – touches each other. Copy each other under a different banner. The goelags of Stalin and the concentration camps of Hitler. Same with religions. The conservative Christian massmurderer in Norway is the same evil as the 9/11 hijackers. Same terrorists. When reason stops, demons dance.
Human behaviour can easily slide into hell. Fear is a massive catalyst.
History is a tool that can be spinned and used and analysed by all to proof anything. But history is also there to show the undeniable, neutral fact that things change. They come and go. History – as the future will be – is not stable nor fully predictable and never (for anybody) as hoped and expected and planned.
The birth of the human race is traced back to Africa. But that continent is now the most tragic. The Egyptians ruled once. And the Romans conquered. And the Vikings caused fear as far as Paris. There was the Portuguese empire. And the Spanish one. And the British one. And the French one. And the Austrian-Hungarian one. And the Ottoman one. And the Third Reich. And the Soviet Union. And the Dutch ruled the old trade routes at one time. And the Indians (the red skins, not the Asians) where once the free roamers of what is now America. Things change. For better and for worse. It’s the unstoppable pendilum of time. And it’s clear that the economic might of China is slowly taking over global trade power. And it’s clear that Muslim faith is growing while Christianity is declining. All of the above have reasons. Mostly social-economic reasons. And always a multiple avalanche of reasons. Developments. Actions. Events.
But throughout the centuries there is the clear thread of mistrust. Of fear of the unknown. Fear of the future – which is a normal human response. Change is too often feared and disliked. Change is a rupture of comfort. Change – once again – can be good and bad. Can have good and bad consequences for humans and animals. And for the environment generally.
Fear is what make humans edgy. And in fact, what makes animals edgy too.
Christians hate Muslims. Muslims hate Jews. Blacks hate whites and whites hate blacks. Brits hate Polish. French dislike the English. Scots feel hated by the English. The Welsh feel forgotten. South and North Italians dislike each other. Gypsies are hated by all. Russians hate Georgians. Zulus hate Xhosas. Commies hate capitalists. Capitalists hate the left wing. CEOs dislike the unions. The Oklahoma bomber hated the State. The Romans hated Jesus. Lenin hated the monarchs. City dwellers hate farmers. Rural folks dislike the city slickers. Old people don’t understand the young. The young think the oldies are ‘funny’. Basks hate Madrid. Bosnians hate Serbs and Serbs hate them too. And the Kosovars. Tutsis don’t trust Hutus. Afrikaners and South African blacks have a history of hatred. Liberals and Conservatives can’t stand each other. The Flemish dislike the Walloons, and the Walloons think all Flemish are fascists. The Chinese hate the Tibetans. And the Taiwanese. The Japanese and the Chinese don’t really like each other. North and South Korea are the ultimate paranoid brothers. NY doesn’t like LA. Firemen hate pyromaniacs. Cows fear the butcher. Cats and dogs can’t stand each other. The Sunnis hate the Shi’ites. Hamas and Fatah don’t get along. The Tea Party followers hate Obama. Big business hate enviromentalists. Israelis and Palestinians have been at each other throats for too many years. Vegetarians hate McDonalds. Anarchists hate the banks. Fish hate fishermen. Sharks fear the Chinese. Whales hide for the Japanese. The river fish fears the eagle. The spider fears the scorpion. The bok fears the lion. The elephant hates the ivory traders. Northern Nigerians dislike southerners. Same north-south divide in Ivory Coast. Record labels hate (illegal) downloaders. Real Madrid supporters hate Barcelona fans. Decent journalists hate tabloid ones. India hate Pakistan, and vice versa.
And on and on goes the carousel of hate, dislike, distrust, fear, and un-understanding.
And as the blood in Norway was drying up, came the news that singer Amy Winehouse was no more.
A young girl full of possibilities and opportunities that went over the edge. Self-destructive behaviour. A great voice. A great performer. Deep, meaningfull lyrics. But with a very dark side. Internal torment. And it ended as many feared. Alone in her flat. The heart gave up. It couldn’t handle the self-abuse anymore.
Wondering if Elton John will re-write his Princess Diana-tribute song “Candle In The Wind” for Amy: “Candle Under The Spoon”.
Wondering what Amy says when she knocked at heaven’s gate: “Is this rehab?”
Yes it is. The ultimate rehab. No return anymore. No falling back to dark habbits. No more back to black.
Human behaviour can be a sadly affair.
The US budget fights are technical and nearly ridiculous. The US is broke and thus something needs to be done. One is laughing with the Greeks, but the US is far far far far deeper in the red than anybody else. And in fact lots of the US debt is held by Chinese banks. Speaking of times’ changing!
