
Can’t get us humans down so easily. We survived 2012! The Mayans were wrong, and we didn’t fall over the fiscal cliff into the oblivion of political and economical insanity.

So 2013 can bring it on!! We are ready as much as we can. Armed and loaded. Cynicism as bulletproof jacket. Cocktails of hope and glory, but with reality as the only stepping stone.

Cuz human behavior can have that extra madness that is just too nuts to comprehend.  The limitations of our own humanity and the cliff of dehumanization.

Cows and sheep die. That’s a fact. Just like all other species on this overheated and overpopulated planet earth. But in the African sandpit of Mauritania cows and sheep die mainly (70%!!!!) by eating plastic bags. That’s why the government has banned plastic bags. There you have it. The first green policy of 2013 and this by this unknown, poor, hot, African nation.

Sticking to plastic. Tourists visiting Vatican City have to pay in cash because the Bank of Italy, covering the financial regulations within this tiny state, has banned the use of credit cards in the Holy Seat because of too much fraud. So to get blessed or light a candle it’s cash only for now. Amazing really. Credit cards banned in the holiest of holy places because of fraud. Working in the Vatican clearly doesn’t make you a better person. The devil is really everywhere!

Human behavior can’t be cured,… not even by the Pope’s blessing. Amen.

From the tiny Vatican City to the much larger US of A.

Red, White and Blue is still bruised by the Newton school massacre. And now a small community not too far from Newton decided to organize a great burning action. It wants to collect violent video games, movies and music from all families and set them all alight. Hope there isn’t a Koran amidst the games by accident!

The burning-show is set for January 12th in Connecticut’s Southington. Memories of the burning of so-called evil books in past times come to mind. And the destruction of ‘unacceptable’ art is another onslaught that happened in the past here and there across our globe.

Emotional reactions to emotional events are always filled with hate, traps, dysfunctional brainwaves and cheap ‘answers’ to society’s woes.

Human behavior is a trigger happy one. Burn Babylon burn.

The Connecticut bloodbath is also keeping American politics on fire. And certainly those politicians and organizations that represent the more non-centrist thinking.

The National Riffle Association straight away called for armed guards at every school across the nation. A few days later firefighters were shot and killed by an armed lunatic. So following the NRA’s train of thought the next required step is armed guards with every firefighter. Employment options are growing! Maybe it’s a step to get America working again and unemployment down. A fully arming of society as an economic boost. No recession, no fiscal cliff, just straight out lock and loaded.

As cowboy movies are a crucial part of Hollywood’s cultural legacy, the NRA train of thought needs to be taken to the next level. Like giving back the handgun and buying a KZ2 assault rifle or an E17.

And that train keeps rolling. Armed guards with every DHL delivery person cuz you just never know what ambush he or she is walking in when delivering that parcel. Enough nutters out there and thus plenty of ambush options. But then FedEx and UPS are already protesting and thus armed guards for them too. The logic step is then of course armed guards with every postman and –woman. They face door-to-door threats every day everywhere. From Manhattan to the Bronx to LA and Chicago. From Paris in Texas to Nebraska’s Lincoln and for sure even Seattle.

One wonders then if also every taxi driver doesn’t need an armed guard. Enough nutters out there shouting “taxi” and seeking a ride to a dark destination. Check out Robert DeNiro in the 1976 classic movie Taxi Driver to have an idea. Even the taxi driver in this blockbuster got screws loose. So armed guards for taxi customers too?!?

And if firefighters get armed support then obviously also ambulance staff. That’s a no brainer. And probably also fast food outlets open at night, because a hungry madman / mad woman can be really a life threating situation for the McD or KFC nightshift worker. The nutcase might be pissed of his burger was a bit raw last week and now come back for a bit of a butchery revenge. Bloodbath deluxe.

And on and on it goes. Armed guards in churches, synagogues, Tibetan temples, mosques, banks, hospitals, political party offices, gyms, cinemas for sure, zoos, hardware stores, drug stores, Disney parks, casinos, massage parlours, video stores,…. And obviously also armed guards in and at gun shops.  

Human behavior is a finger on a trigger.

Staying with madmen in America.

A man was arrested in NYC on one of the last days of 2012. He – allegedly – wanted to pay US$5000 to a NYC cop to kidnap a Manhattan woman whom he intended to rape and then kill. But the man’s defence lawyer then claimed that the arrest was to silence a case about internet sexual fantasies and the cop’s cannibalism tendencies.

Wow,… any B-rated horror movie in the make? The judge’s gonna have a field day with this one.

Maybe all US citizens need armed guards if the men in blue might have cannibalism tendencies. There are no limits anymore. Maybe the Mayans were not wrong but just slightly off in their calculations and ancient calendar techniques.

Human behavior can be a total shoot out.

Throw out. “X-mas has been x’ed“ is the new single from LA’s aging punkrockers NO FX. These lads have been around since 1983 and don’t seem to have retirement plans in place yet.


Collateral – January 2013 is here!