Rocked to heaven (or hell)

Sometimes surprise reaction follows once action.

Street justice. Revenge of the brutal kind. Served hot there and then.

Three men tried to rob school kids at their school in South Africa. The men had knifes and a gun. They wanted the cellphones of the students. And the little cash the kids had on them.

But that’s where the thieves miscalculated. The school kids fought back and stoned to death one of the robbers. The two others escaped.

Death by rocks. Very likely those thieves didn’t even dream of such a reaction from the kids as they woke up that morning and decided to go and steal some stuff from youngsters. Kick that. Those two surviving losers wont try that again. At least not at that school. Live and learn, and sometimes die by the sword if you live by the sword. In this case, die by the rock if you live like a criminal. Deadly fighting back by the school kids! Rocked to death.

Surprisingly human reactive behaviour can be the end for some.

The fakeness of political campaigning exploded in the open in the UK. Prime Minister Brown was out and about on the campaign trail for the May 6 general elections. You know, meeting people on the streets of the former empire and having chit chats about education , healthcare and immigration. All hot potatoes in 2010 in the UK (as in so many countries in fact).

So Brown meets this woman and has a chat with her. He then walks backs to his car and forgets he is still wired with a microphone from one of the British channels. Once inside the car he has a frank discussion with his aid about “that woman” and “who put her there” and calls her a “bigot”.

Later that day as he sits in a BBC radio studio, but with cameras rolling, he is confronted with the sound recording of that backseat chat. And you see Brown putting his head in his hands. He just knew there and then his world was coming down. Like a jumbo jet crash. And this so close to election day. He quickly summoned his team and off he rushed back to the woman to apologize.

Speaking of a PR disaster! But it also brutally exposed how fake these campaign walkabouts are. All set up and prefabricated. All fake. Brown didn’t expect that woman there and then asking those questions. It wasn’t part of the script and that’s why he asked his aid, when back in the car, “who put that woman there?”. And it showed the weakness and depth-less of political leaders these days. If it’s not part of a meticulously scripted campaign then they are taken by surprise and exposed for the fakes they are. The smiles, handshakes, comments as the cameras are rolling and the snappers snapping and the microphones capturing all the hot air, are just all fake. Like fast food. No substance. Not for real. Not openly honest and from the heart. Pre-cooked. Pre-heated. Pre-planned. Pre-scheduled. Pre-spinned. Pre-faked. Pre-lies.

So it’s a blessing, whoever the politician and his/her views are, that the fakeness was exposed so brutally and directly. It’s a heavyweight punch in the face in the 10th round. And there rings the bell.

Politicians are a specific breed. A breed apart. Detached from reality and living in a bubble of fake.

Political behaviour is a pre-cooked meal with no energy content nor creative composure and straight out of the microwave oven. So déjà vu...

It’s colourful chaos in Thailand. Have seen the images passing by on the TV screen. Political opponents of the current Prime Minister dressed up in red. The colour of anger. But also of blood. The Red Shirts’ protests in the capital Bangkok seem soon to turn into full scale revolt and turmoil. The UK government has already warned its citizens to avoid the touristic attractive Asian nation.

It’s red Shirts battling it out with blue-scarf wearing soldiers. Gun battles. A soldier killed. In other parts of the town Yellow Shirts are gathering to support the government.

Red versus yellow versus blue. Colours of uprising and resistance. Political disagreements and stalemates turned violent onto the streets of Bangkok. Season of trouble. And probably more trouble ahead. The standoff seems only to get worse. The clash of colours will spill more blood,... and all blood is red. Pools of life pouring out of protesters, soldiers, supporters, bystanders,... For now it all looks like a spiral downwards. Political disagreements spilled out of parliament and onto the streets. Dark clouds over Bangkok.