The debates often sound like a domestic dispute. The mother screams at the father that he spends too much on gambling and on a new TV set. The father screams back saying she didn’t need a new oven nor a weekly hairdo.
Wondering if a US economist is about to enter a Chinese bank with Uzis, AK47s and semtex? Conservative capitalist mass-murderer causes havoc and death in a state-controlled, communist-named-but-capitalist-acting bank in the business district of Beijing. Nothing is what is was, nor what it will be.
Nobody is safe anymore. Nowhere. Never.
Throw out. Brian Fallon from Gaslight Anthems fame is soon releasing an album with his side-project The Horrible Crowes. The recordings are done. The album title unknown for now. The exact release date unknown for now. High expectations.
C -Ya
collateral – July 2011 is a cracker
A small, peacefull nation drown into a 666-orgy of insanity beyond comprehension. When hatred slides over the edge.
But the murdering man was not mentally stupid. No low IQ. He put together an astonishing 1500 page document about his thoughts and opinons. A long, dark tunnel. And it lead to a day of utter insanity. But the document is heavily on serious research. Without a doubt research inspired by certain thinking processes and research done to look for explanations for his visions. The research didn’t lead to a conclusion. The conclusion was searching for reasons. But for sure he went far back in world history to fuel his fear that the world keeps changing and it was change he didn’t like. And it was change he wanted to stop there and then. By a killing spree.
A document that became his bible for action. Guidebook to slaughter. Narrow minded fear + narrow minded visions + fear of tomorrow + guns = scary options.
A bible indeed. His deep rooted, conservative Christianity pushed his thoughts deeper and deeper into a certain tunnel. Religion is the opium of the masses, as Marx said. Probably the only thing Marx was spot on with, because his other theories were used in the former Soviet Union and the former Eastern Europe to turn states into prisons without hope. Left wing dictatorships. The area where extremisms – left or right – touches each other. Copy each other under a different banner. The goelags of Stalin and the concentration camps of Hitler. Same with religions. The conservative Christian massmurderer in Norway is the same evil as the 9/11 hijackers. Same terrorists. When reason stops, demons dance.
Human behaviour can easily slide into hell. Fear is a massive catalyst.
History is a tool that can be spinned and used and analysed by all to proof anything. But history is also there to show the undeniable, neutral fact that things change. They come and go. History – as the future will be – is not stable nor fully predictable and never (for anybody) as hoped and expected and planned.
The birth of the human race is traced back to Africa. But that continent is now the most tragic. The Egyptians ruled once. And the Romans conquered. And the Vikings caused fear as far as Paris. There was the Portuguese empire. And the Spanish one. And the British one. And the French one. And the Austrian-Hungarian one. And the Ottoman one. And the Third Reich. And the Soviet Union. And the Dutch ruled the old trade routes at one time. And the Indians (the red skins, not the Asians) where once the free roamers of what is now America. Things change. For better and for worse. It’s the unstoppable pendilum of time. And it’s clear that the economic might of China is slowly taking over global trade power. And it’s clear that Muslim faith is growing while Christianity is declining. All of the above have reasons. Mostly social-economic reasons. And always a multiple avalanche of reasons. Developments. Actions. Events.
But throughout the centuries there is the clear thread of mistrust. Of fear of the unknown. Fear of the future – which is a normal human response. Change is too often feared and disliked. Change is a rupture of comfort. Change – once again – can be good and bad. Can have good and bad consequences for humans and animals. And for the environment generally.
Fear is what make humans edgy. And in fact, what makes animals edgy too.
