The season's upon us

So the NRA dude wants armed guards at every school. Good promotional attempt to sell more guns and more membership cards, because more armed guards means more legal guns and then more National Riffle Association members.

The gun debate will never be solved in the USA because of emotions and the near-blind reading of the constitution. But besides this great divide, have a think at the beyond-realistic approach from the NRA following the Newton massacre. If organizations like the NRA can’t come up with some social-logic responses to what is clearly a serious issue, then they turn into cavemen spin-doctors of insanity.

An armed gunman at every school. Which then I guess the NRA also thinks and means that every guard will have decent training to know how to shoot and how to respond to dramatic situations. That’s already a serious obstacle. Guards + guns does absolutely not mean automatically extra security. 

But OK, let them believe that. Armed guards at every school across the USA. And then… there is automatically a “what’s next”-situation. Armed guards at every public library? At every public swimming pool? At every train station? At every bus terminal? And every ferry terminal? At every clinic? At every sports event? At every cultural event? At every church and other religious temples? At every mall? At every cinema complex? And the list goes on and on and on….

It is not realistic. The NRA got stuck in a corner after the Newton killing spree and could only came up with this ridiculous solution? Does this say something about the IQ level of NRA members?

Without going into political and emotional sliproads, there is clearly something wrong in the US with gun ownership. Crazy figures. Access to guns seem easier than access to beer.

Human behavior can be caveman-like. Let’s kill to that!

But meanwhile Newton want be the same again. Bloodstains schools and haunting memories. But politically we know that nothing really will change and thus that we are simply on a path to another shoot out. Countdown to the next massacre of innocence. There is something about gung-ho mentality across America.  Gangnam-Style of trigger happy cowboys.

And then amidst the political debates, heartbreaking funerals, TV shows and newspaper opinion pieces, came a statement from the terrorist nutters of Boko Haram from Nigeria advising its members not to travel the USA because of trigger happy madman here and there. Amazing how an organization that drives suicide-bombers into churches can pen down such words.

Human behavior is not base don braincell activity.

Meanwhile back in South Africa, where there are also trigger happy madmen, a airforce pilot has been grounded for “borrowing” a jet to visit a friend in neighbouring Botswana. These kind of “borrowing”, don’t they get some decent punishments in normal armies? Court martial stuff etc.?
Meanwhile still in the South African defence force a female officer got reprimanded because she went shopping in uniform but wearing…. pink slippers. Tough GI Janes they got there in South Africa!!!!!

Human behavior is just a pink slipper away.

Also in the news across the globe. Syria’s journey of bloodshed continues. But Moscow has send a ship nearby to be ready to evacuate its citizens. Has Putin given up on butcher Al Assad? More pedophilia reports in the UK. France regrets its “brutal” rule in Algeria. South Sudan shoots down a UN chopper…. by mistake. Somali Pirates release crewmen they held for 2 years. White extremists caught before they could attack the gathering of the African National Congress in South Africa. Floods in England. Cries of child abuse, as David Beckham’s 10-year-old son becomes a fashion model. Putin wants to revive Russia’s pride. Another Afghani invasion unlikely but some military rock and roll in Chechnya maybe…

Human behavior is guided by that moment. It could be a moment of grand vision; a moment of insanity; a drunken moment; a moment in history where foes come together for a blitz moment; a moment of forgiveness; a moment of realization; a moment of pain and suffering; an out-of-focus moment.

Throw Out. “The season’s upon us”. That’s right and Boston lads Dropkick Murphys puts it in perspective and in this track which feature son their upcoming January 2013 release “Signed and sealed in blood”.


Collateral – December 2012


Bad luck comes in pairs.

A woman in Saudi Arabia got fed up with life and wanted an exit. She tried to commit suicide but failed. The authorities were informed (probably by some radical Muslim man) and the woman got fined for her failed suicidal act.

So as a Saudi woman you are for from equal to your fellow men and you can’t even decide your own life ending. You are a lesser-citizen, a lesser-human being and a bad Muslim if you wanna take your life. It sucks. How religion can really make a society dumb. How religion reduces the human being.