Throw out. “I thought that you were joking when you said you could not breathe”, Alkaline Trio’s Matt Skiba sings on the track “Dead End Road” from their “Remains” album. Gloomy punkrock. Alkaline Trio originates from Illinois and was formed in the mid 90s. They released a whole series of albums and many of its members have been involved in side projects, other bands and have done guest appearances on other bands’ albums (like for instance Matt on a track on NY’s H2O’s “Nothing To Prove” album).

C -Ya

collateral – as April 2010 is coming to its end

DJs on the run

The sound of silence. Well not really. Better would be the sound of Muslim prayers and I guess here and there some propaganda.

The powerful Islamists that are fighting against the Somali government and the African Union peacekeepers (peace??) have banned all music on the radio in the areas they control with an iron fist.

So it’s a bad time for radio DJs there. DJs on the run.

Another step in the madness of religious zealousness. We’ve seen how extreme Islamic rulers can get in regions they violently control. Girls not allowed going to school. No cinemas. No DVD stores. No bars. No fun at all. Strict control over every inch of life. The claustrophobia of extreme-Muslim life. Tunnel vision. Bunker mentality.

So Somalia’s Islamists are just advancing their cause and insanity a step further. No more Jailhouse Rock across the sands. No more Springsteen shouting “War! What is it good for?”, nor sexy Shakira tunes or the Sex Pistols drunkenly screaming “God save the Queen”! That’s all gone. No more of that disgusting liberal cultural for the devoted Somali Islamists. Just more brainwash to keep the abused sufferers across Somalia in line and under their thumb.

Outrageous. Mad. Insane. Brutal. Inhuman. Religion as torture.

And to keep full speed ahead on this narrow path of ridiculousness, the same Islamist extremists have now also banned the school bell in the Somali parts they control. They say the school bell is a Christian invention and thus evil and thus banned. As simple as that. Maybe they wanna replace the start and ending of classes with whip lashes! And keep in mind that classes are any way only for boys! Girls don’t get education under their mad rule!

Narrow-minded freaks amidst a destroyed country where people die of hunger and war every day.

Human behaviour is sickening. Some people just don’t deserve air.

And sometimes very strange. Nearly extra terrestrial.

In Croatia a 13 year old girl came out of 24 hour coma but that coma seemed to have deleted all knowledge of her mother tongue. Scary. Instead she spoke fluent German, a language she hardly knew before her come. Even more scary.

The doctors are the hospital in the coastal town of Split are baffled. Doctors have now ordered urgent paediatric, psychological, psychiatric and neuro tests. A mystery!

Is there a German bio-warfare bug flying around the Balkan? Escaped for a top secret military lab? A new bio-program to rule the world? The 4th Reich? Scary stuff. Or maybe ET really exists and has taken possession of this girl’s brain. Scary monsters, super creep.

Alien invasion. Galactic encounters. Attack of the body snatchers. Revenge of the brain suckers. The human race on the brink of annihilation. 2010 As the end of us. Crazy virus on the loose? Fill the churches, reborn-Christian-halls, mosques, temples, cathedrals and all other places of worship and pray for salvation cause the creepy brain bugs are here!

Salvation is what all these stranded tourists, businesspeople, best men heading to weddings, mourning uncles en route to funerals, .... need. And salvation is what the airline industry needs too. They’ve already had sp pretty touch economic times recently and now nature just kicked them in the stomach. Amazing how volcanic activity on the tiny island of Iceland totally freezes European airspace and grounds thousands and thousands of flights around the world. Europe is cut off. And the amazing ripple effect of the global planet. People stranded in Florida that needed to get to Scotland. People stranded in Hong Kong that should have taken their kids back to school in Amsterdam today. Journalists stuck in Paris that should have been in South Africa by now to report on the final preparations for the upcoming football/soccer world cup. Wives and kids stuck in London that should have been reunited with their fathers and husbands in Cairo yesterday. Dubai, normally a big hub for global passengers, losing millions of US$ per day. It’s a brutal domino effect. Amazing how in the 21st Century a prehistoric-old, natural event still is almighty. The human race might have invented thousand of amazing things and progressed living life (and in many cases also unfortunately so called ‘progressed’) but volcanic power is still above all that. Nature can still rule everything.