Christians hate Muslims. Muslims hate Jews. Blacks hate whites and whites hate blacks. Brits hate Polish. French dislike the English. Scots feel hated by the English. The Welsh feel forgotten. South and North Italians dislike each other. Gypsies are hated by all. Russians hate Georgians. Zulus hate Xhosas. Commies hate capitalists. Capitalists hate the left wing. CEOs dislike the unions. The Oklahoma bomber hated the State. The Romans hated Jesus. Lenin hated the monarchs. City dwellers hate farmers. Rural folks dislike the city slickers. Old people don’t understand the young. The young think the oldies are ‘funny’. Basks hate Madrid. Bosnians hate Serbs and Serbs hate them too. And the Kosovars. Tutsis don’t trust Hutus. Afrikaners and South African blacks have a history of hatred. Liberals and Conservatives can’t stand each other. The Flemish dislike the Walloons, and the Walloons think all Flemish are fascists. The Chinese hate the Tibetans. And the Taiwanese. The Japanese and the Chinese don’t really like each other. North and South Korea are the ultimate paranoid brothers. NY doesn’t like LA. Firemen hate pyromaniacs. Cows fear the butcher. Cats and dogs can’t stand each other. The Sunnis hate the Shi’ites. Hamas and Fatah don’t get along. The Tea Party followers hate Obama. Big business hate enviromentalists. Israelis and Palestinians have been at each other throats for too many years. Vegetarians hate McDonalds. Anarchists hate the banks. Fish hate fishermen. Sharks fear the Chinese. Whales hide for the Japanese. The river fish fears the eagle. The spider fears the scorpion. The bok fears the lion. The elephant hates the ivory traders. Northern Nigerians dislike southerners. Same north-south divide in Ivory Coast. Record labels hate (illegal) downloaders. Real Madrid supporters hate Barcelona fans. Decent journalists hate tabloid ones. India hate Pakistan, and vice versa.
And on and on goes the carousel of hate, dislike, distrust, fear, and un-understanding.
And as the blood in Norway was drying up, came the news that singer Amy Winehouse was no more.
A young girl full of possibilities and opportunities that went over the edge. Self-destructive behaviour. A great voice. A great performer. Deep, meaningfull lyrics. But with a very dark side. Internal torment. And it ended as many feared. Alone in her flat. The heart gave up. It couldn’t handle the self-abuse anymore.
Wondering if Elton John will re-write his Princess Diana-tribute song “Candle In The Wind” for Amy: “Candle Under The Spoon”.
Wondering what Amy says when she knocked at heaven’s gate: “Is this rehab?”
Yes it is. The ultimate rehab. No return anymore. No falling back to dark habbits. No more back to black.
Human behaviour can be a sadly affair.
The US budget fights are technical and nearly ridiculous. The US is broke and thus something needs to be done. One is laughing with the Greeks, but the US is far far far far deeper in the red than anybody else. And in fact lots of the US debt is held by Chinese banks. Speaking of times’ changing!
The debates often sound like a domestic dispute. The mother screams at the father that he spends too much on gambling and on a new TV set. The father screams back saying she didn’t need a new oven nor a weekly hairdo.
Wondering if a US economist is about to enter a Chinese bank with Uzis, AK47s and semtex? Conservative capitalist mass-murderer causes havoc and death in a state-controlled, communist-named-but-capitalist-acting bank in the business district of Beijing. Nothing is what is was, nor what it will be.
Nobody is safe anymore. Nowhere. Never.
Throw out. Brian Fallon from Gaslight Anthems fame is soon releasing an album with his side-project The Horrible Crowes. The recordings are done. The album title unknown for now. The exact release date unknown for now. High expectations.
C -Ya
collateral – July 2011 is a cracker
Despite high unemployment the Zimbabwean prison service cannot fill its vacant post of….. hangman. It’s been trying to hire a new executioner for many months, but to no avail. No candidates applied.
Although the job comes with benefits. Regular income, pension plan, free food, free medical care, and your clients wont complain afterwards. Maybe not really customer’s”satisfaction guaranteed”, but no need for a customer hotline after the service has been rendered. What’s done is done. One take.
Imagine the job advertisement in the paper. Zimbabwean prison department seeks hangman. Stable job. Fixed hours. Extra benefits. Requirements: no joker; solid presence; can handle rope; no criminal record (!) – because we do not want a fellow inmate creeping up the job ladder.
No hangman for Zimbabwe. So deathrow has become an eternal waiting room for a candidate to apply the grimreaper’s job. Wonder if for some inmates in Zimbabwe it would not be better to die quickly than to rot in jail. Doesn’t sound too healthy. The rope around one’s neck is probably less suffering. Not sure what food you get inside a Zimbabwean prison these days. Torture, rats, tuberculosis, aids,… Visitors? Certainly no TV, radio or reading material. Hell on earth. So it wouldn’t be a surprise if some inmates are praying for a hangman’s visit as soon as possible. Deliver us from torment. Maybe the prison can organise that the deathrow inmates can hang themselves. Cheap option! A DIY job.
Human behaviour is a waiting room.
Southwards on the African continent till the bottom bit. The surf city of Durban has been the scene of student protests.
The youngsters didn’t scream and shout about the cost of education, the crap internet connectivity, the racial tendencies on the campus, the corrupt government, the environmental degradation, global warming, the cost of AIDS drugs, the waiting lists for driving license tests, the maths teacher’s insanity, the cost of booze and the illegality of marihuana. No the students left the classrooms to demand free condoms!