Human behavior is a joke if guided by the narrow-minded guidelines of religion. A sour joke.

Let’s stick to some more insanity. And raise the stakes. The stakes of lack of any humanity and braincells.

South African Martin Jozana, 27 years old, raped a 3 year old girl with a  live snake. Take a deep breath and read this again. A man raped a baby toddler with a live snake! That’s right! Jozana got jailed for 20 years for it. He should have got the bullet! Or thrown in a pit of poisonous snakes and die a slow death in agony. Humanity can really reach the lowest levels on this earth. What levels of insanity can we fall to? The sky is the limit?  

Human behavior makes one stomach turn.

Meanwhile the civil war in Syria seems to get a new impetus. The rebels attacked a chopper base near the capital Damascus. International airline companies are getting nervous as the airport is becoming within reach of the civil war. No sign of butcher man Assad. Has he fled already to some Russian Black Sea resort? Very few dictators stand and fight with their soldiers till the last drop of blood. That’s when they become traitors to themselves and flee secretly in the middle of the night. Or maybe Assad is still bunked in in Damascus waiting to unleash his last weapon of insanity onto his people. Chemical warfare. A very scary thought.

Meanwhile the newly, united (for now) front of rebels and opposition groupings are getting international recognition step by step. First from France, then some other nations followed. Another knife in Assad’s survival chances. But the bloodbath in Syria isn’t over yet. It could be a deadly Xmas.

Human behavior is based on blood, guts and glory.

Meanwhile Barak Obama made history and got reelected. The Mormon Republican Romney lost and became a very sour looser with his comments after polling day. It says everything about your rotten character if you can’t simply congratulate the winner in a democratic contest and then try to work together for a better society. Instead it was sour grapes and innuendo. We should dress him up as a deer and send him to Alaska during hunting season. And give Palin some extra bullets.

Meanwhile the Greeks still can’t understand why they need to cut their spending to get out of their debt mess. Meanwhile pedophilia is seriously coming out of the closets across the UK. Stories of dirty parties; stories of secret night visits in hospitals; stories of politicians with molesting habits;…. Meanwhile China got new leadership. Not through free and fair elections of cause. Some very well orchestrated political chessgame  with thousands of Commie party members ‘happily’ clapping of approval for the new party bosses. Like puppets on a string. Approve or die!

Meanwhile a factory fire in Bangladesh kills 100 workers. No safety measures in place. Meanwhile women in poor areas of South Africa drink heavily during pregnancy in the hope their babies get fetal alcohol syndrome (aka they are mentally and physically retarded) so that the mother gets a bigger social grant from government. Kick that! That’s murderous. Sick. Crazy. Insane. Disgusting. The evil, dark aspects from social benefits for children. Abuse of the sick kind.

Meanwhile the world is gathering in Qatar to – again – discuss global warming. And, watch this space, there wont be a real agreement on how to cut dirty energy usage. Just talk and talk but no action, while the facts and proofs of global warming are really starting to become very obvious in weather patterns and bio-evolutions.

Meanwhile there is again rumbling in Eastern Congo. Same old, same old. Some unhappy soldiers form a rebel movement. Rape, plunder , take some towns and that’s that. Nothing new, nothing that will improve the lives of the local population. Politics of war without vision or hope or reality checks.
Human behavior can really hit high levels of stupidity.

Throw Out. Some years ago 4 lads from Grand Rapids, Michigan formed a band called Cain Marko. They now released their debut, full-length “Show Me The Way To Go Home”. And it’s a killer. Raw-voiced, grungy punkrock. Great stuff!!


Collateral – November 2012

Deer hunters and fools

Roll the head slowly from left to right, and the other way round. Get the stiffness sorted. Load the gun. Concentrate. Step by step. Silence. Focus on the target. Aim. Have confidence. Pull the trigger. The deer falls to the ground. A trickle of blood taints the fresh snow.

Could be the opening lines of Sarah Palin’s new book. The hunter from Alaska is compiling a fitness and “self discipline” book with her family. Didn’t know her family was an example of self-discipline. Teenage pregnancy?