From the purity and natural power to the silliness of humans. Just a step away.
Sue Mills is mayor of Torrington, somewhere in England. And she couldn’t keep her racist braincells silent.

Sue went on Facebook and posted a comment saying that illegal immigrants are like sperm. Millions enter but only one really works.

Kick that.

As always with politicians, after being caught out she apologized and said she was misunderstood. So deja-vu! So predictable! And so stupid. If you put something controversial on Facebook and you are a politician and the UK is in election fever, of course it’s gonna get noticed. It’s obvious. Some politicians are clearly too stupid to be in the position that they are are. And she is a mayor on top of it all. Vote her out!

Sticking with human stupidity. Brain errors.

From the UK down under to its former prison colony Australia.

A cook-book publisher has to recall thousands of its “Pasta Bible” and burn them all into history. The recipe for tagliatelle with sardinnes had the unusual advice to add “freshly grounded black people”.

A cannabilistic error from note! The “people” should have apparently been “pepper”. But that’s more than just a quick, slippery finger on a keyboard.

Recipe of stupidity.

Throw out. Discovered The Great St Louis. The GSL is a band from the UK. Indie-punkrock. Great tunes. They just released their 2nd album, “In your own time”. 10 Quality tracks. No clue why they chose that band name but they know how to rock.
Check them out!

C - Ya

collateral – 2nd half of April 2010

Death of the ghost

You gotta fight for your rights! That’s what some workers at the Carlsberg beer factory near the Danish capital Copenhagen thought. Firmly thought. A matter of principle!

They went on a 5 day strike because management had reduced their daily ration of 3 free beers to only 1. And that was just unacceptable! Those damn capitalist bosses and cutting costs all the time!!

Those Carlsberg-Vikings got their priorities clearly in order. Reducing their access to free quality lager was just a declaration of war. That’s plain abuse! And so they went on strike to fight for their right to 3 free bottles of Carlsberg per day.

You wont have that labour issue in Sudan. Certainly not in the Muslim north, but probably not even in the Christian south.

The south is very conservative in that freakish reborn-Christian kind of way. Rap music is a no-go. Any alternative music in fact is the incarnation of pure evil. Ladies in pants are just not accepted (and sometimes even get attacked as a “corrective measure”), and forget any modern art. In fact any liberal, free thinking can end up being a dangerous lifestyle in southern Sudan. So probably no worker there will strike over eventual reduced free alcohol access at the beer factory. On top of that jobs are not a luxury in the poor, post-war southern Sudan. And thus that labourer wont lay down tools over free beer because it’s very likely that that would be his or her last day at the factory. The replacements are already queuing outside the factory gates.

So Sudan is in election mode. Putting that X down for several layers of government, including the almighty presidency. And remember current president Al Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court for his role in the Darfur onslaught. Wanted – dead or alive, as cowboy George Bush Jr would say proudly.

But the voting didn’t start well in the vast country because of plenty of logistical troubles, and also because many opposition parties had withdrawn before the voting stations even opened. They claim the vote is already rigged before the first Sudanese citizen even puts down the X.

It’s all a bit chaotic. Voting is set for several says. Remote voting stations opened with hours delay. Some registered voters didn’t find their name back on the voting roll. And then so many parties withdrew days before polling day, but after the ballot papers were already printed. So in fact on the ballot paper that voters get as they walk into the voting stations are many parties that have in the meantime withdrawn from the race. Confusing.

Al Bashir will just be re-elected easily in such circumstances. The pariah will remain in his palace.