It’s all about priorities! Forget educational needs and job prospects. It’s all about sex! They are too ashamed to ask their parents; spent their pocket money on booze, drugs and a new cell phone,…. So condoms need to be handed out for free …. And on a daily basis.
Maybe when they grow old their kids will ask what they rebelled against while at university. As their kids will have heard how grandpa (and grandma) caused havoc by throwing stones against the apartheid police. The father will be cornered. “Well, son, my dad fought the authorities againts racial discrimination and for freedom. We, the next, free, generation rioted because we wanted sex. With condoms ofcourse, because even at our young age we were aware of all these little viruses and the dangers of all that partner swapping.” Free at last!
From sticks and stones to… boners. Just a generation away.
Human behaviour can me measured in centimeters.
Sometimes reality is better than a Hollywood thriller. The movie script writers are facing a tough one… The British phone messages hacking scandal is like a tsunami. Newspaper closed; resignations; sackings, extra special parliamentary committees (live on TV), the Prime Minister shortening his oversees trip; company shares in decline; popular outcry; big headlines; specialists and analysts; scores being settled; FBI involvement; special police investigations; cops on the take; dirty detectives; the whistleblower found dead;... anything else?
It’s incredible. Can any blockbuster be better? If you miss 1 hour of British TV you missed 5 new developments; 4 new resignations; and 20 new details. It’s a rollercoaster of dirt. A mud slide.
So the soulless tabloid scum hacked into phonemessages of the family of British soldiers who died in Afghanistan and Iraq. And of the royal family. And of Hollywood stars. And of sport stars. And of politicians. The drop that caused the bucket to spill over was the hacking into the phone messages of a murdered young girl. And now allegations that also the families of 9/11 victims were targetted. The dirt keeps spreading.
Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch is cornered. The old dude had to testify before a British parliamentary committee. The man who owns Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the Sun,…. and many many more media outlets worldwide, said he felt humble before the Britsh MPs. Since when is ‘humble’ a new term for ‘I am trying to save my company’s value’?
This scandal is far from over. The City of London saw its 2 most senior police chiefs resign within 2 days. It is claimed that the closed newspaper – News Of The World – had tens of London cops on its payroll. The stench of money.
Human behaviour keeps being driven mainly by cash. Greed is a demise.
The phone hacking has thrown Libya and Syria in the bin. No airtime for now.
In South Africa an investigation has found that the Department of Public Works (like a department in charge of government property etc.) signed 2 leases for 2 new police HQ’s. A national one and a regional one. Sounds fine. But the signatures were put on the lease document before the buildings were sold to the man who is the owner on the rental papers. In other words, a rental agreement was signed before the owner really owned the buildings. And, surprise, surpise, the owner is a friend of the ruling party. How the rot creeps. But the real core of the matter is that the government agreed to a rental fee which is far far far higher than the going market rate. Smelling the stench?
In the English scandal several people resigned right away. As an act of taking public responsibility. In South Africa the minister and the head of police haven’t been seen nor heard in public since the revelations. No comments, no reactions, no resignations. Is silence consent? Or is silence the fear of more cutthroat questions? The latter for sure.
Human behaviour stinks.
Death can come any time and from anywhere. Sad reality. Just like taxes.
And an event in Delbruck in Germany poves it once again. Sadly. It was raining and windy. A 17 year old kid opens his/her umbrella but it kind of doesn’t want to open as it should be. We’ve all seen those scenes where wind and opening an umbrella doesn’t really go together nicely and then the cheaper versions of umbrellas simply break.
So the kid had enough of his/her useless umbrella and throws it away. But the wind had other plans. It picks up the umbrella and takes it on its gusty journey towards …the chest of a 14 year old girl. The umbrella planted itself in the chest of the innocent youngster. Ambulance called. Ambulance arrives. Ambulance leaves with girl. Girl dies a few moments after arriving at the hospital.
Kick that! Maybe the 17 year old should not have thrown the umbrella away just like litter, but put it in a dustbin. Litter turned into a murder weapon.
Can you imagine the headmaster having to call the parents? Death by umbrella.
Throw out. American punkrockers Heartsounds have just released their sophomore album “Drifter”. Great tunes. An album full of well-paced, melodic punkrock with female/male vocals. The duo that started the band – Ben and Laura – played death metal before. A scary thought. But after the 666-years they turned back to their roots. “Until we surrender” was their first Heartsounds’ release and a cracker of note with clear Bad Religion influences. “Drifter” takes their craft further.
