Deer hunters and fools

Roll the head slowly from left to right, and the other way round. Get the stiffness sorted. Load the gun. Concentrate. Step by step. Silence. Focus on the target. Aim. Have confidence. Pull the trigger. The deer falls to the ground. A trickle of blood taints the fresh snow.

Could be the opening lines of Sarah Palin’s new book. The hunter from Alaska is compiling a fitness and “self discipline” book with her family. Didn’t know her family was an example of self-discipline. Teenage pregnancy?

Palin said that the fitness book would be a source for one’s energy and balance. Strange way of using ‘balance’ when she is so rightwing that even the Tea Party seem like commies and her knowledge of the wide world out there is as limited as the deer’s chance of surviving that hunter’s bullet in the head. Balanced in a narrow minded way.

Maybe the title of the book will be “Invade to stay slim”.

Human behavior is based on self-discipline… or the lack of.

From Alaska to Indianapolis. From deer hunters to fools. Richard Mourdock is a Republican senator. And a living proof you do not need braincells to make it to Congress. During a political debate he simple said "even when life begins with that horrible situation of rape, that is something that God intended to happen".

Simple, isn’t it? You get raped…. blame God. Wondering which God that is in fact…. And the rapist? Is he a God’s messenger? His disciple? Richard! Take your pills please and check in with the local asylum.

Wonder what he would say and do when his own daughter gets raped and falls pregnant from that disgusting, violent act.

Staying in the US of A. After Alaska and Indianapolis, let’s cruise to New York state. 

Lap dances are taxable because they don't promote culture in a community the way ballet or other artistic endeavors do, New York's highest court ruled. So called ‘real’ cultural expressions do not pay taxes.
There you have it. Lap dancing is not a cultural expression; it’s just there to give you a hard-on!
The lawsuit was filed by the Nite Moves strip club in NY’s state capital Albany, which was arguing that admission fees to the club and for private dances are exempt from sales taxes.
But the court ruled the club has failed to prove it qualifies for the tax exemption for "dramatic or musical arts performances with the evident purpose of promoting cultural and artistic performances in local communities."
Many of the club’s visitors probably disagree and are confident that the pole-dancing ladies are performing artistically well and are promoting certain performances”. Penis-performances!
One of the judges was in favor of a taxbreak for the club. In his comments he wrote that pole dancers and private dances are choreographic expressions and thus fall under the art of dance and thus should be exempted from the tax. And he added, "Since the Legislature did not exclude from the entertainment tax other lowbrow forms of entertainment, such as baseball games and animal acts ... it would not have wanted to exclude pole dancing”.
Can we see the VIP memberlist of this strip club please?
Human behavior is a slippery slope. Pole or no pole.

And while watching the semi-naked ladies doing their thing, the hard-on visitors maybe make some on-line comments about the upcoming Presidential vote. Eyes on the tits, hand on the bourbon.

“That Obama is a commie”. “Mitt’s our man. He’s gonna raise hell with those towelheads in the Middle East.” “Mitt’s the man to let America be great again (as he feels his dick getting harder as the blonde Russian pole dancer slides slowly downwards and her left nipple becomes visible)”. 
“Don’t want no Mormon taking over cuz he just might close this club and send us all to church. I rather get that black man to stay put.”

And so it goes.

From Russian nipples to desperation. The mind works in mysterious ways. 

Somewhere in South Africa a hospital advertised for 20 low paid jobs for basic maintenance (cleaners and gardeners). The next day 40.000 people queued to try to be one of those 20. That’s the face of desperation and unemployment!

From desperation and the loss of hope to stupidity in the tiny European nation of Belgium (only known for its beer and its chips with mayonnaise).

In the city if Ghent a new police building was built. Stuff like that happens. As the men and women in blue entered their new offices they noticed that there was not a single phoneline nor internet connection. The head of the policeforce commented simply “A mistake”. Just a glitch.

You can dial 999 but you wont get a response. The cop on duty would be surprised how quiet the night’s been. No car crashes, no break-ins, no bar fights, no drunken sluts falling in a canal, no drug dealing gangwars,… Nothing. The ultimate crime free paradise.