And then in the south this is all a warming-up exercise for the referendum for independence that is scheduled for early 2011. Wondering how a re-elected Al Bashir will react when the south votes – as is expected - to break away from Sudan. Will his jets fly over south Sudan? Will the war-torn south feel the pain of a new conflict with the north? It’s going to be a tense countdown till that referendum. Will the birth of the new nation, called Southern Sudan, be drenched in blood or will the secession be reasonably smooth? And once again, oil is a core factor in the stand-off between north and south. Black gold fuels the flames of war.

From the sandpit of Sudan southwards to South Africa. Hope of Africa. Host of the soccer world cup in less than 2 months.

Easter Saturday saw white-supremacist Eugene Terre’Blanche being slaughtered to death by 2 of his black farm workers. A very brutal affair. Racial tensions got a spike. Suspected killers will face their trial and meanwhile Terre’Blanche has been buried on his farm. Ashes to ashes, dirt (oh yes) to dirt.

His party, the Afrikaner Resistance Movement, first claimed revenge but then quickly put water on the flames of hatred. But tensions remain. But his party is a spent-force. A ghost of the dark past. Last October Terre’Blance wanted to revive, relaunch his party but only 200 or so fellow narrow-minded whites showed up at the party. He really had lost most of his attraction and the vast majority of whites have moved on. Either they emigrated to Australia. Either they never believed in white supremacy. Either they decided to stay within the democratic playground and marked their X behind the name of democratic opposition parties (or some for the ruling party of the African National Congress).

Terre'Blanche, himself from a French bloodline traced back to the French port of Toulouse, kept believing in the dream of the rebirth of a white, Afrikaner homeland.

But now it seems that there might be a very dark secret to his brutal death. The slaughter by his 2 farm workers (a teenager and a young man in his 20s) might follow years of sexual abuse. Indeed, white supremacist Terre’Blanche might have been involved in gay activities. The white supremacist with firm Christian beliefs might have sodomised a black, teenage farm worker. Kick that! If it wouldn’t be so damn sad it would make a great Hollywood script.

In his views blacks were the lesser race,... but just maybe good enough for a gay s**k and a gay f**k. The ultimate treason to his own beliefs and speeches and arguments and views and opinions. His community is in shock and hates the outside world even more. Reality is hard to accept. The first black president in 1994 was already a crude shock to their system, but now this possibility that their proud, horse-riding leader had this dark, evil, sick secret is really pushing his followers to the bottle.

Pharmacies and bottle stores will do booming business. Pills and booze for the betrayed.

The trial of his 2 killers should bring out some interesting revelations. And not those of the bible-kind. Ashes to ashes, dirt to dirt.

Human behaviour needs a drink to wash away the vomit.

Throw out. The hard-hitting lads from Queens, NY are still pounding. Sick Of It All is about to release a new album – “Based On A True Story”. And once again it’s full of energy, in-your-face rhythms and lots of power. The band has been releasing demos, singles, albums since 1986 on a very regular basis. And although age is catching up unavoidably, after nearly 25 years Sick of It All still rules and rules hard. “Based On A True Story” has 14 tracks that simply proof these 4 lads are far from finished. Kick that. Respect.

C -Ya

collateral – somewhere near the middle of April 2010

Blood stained shoes

Shoes kill. Or say, shoe-fetish kill. Shoe-madness. Shoe-insanity. How shoes let the beast out of the cage.And kill....

A 46 year old woman got stabbed to death in South Africa during a fight over shoes. Her brother is in hospital with stab wounds to the chest. The shoe-killer is still on the loose.

New shoes and a bloody knife in one hand. Easy to spot.

The incident did not happen at a mad shoe sale in a large shopping mall. It happened at the home of the victim. A simple disagreement on who owned a specific pair of shoes got out of hand. Seriously out of hand. Slipped into insanity and ended up in murder.

Speaking of tainted shoes!

From strangely and bloody human behaviour to breakfast with a buzz.

The fire brigade drove out in full force. I think it was in London, UK. The automatic alarm came from a VVVIP. And thus red lights were flashing brighter and sirens sounded louder. Pedal to the metal.