C -Ya
collateral – July 2011 is still trying to cope with reality
Although the job comes with benefits. Regular income, pension plan, free food, free medical care, and your clients wont complain afterwards. Maybe not really customer’s”satisfaction guaranteed”, but no need for a customer hotline after the service has been rendered. What’s done is done. One take.
Imagine the job advertisement in the paper. Zimbabwean prison department seeks hangman. Stable job. Fixed hours. Extra benefits. Requirements: no joker; solid presence; can handle rope; no criminal record (!) – because we do not want a fellow inmate creeping up the job ladder.
No hangman for Zimbabwe. So deathrow has become an eternal waiting room for a candidate to apply the grimreaper’s job. Wonder if for some inmates in Zimbabwe it would not be better to die quickly than to rot in jail. Doesn’t sound too healthy. The rope around one’s neck is probably less suffering. Not sure what food you get inside a Zimbabwean prison these days. Torture, rats, tuberculosis, aids,… Visitors? Certainly no TV, radio or reading material. Hell on earth. So it wouldn’t be a surprise if some inmates are praying for a hangman’s visit as soon as possible. Deliver us from torment. Maybe the prison can organise that the deathrow inmates can hang themselves. Cheap option! A DIY job.
Human behaviour is a waiting room.
Southwards on the African continent till the bottom bit. The surf city of Durban has been the scene of student protests.
The youngsters didn’t scream and shout about the cost of education, the crap internet connectivity, the racial tendencies on the campus, the corrupt government, the environmental degradation, global warming, the cost of AIDS drugs, the waiting lists for driving license tests, the maths teacher’s insanity, the cost of booze and the illegality of marihuana. No the students left the classrooms to demand free condoms!
It’s all about priorities! Forget educational needs and job prospects. It’s all about sex! They are too ashamed to ask their parents; spent their pocket money on booze, drugs and a new cell phone,…. So condoms need to be handed out for free …. And on a daily basis.
Maybe when they grow old their kids will ask what they rebelled against while at university. As their kids will have heard how grandpa (and grandma) caused havoc by throwing stones against the apartheid police. The father will be cornered. “Well, son, my dad fought the authorities againts racial discrimination and for freedom. We, the next, free, generation rioted because we wanted sex. With condoms ofcourse, because even at our young age we were aware of all these little viruses and the dangers of all that partner swapping.” Free at last!
From sticks and stones to… boners. Just a generation away.
Human behaviour can me measured in centimeters.
Sometimes reality is better than a Hollywood thriller. The movie script writers are facing a tough one… The British phone messages hacking scandal is like a tsunami. Newspaper closed; resignations; sackings, extra special parliamentary committees (live on TV), the Prime Minister shortening his oversees trip; company shares in decline; popular outcry; big headlines; specialists and analysts; scores being settled; FBI involvement; special police investigations; cops on the take; dirty detectives; the whistleblower found dead;... anything else?
It’s incredible. Can any blockbuster be better? If you miss 1 hour of British TV you missed 5 new developments; 4 new resignations; and 20 new details. It’s a rollercoaster of dirt. A mud slide.
So the soulless tabloid scum hacked into phonemessages of the family of British soldiers who died in Afghanistan and Iraq. And of the royal family. And of Hollywood stars. And of sport stars. And of politicians. The drop that caused the bucket to spill over was the hacking into the phone messages of a murdered young girl. And now allegations that also the families of 9/11 victims were targetted. The dirt keeps spreading.
Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch is cornered. The old dude had to testify before a British parliamentary committee. The man who owns Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the Sun,…. and many many more media outlets worldwide, said he felt humble before the Britsh MPs. Since when is ‘humble’ a new term for ‘I am trying to save my company’s value’?
This scandal is far from over. The City of London saw its 2 most senior police chiefs resign within 2 days. It is claimed that the closed newspaper – News Of The World – had tens of London cops on its payroll. The stench of money.
Human behaviour keeps being driven mainly by cash. Greed is a demise.
The phone hacking has thrown Libya and Syria in the bin. No airtime for now.
In South Africa an investigation has found that the Department of Public Works (like a department in charge of government property etc.) signed 2 leases for 2 new police HQ’s. A national one and a regional one. Sounds fine. But the signatures were put on the lease document before the buildings were sold to the man who is the owner on the rental papers. In other words, a rental agreement was signed before the owner really owned the buildings. And, surprise, surpise, the owner is a friend of the ruling party. How the rot creeps. But the real core of the matter is that the government agreed to a rental fee which is far far far higher than the going market rate. Smelling the stench?