Palin said that the fitness book would be a source for one’s energy and balance. Strange way of using ‘balance’ when she is so rightwing that even the Tea Party seem like commies and her knowledge of the wide world out there is as limited as the deer’s chance of surviving that hunter’s bullet in the head. Balanced in a narrow minded way.

Maybe the title of the book will be “Invade to stay slim”.

Human behavior is based on self-discipline… or the lack of.

From Alaska to Indianapolis. From deer hunters to fools. Richard Mourdock is a Republican senator. And a living proof you do not need braincells to make it to Congress. During a political debate he simple said "even when life begins with that horrible situation of rape, that is something that God intended to happen".

Simple, isn’t it? You get raped…. blame God. Wondering which God that is in fact…. And the rapist? Is he a God’s messenger? His disciple? Richard! Take your pills please and check in with the local asylum.

Wonder what he would say and do when his own daughter gets raped and falls pregnant from that disgusting, violent act.

Staying in the US of A. After Alaska and Indianapolis, let’s cruise to New York state. 

Lap dances are taxable because they don't promote culture in a community the way ballet or other artistic endeavors do, New York's highest court ruled. So called ‘real’ cultural expressions do not pay taxes.
There you have it. Lap dancing is not a cultural expression; it’s just there to give you a hard-on!
The lawsuit was filed by the Nite Moves strip club in NY’s state capital Albany, which was arguing that admission fees to the club and for private dances are exempt from sales taxes.
But the court ruled the club has failed to prove it qualifies for the tax exemption for "dramatic or musical arts performances with the evident purpose of promoting cultural and artistic performances in local communities."
Many of the club’s visitors probably disagree and are confident that the pole-dancing ladies are performing artistically well and are promoting certain performances”. Penis-performances!
One of the judges was in favor of a taxbreak for the club. In his comments he wrote that pole dancers and private dances are choreographic expressions and thus fall under the art of dance and thus should be exempted from the tax. And he added, "Since the Legislature did not exclude from the entertainment tax other lowbrow forms of entertainment, such as baseball games and animal acts ... it would not have wanted to exclude pole dancing”.
Can we see the VIP memberlist of this strip club please?
Human behavior is a slippery slope. Pole or no pole.

And while watching the semi-naked ladies doing their thing, the hard-on visitors maybe make some on-line comments about the upcoming Presidential vote. Eyes on the tits, hand on the bourbon.

“That Obama is a commie”. “Mitt’s our man. He’s gonna raise hell with those towelheads in the Middle East.” “Mitt’s the man to let America be great again (as he feels his dick getting harder as the blonde Russian pole dancer slides slowly downwards and her left nipple becomes visible)”. 
“Don’t want no Mormon taking over cuz he just might close this club and send us all to church. I rather get that black man to stay put.”

And so it goes.

From Russian nipples to desperation. The mind works in mysterious ways. 

Somewhere in South Africa a hospital advertised for 20 low paid jobs for basic maintenance (cleaners and gardeners). The next day 40.000 people queued to try to be one of those 20. That’s the face of desperation and unemployment!

From desperation and the loss of hope to stupidity in the tiny European nation of Belgium (only known for its beer and its chips with mayonnaise).

In the city if Ghent a new police building was built. Stuff like that happens. As the men and women in blue entered their new offices they noticed that there was not a single phoneline nor internet connection. The head of the policeforce commented simply “A mistake”. Just a glitch.

You can dial 999 but you wont get a response. The cop on duty would be surprised how quiet the night’s been. No car crashes, no break-ins, no bar fights, no drunken sluts falling in a canal, no drug dealing gangwars,… Nothing. The ultimate crime free paradise.

Speaking of emergency services response. Somebody in South Africa tweeted that in his town the pizza deliveries are much faster than the cops and the ambulance. You wont starve to death but that bullet will indeed kill you cause you’ll never make it to the hospital.

Am sure the pizza place has a great telephone-line.

Human behavior is about extra toppings.