And off they went. And they arrived at Tony Blair’s house. That former British prime minister, better known as Bush’s poodle. Interesting legacy Blair left behind. He modernised the British Labour Party which saved it from oblivion. And then blindly followed George Bush Jr’s orders and took his nation to war all based on some lies and spin.

Anyway. All the mad rush for nothing. It was just a burned toast. Will we ever know if at the start of it all it was white or brown bread?

Staying in the United Kingdom. That former world power, now just some industrialised nation struggling to cope with reality. Anyway.

So a German person died in the UK. Obviously the family wants to take the body back to Germany for a burial. But they fear the repatriation costs.

So they put the corpse in a taxi and drive to Liverpool airport to catch a cheap flight back home. Put the dead one in a wheelchair and roll him/her up to the check in desk. Act like he/she is asleep and see if the trick works.

It didn’t! Caught out and fined. You just can’t take dead meat onto an airplane. Regulations are there for a purpose! Strange Germans...

The world has gone astray. Murder for shoes. Burned toast. And a dead man wants seat 24C.

So the Brits are having national elections on May 6. Only 4 parties in the contest. With some weirdoes on the fringes here and there.

The 2 traditional ones, Conservatives and Labour. Then the not-so-new-kids-on-the-block-anymore Liberal Democrats. And then the up and coming extreme right BNP. So the campaign has started. Politicians and politico-wannabees crisscrossing the UK in the next 4 weeks. Serious carbon footprint this campaign stuff. Flights, busses, cars.

The Conservatives still live in the dream to revive the Margaret Thatcher era. Hallucinations. There was a time when Maggie and her clone Ronald Reagan across the Atlantic were the rulers of the world. The Iron Lady and the 2nd hand cowboy. What a match! But those days are gone and the damage done.

So the Conservatives now have a young lad on the posters trying to appeal to a broader based UK public. For now opinion polls put him in the lead. But many polls worldwide have proven too many times pretty wrong over the many years they are being used as the holy grail of political uncertainty.

The youngster with the private education is up against the bulldog-looking Gordon Brown from Labour. Brown was handpicked as Blair’s successor and thus is now facing his first real election test. He doesn’t look as slick as his opponent and he spins things less convincing too. And he’s got baggage. Baggage from being in government for a long time. And baggage is difficult to sell. The trick is to turn baggage into experience. Brown with the scars of having been in the hotseat versus the young lad with the baby face. How appealing are scars of life? So it's the too often sad looking Brown (in a boring suit) against the botox smile of the young lad.

And then there is the Liberal Democrat party in 3rd place. Also with a young face on the posters. They bring some kind of alternative to the 2 traditional dinosaurs of British politics. But will the so called LibDems finally break through and become the2nd largest party?

And then there are the dark horses from the British National Party. A traditional extreme right party like similar clones in France, Austria, Belgium, Holland,... Anti this and anti that. They have been growing recently cashing in on voters’ frustrations with the economy, immigration, bad weather and the quality of breakfast sausages.

So we’ll see how it all goes on May 6. Democracy is a beautiful thing. Plenty of potholes and pitfalls but for now the best power tool humans have invented to manage a free and fair society based on the rule of law.

I wonder if Gordon Brown also has toast issues in the morning?

Throw out. The Texas punkrock’n’rollers from Born To Lose have just released their new, 11-track album “The dreams of kids”. And once again it kicks ass. Loud and proud. These lads have been around for a quite a while now and every release has just been great. And they don’t seem to stop. Rolling on. Like drunken bikers through the Austin night. “The dreams of kids” is once more full of anthemic songs and greasy guitar. Close your eyes as track 4 - “The bored and the lost” – kicks off. You might think for a few seconds that you are listening to Motorhead’s classic of classic albums “Ace of Spades” from way back when.


collateral – April 2010