Speaking of emergency services response. Somebody in South Africa tweeted that in his town the pizza deliveries are much faster than the cops and the ambulance. You wont starve to death but that bullet will indeed kill you cause you’ll never make it to the hospital.

Am sure the pizza place has a great telephone-line.

Human behavior is about extra toppings.

Throw Out. San Francisco’s punkrockers The Kegels have released their debut album “No Tomorrow”. Great tunes of straight forward punkrock with a  touch of rock and roll.


Collateral – October 2012 is sliding towards its final act

The pit of hell

Science and religion are often on a collision course. Because ice-cold facts and mathematical graphics don’t suit the salesmen and -women of faith. Any faith.

The US Republican party seems to have the most members that struggle with knowledge. They struggle to accept reality while their underdeveloped braincells are stuck in dark religious tunnels. They already feel society is really going too fast and that for instance women’s rights and gay rights are so devilish that it is even impossible to mention the issue. And that global warming can’t be traced back to the Bible and thus doesn’t simply exist.  They got a simple reality check. If it ain’t in the Bible it doesn’t exist. It’s a great approach to life. Extreme simplicity.

So next in line to slip on the banana of reality was Republican Paul Broun from the State of Georgia. Paul struggles with meaningless-ness and thus thought it was time to hit the headlines. He spoke at a banquet at the Liberty Baptist Church. A fine place for a mind like Paul. And he just spoke his mind. “All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the Big Bang Theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell”. And there you have it. The big bang science and the medical knowledge about embryos is just straight Satan-talk. And he added that the earth is not thousands of years old. There you have it. It’s all in the Bible and thus that’s that.

The interesting thing is that caveman Paul also sits on the House of Representatives Science Committee in Washington DC. They should put some TV cameras in there. Could be great entertainment. Straight out of the luni-bin. An escapee from the mad house on the loose.

Paul is also a member of the Tea Party. He believes all Muslims are terrorists and Obama is a socialist. Simplicity is an easy life path. Why make things complicated and complex when it all come down to simple little things, and on top of that it’s all laid down in the Bible anyway. So let us all stop thinking and doing research and trying to invent new stuff etc,… all devil’s tools.

Paul follows in the footsteps of another republican fool who recently said that rape and abortion are the same thing. Simplicity rules!

Thank God, we have the Republicans. They bring surprises in this daily life of traffic jams, broken relationships, overweight kids, and prime time soap operas.

Human behavior is hijacked.

Who’s next in the Republican nutter-show? What topic now? The earth is flat?! Maybe that’s why so few Americans travel abroad? There will be for sure a second coming…. It’s just still looking for sponsorship?! God’s kingdom has no taxes so let’s abolish them here and now. If you want a road pay for it yourself! Public schools. They are anyway only for Blacks and Latinos. And I am sure we can find somewhere in the Bible that they are not really equally human as us. Privatize everything….. including religion! Well it’s already privatized if you look at all these reborn churches money-making efforts.

Love religion. It makes life so so easy. But don’t mention divorce…. Because many of these banana-slipping, right wing politicians and preachers have an interesting sex-life in their not so simple past. The sins of the flesh. Privatized too!

Human behavior is a hard-on.

Madonna is getting old. The Pope’s butler stole some private documents from the Pope. Maybe proof that the earth is indeed flat? Or some Playboy magazine columns under a pseudonym? Yes yes, don’t be afraid, the slaughter in Syria is still going on. There gotta be some guarantees in life. And yes yes, Iran is still making a bomb. Insanity remains permanent. Lady Gaga has broken a new Twitter record. Now that’s breaking news! Violent demonstrations in Athens, Greece. Miners’ strikes on South Africa.  Missing girl in Wales. Chavez wins the elections. Washington pissed off. The 2012 Medicine Nobel prize goes to 2 stem cell researchers. The Tea Party Republicans are pissed off. Stem cell research is devilish! Rockets from Gaza into Israel and Israeli strike son Gaza. Merry go round and round. Japan and China stress about a piece of rock in the sea. Because of these tensions Japanese car sales in China tumble. The impact of nationalism.

Human behavior is very deja-vu.