Throw Out. San Francisco’s punkrockers The Kegels have released their debut album “No Tomorrow”. Great tunes of straight forward punkrock with a  touch of rock and roll.


Collateral – October 2012 is sliding towards its final act

The pit of hell

Science and religion are often on a collision course. Because ice-cold facts and mathematical graphics don’t suit the salesmen and -women of faith. Any faith.

The US Republican party seems to have the most members that struggle with knowledge. They struggle to accept reality while their underdeveloped braincells are stuck in dark religious tunnels. They already feel society is really going too fast and that for instance women’s rights and gay rights are so devilish that it is even impossible to mention the issue. And that global warming can’t be traced back to the Bible and thus doesn’t simply exist.  They got a simple reality check. If it ain’t in the Bible it doesn’t exist. It’s a great approach to life. Extreme simplicity.

So next in line to slip on the banana of reality was Republican Paul Broun from the State of Georgia. Paul struggles with meaningless-ness and thus thought it was time to hit the headlines. He spoke at a banquet at the Liberty Baptist Church. A fine place for a mind like Paul. And he just spoke his mind. “All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the Big Bang Theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell”. And there you have it. The big bang science and the medical knowledge about embryos is just straight Satan-talk. And he added that the earth is not thousands of years old. There you have it. It’s all in the Bible and thus that’s that.

The interesting thing is that caveman Paul also sits on the House of Representatives Science Committee in Washington DC. They should put some TV cameras in there. Could be great entertainment. Straight out of the luni-bin. An escapee from the mad house on the loose.

Paul is also a member of the Tea Party. He believes all Muslims are terrorists and Obama is a socialist. Simplicity is an easy life path. Why make things complicated and complex when it all come down to simple little things, and on top of that it’s all laid down in the Bible anyway. So let us all stop thinking and doing research and trying to invent new stuff etc,… all devil’s tools.

Paul follows in the footsteps of another republican fool who recently said that rape and abortion are the same thing. Simplicity rules!

Thank God, we have the Republicans. They bring surprises in this daily life of traffic jams, broken relationships, overweight kids, and prime time soap operas.

Human behavior is hijacked.

Who’s next in the Republican nutter-show? What topic now? The earth is flat?! Maybe that’s why so few Americans travel abroad? There will be for sure a second coming…. It’s just still looking for sponsorship?! God’s kingdom has no taxes so let’s abolish them here and now. If you want a road pay for it yourself! Public schools. They are anyway only for Blacks and Latinos. And I am sure we can find somewhere in the Bible that they are not really equally human as us. Privatize everything….. including religion! Well it’s already privatized if you look at all these reborn churches money-making efforts.

Love religion. It makes life so so easy. But don’t mention divorce…. Because many of these banana-slipping, right wing politicians and preachers have an interesting sex-life in their not so simple past. The sins of the flesh. Privatized too!

Human behavior is a hard-on.

Madonna is getting old. The Pope’s butler stole some private documents from the Pope. Maybe proof that the earth is indeed flat? Or some Playboy magazine columns under a pseudonym? Yes yes, don’t be afraid, the slaughter in Syria is still going on. There gotta be some guarantees in life. And yes yes, Iran is still making a bomb. Insanity remains permanent. Lady Gaga has broken a new Twitter record. Now that’s breaking news! Violent demonstrations in Athens, Greece. Miners’ strikes on South Africa.  Missing girl in Wales. Chavez wins the elections. Washington pissed off. The 2012 Medicine Nobel prize goes to 2 stem cell researchers. The Tea Party Republicans are pissed off. Stem cell research is devilish! Rockets from Gaza into Israel and Israeli strike son Gaza. Merry go round and round. Japan and China stress about a piece of rock in the sea. Because of these tensions Japanese car sales in China tumble. The impact of nationalism.

Human behavior is very deja-vu.

Throw Out. “Everything must change”. The last track on Beth Hart’s brand new album “Bang Bang Boom Boom”, produced by Kevin Shirley – the man behind the success of Black Country Communion.


Collateral – October 2012