In the English scandal several people resigned right away. As an act of taking public responsibility. In South Africa the minister and the head of police haven’t been seen nor heard in public since the revelations. No comments, no reactions, no resignations. Is silence consent? Or is silence the fear of more cutthroat questions? The latter for sure.
Human behaviour stinks.
Death can come any time and from anywhere. Sad reality. Just like taxes.
And an event in Delbruck in Germany poves it once again. Sadly. It was raining and windy. A 17 year old kid opens his/her umbrella but it kind of doesn’t want to open as it should be. We’ve all seen those scenes where wind and opening an umbrella doesn’t really go together nicely and then the cheaper versions of umbrellas simply break.
So the kid had enough of his/her useless umbrella and throws it away. But the wind had other plans. It picks up the umbrella and takes it on its gusty journey towards …the chest of a 14 year old girl. The umbrella planted itself in the chest of the innocent youngster. Ambulance called. Ambulance arrives. Ambulance leaves with girl. Girl dies a few moments after arriving at the hospital.
Kick that! Maybe the 17 year old should not have thrown the umbrella away just like litter, but put it in a dustbin. Litter turned into a murder weapon.
Can you imagine the headmaster having to call the parents? Death by umbrella.
Throw out. American punkrockers Heartsounds have just released their sophomore album “Drifter”. Great tunes. An album full of well-paced, melodic punkrock with female/male vocals. The duo that started the band – Ben and Laura – played death metal before. A scary thought. But after the 666-years they turned back to their roots. “Until we surrender” was their first Heartsounds’ release and a cracker of note with clear Bad Religion influences. “Drifter” takes their craft further.
C -Ya
collateral – July 2011 is still trying to cope with reality
Smash & grab
So this tea party lady – Buchannan or something?? – dreams of the White House. And the fame and glory that comes with it. But the tea party seems not so much clued in with history. This White House hopefull launched her presidency-lust in a town called Waterloo.
Waterloo, located in tiny Belgium, is known for the ultimate defeat of Napoleon back in 1815. Not a great spin to kickstart your journey to Washington DC. Or maybe it’s just a typical tea party character. Just like Sarah Palin has no clue about African states or the difference between North and South Korea, so has this Waterloo chick maybe no clue about anything that happened before yesterday.
The past is the past and of zero importance to anybody. Let’s just kick America forwards. History is for….. somebody else. Maybe we should just exterminate it from school programs and replace it with some good old Christian values. Christian stuff, you know. From that hero that died at the cross for all of us. Back in… well then. In the past… when they didn’t have access to lethal injections yet or to gas cocktails. Those Romans could learn something from todays fine US penitentiaty clean up model. Don’t ask me more about where and how these Romans did things cause as you know history ain’t my thing. Let’s take America forward. Let’s exterminate some more. Waterloo or no Waterloo. In fact there is indeed water in my loo. Progress! An American thing. Land of the free shits!
Human behaviour has a smell.
But…. if strong-man Napoleon was finally defeated in Waterloo… it means there was also a winner. The defeater! In fact it was a British-lead ‘coalition of the willing’. Maybe Bush Jr copied his anti-Iraq coalition on this Waterloo joint-venture? And thus maybe this tea party presidential hopefull indeed spins Waterloo around and sees it as a coalition of the willing to defeat Obama. Is Obama then a Napoleon-type? Oh,… slipping away. I thought ta party fans like strong-men in charge and thus would be more on Napoleon’s side. And Napoleon also fought the Russians. That would fit Sarah Palin and cronies. Tea versus vodka. Anyway, it’s hard for an outsider to keep track on all possible presidential candidates on the right side of US politics – aka tea drinkers and old party fans. From Obama’s side it’s in fact simple. He was voted into office – overwhelmingly – on the back of a disastrous Bush Jr presidency. That era has gone into the history books (and webpages) as how a presdient of a democracy can lie his people and nation into war. And how that presidency blindly refused to see the upcoming economic storm. Denial to protect the rich and its conglomerate paymasters. Anyway. History is the judge and jury. And Bush Jr doesn’t pass the test. Obama was maybe too young and too idealist. Riding on a wave of hope amidst a dark tunnel of war. But like all idealists the realities of murky, complex, soulless big politics hit hard. And bold plans and bold dreans and bold ideas got stuck in the DC mud.
Human behaviour faces tough reality checks. Crash tests.