Throw Out. “Everything must change”. The last track on Beth Hart’s brand new album “Bang Bang Boom Boom”, produced by Kevin Shirley – the man behind the success of Black Country Communion.


Collateral – October 2012 

One shot

The United Nations has lost it again. A lack of senses and a lack of reality. When politics take over common sense. Deaf, dumb and blind rules in the high tower along the East River in NYC.

Recently the UN nominated mad dictator Mugabe from Zimbabwe as an ‘ambassador’ for tourism. If it wasn’t serious it would fit Comedy Central. A dictator who destroyed his beautiful country as a guiding light to booster tourism!! How farfetched is that? A man who despises democracy, who has torture militias, who destroyed the whole economy and social fabric of his country, who himself lives in extreme wealth,…. That man the UN chose to be a flag carrier for international tourism. Who ever decided that needs to be put in an asylum urgently.

And clearly the UN doesn’t stop there. Once on the path of insanity there doesn’t seem to be a u-turn option. Now the UN education panel nominated South Africa’s  president Jacob Zuma to join them. They asked Zuma to give them advise on educational matters while back in South Africa Zuma’s government has lead to the collapse of the education system. Schoolbooks haven’t been delivered. Teachers not paid. Many schoolbuildings collapsing. Some classes are still happening under trees. Teachers raping schoolgirls. And that man is now chosen to advise the world on education. It’s Comedy Central on Mars! Sad sad sad. What a bunch of nutters in that NYC tower. Too much champagne and too big salaries have made them loose touch with reality and lost their senses. Evict them from society as soon as possible before they make another blunder the size of the galaxy.

Human behavior is a path of insanity. Nutters on the loose.

Shell shuts pipeline in Nigeria. Floods in England. Hand grenades thrown at schoolkids in Kenya. NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan. Miners trapped in China. Global warming reduces fish size. Qatar Muslim conservatists nervous. Georgia’s election fever. Food aid in South Sudan threatened by violence. Strikes across India. Car-bombs in Iraq. Protests in Spain. The Pope’s butler on trial. Election tension in Venezuela. Hunduras’ army protects bus commuters. New salmonella virus. Syria’s ongoing bloodbath. Protesting medics jailed in Bahrain.

It’s a madhouse out there. And it doesn’t stop here. The US network that is fully behind Mitt Romney’s presidential hopes has done a Romney-style slip up. Fox News really crossed the line. But it was expected. Reality TV is pushing the boundaries every day and thus it doesn’t come to any surprise that the day has come – thanks to Fox News – that a suicide was shown live on air.

A real life car chase became a thrilling reality TV blockbuster. But when the looser realized his driving skills weren’t up to standards and he ran out of the car and put a gun to his head…, maybe then the director back in the studio should have pulled the plug. But the viewer ratings were calling the shots and ‘the moment’ was there for all to witness. Live as it happened. One shot. One dead. One step too far.

And the only thing Fox had to say was “Sorry”. They should join Mitt and drive into the desert of craziness. Where reality is blurred.

Human behavior is driven by the absence of brainpower.

Bit of tabloid trash now to stick to Fox News’ style and to satisfy the bored masses. Lindsey Lohan had a fight with a man in a NY hotel room about certain cellphone pictures taken at a nightclub. Guess the photos weren’t ‘glamorous’? George Michael cancelled his Australian tour because of anxiety. That’s like offering the tabloids a free ride for more gossip and innuendo. Fear of what? A crap gig? Kangeroos? Dirty toilets? Fear that the time zone difference will upset his bio-rhythm? Fear of bad quality drugs?  Fear of fear itself? Doesn’t sound too good. Asylum candidacy? And since Sarkozy lost the French presidency we haven’t heard from his singing wife? Lack of presidential spotlights causing creative blockages?

Human behavior is a frontpage away.

Throw Out. English folk-punk singer Frank Turner is releasing (on October 2nd) “Last minutes & lost evenings”. It’s a collection from his recent Wembley gig. Turner previously toured in support of The Gaslight Anthem, Dropkick Murphys, Social Distortion,… Fine acoustic based tunes.


Collateral – October 2012 is here (for now)