From the US to a key ally. Saudi Arabia. Land of the not so free. Five women were taken into police custody because they were driving a car! Kick that. Not driving too fast, or recklessly, or on the wong side of the road, or without insurance, or with an SUV with technical faults, or without a licence, or drunk, or stoned, or while talking on the latest Nokia cellphone,…. No, just driving. Driving is only for men in the Saudi kingdom. Chicks should stay away from the steering wheel! Insanity gone crazy. Wonder what Bush Jr thinks about that. Mister Freedom and his Saudi pals.
Human behaviour is often still in the silly lane.
Michelle Obama was in South Africa. Impressive speech in front of youngsters. Mountains of corruption in South Africa. The ruling party has gone astray from its roots and soul. Theft on a daily basis in the only focus. The gravy train on full speed. Still deadly protests in Syria. Libya in standstill mode. Trains crashed in India. Still nuke troubles in Japan. First female prime minister in Thailand. Belgium still has no government after more than a year. But who cares? French president Sarkozy’s singing lady is pregnant. Hope it’s from him. A president as a father type is always a good election campaign element. And Sarkozy might need some positive PR because he is suffering in the opinion polls and the French are voting soon. Next year? The caring father in charge of the nation again? Greece is still up against it with its debt repayments. Financial markets under pressure. And the world seems still going round and round. The UK in turmoil because of an ever-expanding phone-hacking scandal. Tabloid journalists gone rogue. Over the edge. Unlimited astray. Media mogule Robert Murdoch in the dock of public opinion. Newspaper closed. Deals put on hold. Investigations. Even in the US.
South Sudan is free. Independent. Away from the clutches of the madman in Khartoum. On July 9th they declared that they are the newest world’s nation. The Republic of South Sudan. A nation coming out of decades of civil war. Total destruction. Mothers have more chance to die in child birth here than anywhere else on planet earth. Tough one. Internal little wars with gung-ho warlords with visions of grandeur. But that should be dealt with smoothly and swiftly. With the helping hand of the USA which has plenty of military advisors on the ground. South Sudan is strategically important for the US (and the wider western world) in a region of Africa which is unstable, corrupt and in the shadow of a growing Muslim militant threat coming from Somalia. And thus the stakes or high. Geo politics with all its dirty waters.
But South Sudan isn’t starting well amidst the fanfare of independence and the flow of development aid. Last year it made 12 US$ billion on oil, but only 8 billion of that can be traced back in the books of the state. And thus one third has gone awol. Already the rot is deep. Very deep. The odds are not good. And the new constitution gives way too much power to the president. Like an emperor. For instance, the man in the presidential palace can declare war by himself. No need for a parliamentary vote for that. Scary! So if that man gets out of bed in a bad mood he can cause some senseless damage.
The future will tell but the birth ain’t too healthy.
Human behaviour is just too often a collection of powerhunger, greed, and a quick loss of reality sense. Amnesia of reality. Althzeimer of promises. Smash and grab
Sad but true. A history of mankind of missed opportunities. Weakness rules the globe. July 9th might have been a massive party in South Sudan, but with a ghost of Waterloo over it. Defeated at birth. Suicidal genocide.
Throw out. The Riverboat Gamblers. What’s in a band’s name? These lads just released a 4-track ep called “Smash / Grab”. The Gamblers stick to their rock ‘n’ roll infused, punk-ish tunes. Great for highway drives.
C -Ya
collateral – July 2011 is ticking away
Waterloo, located in tiny Belgium, is known for the ultimate defeat of Napoleon back in 1815. Not a great spin to kickstart your journey to Washington DC. Or maybe it’s just a typical tea party character. Just like Sarah Palin has no clue about African states or the difference between North and South Korea, so has this Waterloo chick maybe no clue about anything that happened before yesterday.
The past is the past and of zero importance to anybody. Let’s just kick America forwards. History is for….. somebody else. Maybe we should just exterminate it from school programs and replace it with some good old Christian values. Christian stuff, you know. From that hero that died at the cross for all of us. Back in… well then. In the past… when they didn’t have access to lethal injections yet or to gas cocktails. Those Romans could learn something from todays fine US penitentiaty clean up model. Don’t ask me more about where and how these Romans did things cause as you know history ain’t my thing. Let’s take America forward. Let’s exterminate some more. Waterloo or no Waterloo. In fact there is indeed water in my loo. Progress! An American thing. Land of the free shits!
Human behaviour has a smell.
But…. if strong-man Napoleon was finally defeated in Waterloo… it means there was also a winner. The defeater! In fact it was a British-lead ‘coalition of the willing’. Maybe Bush Jr copied his anti-Iraq coalition on this Waterloo joint-venture? And thus maybe this tea party presidential hopefull indeed spins Waterloo around and sees it as a coalition of the willing to defeat Obama. Is Obama then a Napoleon-type? Oh,… slipping away. I thought ta party fans like strong-men in charge and thus would be more on Napoleon’s side. And Napoleon also fought the Russians. That would fit Sarah Palin and cronies. Tea versus vodka. Anyway, it’s hard for an outsider to keep track on all possible presidential candidates on the right side of US politics – aka tea drinkers and old party fans. From Obama’s side it’s in fact simple. He was voted into office – overwhelmingly – on the back of a disastrous Bush Jr presidency. That era has gone into the history books (and webpages) as how a presdient of a democracy can lie his people and nation into war. And how that presidency blindly refused to see the upcoming economic storm. Denial to protect the rich and its conglomerate paymasters. Anyway. History is the judge and jury. And Bush Jr doesn’t pass the test. Obama was maybe too young and too idealist. Riding on a wave of hope amidst a dark tunnel of war. But like all idealists the realities of murky, complex, soulless big politics hit hard. And bold plans and bold dreans and bold ideas got stuck in the DC mud.
Human behaviour faces tough reality checks. Crash tests.
From the US to a key ally. Saudi Arabia. Land of the not so free. Five women were taken into police custody because they were driving a car! Kick that. Not driving too fast, or recklessly, or on the wong side of the road, or without insurance, or with an SUV with technical faults, or without a licence, or drunk, or stoned, or while talking on the latest Nokia cellphone,…. No, just driving. Driving is only for men in the Saudi kingdom. Chicks should stay away from the steering wheel! Insanity gone crazy. Wonder what Bush Jr thinks about that. Mister Freedom and his Saudi pals.
Human behaviour is often still in the silly lane.
Michelle Obama was in South Africa. Impressive speech in front of youngsters. Mountains of corruption in South Africa. The ruling party has gone astray from its roots and soul. Theft on a daily basis in the only focus. The gravy train on full speed. Still deadly protests in Syria. Libya in standstill mode. Trains crashed in India. Still nuke troubles in Japan. First female prime minister in Thailand. Belgium still has no government after more than a year. But who cares? French president Sarkozy’s singing lady is pregnant. Hope it’s from him. A president as a father type is always a good election campaign element. And Sarkozy might need some positive PR because he is suffering in the opinion polls and the French are voting soon. Next year? The caring father in charge of the nation again? Greece is still up against it with its debt repayments. Financial markets under pressure. And the world seems still going round and round. The UK in turmoil because of an ever-expanding phone-hacking scandal. Tabloid journalists gone rogue. Over the edge. Unlimited astray. Media mogule Robert Murdoch in the dock of public opinion. Newspaper closed. Deals put on hold. Investigations. Even in the US.
South Sudan is free. Independent. Away from the clutches of the madman in Khartoum. On July 9th they declared that they are the newest world’s nation. The Republic of South Sudan. A nation coming out of decades of civil war. Total destruction. Mothers have more chance to die in child birth here than anywhere else on planet earth. Tough one. Internal little wars with gung-ho warlords with visions of grandeur. But that should be dealt with smoothly and swiftly. With the helping hand of the USA which has plenty of military advisors on the ground. South Sudan is strategically important for the US (and the wider western world) in a region of Africa which is unstable, corrupt and in the shadow of a growing Muslim militant threat coming from Somalia. And thus the stakes or high. Geo politics with all its dirty waters.
But South Sudan isn’t starting well amidst the fanfare of independence and the flow of development aid. Last year it made 12 US$ billion on oil, but only 8 billion of that can be traced back in the books of the state. And thus one third has gone awol. Already the rot is deep. Very deep. The odds are not good. And the new constitution gives way too much power to the president. Like an emperor. For instance, the man in the presidential palace can declare war by himself. No need for a parliamentary vote for that. Scary! So if that man gets out of bed in a bad mood he can cause some senseless damage.
The future will tell but the birth ain’t too healthy.
Human behaviour is just too often a collection of powerhunger, greed, and a quick loss of reality sense. Amnesia of reality. Althzeimer of promises. Smash and grab
Sad but true. A history of mankind of missed opportunities. Weakness rules the globe. July 9th might have been a massive party in South Sudan, but with a ghost of Waterloo over it. Defeated at birth. Suicidal genocide.
Throw out. The Riverboat Gamblers. What’s in a band’s name? These lads just released a 4-track ep called “Smash / Grab”. The Gamblers stick to their rock ‘n’ roll infused, punk-ish tunes. Great for highway drives.
C -Ya
collateral – July 2011 is ticking away
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